《The Adventures of Nick Cage》Book 1: Chapter 7: One Does Not Simply Leave
Author's Corner: Final chapter today, some mature content but at this point you should be over it. Also go me for having this out an hour early!
" " = people talking
italics = people thinking
* * = sounds
' ' = people talking within telepathy
CAPS = Power usage
Book 1: Chapter 7: One Does Not Simply Leave
It took three days but eventually the girls with the help of the 7 AI found a solution for their biggest problem... Stopping Ruby from joining the harem of course!
“Okay, now that our immediate problem is taken care of. Any news about Nick yet?” –Solaria
‘No, he is still in jail and hasn’t had any contact yet though he is optimistic it should be soon. Something about blowing something up or something, I forget as it’s not important.’ –Sally
“By the way, how are we sure that Porter will help us? He seemed to simply say what we want when we asked without giving any real conviction.” –Maya
“Oh! I have a plan, why not use Barb?” –Scarlet Queen
“Huh? What do you mean? How can I help? I’m not even part of this conversation, and why are you all bothering my training time?” –Barb
“Fufufufufu, it’s clear that Porter has a thing for you Barb. I’ve only been here a few days and even I can see that.” –Maya
“Exactly! Barb can just seduce him if need be and we are set.” –Scarlet Queen
“S s s s se seduce? I know of no such battle technique!” –Barb
“Oh, it’s only the greatest battle technique! Let me explain to you the details on how to accomplish it…” –Solaria
And with that the girls went back to work on Plan B. Meanwhile as Nick was about to blow up the whole fucking planet he finally heard movement outside his cell.
“Nick it’s me. I have a plan.” –Female Alien
“What do you mean plan? I can leave whenever I want and just kill everyone.” –Nick
“Yes but that isn’t a good plan, at least not for me.” –Female Alien
“Fine I will listen to your plan, but it better be good or else more heads will roll.” –Nick
This planet marks the first place where Nick has been able to go all out and kill someone just for pissing him off. He has always had to hold his anger in and smile so as not to seem like such a bad guy, but now he can finally kill to his heart’s content. He really hopes this plan is in line with his current sensibilities.
“Well since you killed the Queen and that fat bitch did not have any heirs being both fat and a bitch, there is a huge power vacuum that needs to be filled. Some are of the same faction of the fat Queen in that they want to keep the status quo and change nothing, others when to evolve! The reason we have not failed is because we have not even tried!” –Female Alien
“What do you mean you have not even tried? Doesn’t the evolution start once you go out into space? I saw your space ships.” –Nick
“No, it starts when you land on your local moon. Before we were able to go into space we were visited by a Class 2 planet that had evolved already. They told us about the first monument on the moon and the second monument in a place where technology does not work.” –Female Alien
“Wait, so you are saying if we never went to the moon we would not have evolved and thus not be facing extinction?” –Nick
“No, I’m saying if you never unlocked the second monument you would not be facing extinction. Remember I said they were from a Class 2 planet. There are two ways to upgrade your planet and only one requires evolving.” –Female Alien
“What are you talking about Class 2 planets?” –Nick
“Well since your planet is full of humans you get ignored since humans always evolve and then die. It is so common that no one will even visit a planet of humans for any reason and only the Class 1 planets with humans on them have any hope at all of being visited since they are not yet doomed. But anyways a Class 1 planet is just a normal planet with sentient creatures on it. A Class 2 planet is one with evolved creatures or creatures that have reached the stars. Since they both mean the same thing since you cannot evolve without reaching the stars the only difference is, if you don’t evolve then you don’t die a horrible death for failing to continue it.” –Female Alien
Still not knowing her name or even caring for that matter Nick starts to ponder all that he has heard.
“Then what is the difference for those who evolve but don’t pass the trials?” –Nick
“If you don’t pass the trials you get a longer period of time before your planet goes into the extinction event. However, if you pass to the second stage without going to the second monument you get a free pass to survival and never get an extinction event. It is very valuable to do this and that is why we have two factions. One’s who are stupid and fat and one who wants to evolve but not go to the second monument. Right now both are blocked and unapproachable so that no one forces the decision on us which is why our faction that wants to evolve and not be ugly and fat anymore are trying to now fight a war for spot of Queen as only the Queen has the ability to change the rules. This is why we need your help.” –Female Alien
“Okay let’s say that I help. I get to leave once you or whoever you choose becomes Queen right?” –Nick
“Yes you can leave as soon as that happens, so long as you have a way to do so as no one will be flying back to your doomed world. Also if all goes well I personally will become Queen so feel free to call me Future Queen if you like.” –Female Alien
Yes I did notice she said something disturbing. If I let her become queen and she evolves then she will become pretty and then the curse may activate, I cannot let that happen so the only choice is to set her up and leave immediately! –Nick
“Okay I’m in miss Future Queen. Who do I have to kill?” –Nick
“Fortunately all the fat fucks as you like to call them are in the same district; I can show you where it is, but I need to come with you so my path to becoming Queen will be uncontested!” –Future Queen
“Sounds good, but how do I stop them from sending me into one of these cells?” –Nick
“You let your guard down, I had to touch you for it to work, since you did not see me as a threat you let me. Just don’t make the same mistake and it should be fine.” –Future Queen
“Sounds good, you said they are in the same spot, I take it that it’s close?” –Nick
“They are back in that hideous throne room. As soon as I become Queen I’m going to make it pretty like the places on your world. Who wants to be fat and hideous I’ll never know…” –Future Queen
“Wait they are in the throne room, then what is the process of electing a new Queen?” –Nick
“One just simply has to sit on the throne for a full day, so far a few have tried but kept failing, it wasn’t until the latest fat fuck that people stopped trying. That is why I’m here now as she has the largest amount of guards and has been on the throne for a full 20 hours!” –Future Queen
“Then let’s do this!” –Nick
With that the one who dubbed herself as Future Queen teleported the two of them back to her ship which coincidentally is still docked near the throne room. Once there they were met with her two guards and started to exit the ship to enter the long hallway leading to the throne room.
“As soon as we leave this ship the hallway will be packed with guards of the latest fat one so the rest is up to you.” –Future Queen
“Have no worries, it’s time to bring the pain, but I need the proper audience so the hallway guys will just have to not be a part of the festivities it seems.” –Nick
With that Nick opens the door and fully powers up his suit making invulnerable to all their fancy technology. As soon as he steps into the corridor he is instantly blasted with tons of different energy blasts. Of course none of them do anything to him and with a casual wave of his hand all those near him are flung into either side of him making paint stains on the wall with their blood. Infusing his fully Aura into his telekinesis and while fighting normals they really did not stand a chance. Thus, he quickly walked into the throne room to see even more guards facing the entrance and other fatasses all over the room and bowing to the ultimate fatass that is sitting on the throne.
“It’s showtime!” –Nick
“@#%@#%@#%#@%@#%@%@#” –Fatass on Throne
With that the guards nearby started to shoot him. Realizing his blunder with the language Barrier Nick simply deflected all the energy blasts upward so as not to accidentally kill anyone prematurely.
‘Sorry about that, I forgot you fatasses did not speak a civilized language. Now can we get started?’ –Nick
‘Who are you and how are you not dead? I did not know any evolved individuals were on our planet.’ –Fatass on Throne
‘Oh sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Nick and I’m here to put a non fatass on the throne so you guys can start evolving. Fortunately that will be very easy.’ –Nick
With that Nick lifts the fatass on the throne with telekinesis and brings her closer to him where he simply swings his hand once and sends her head rolling. Sometimes the best way to stop a large group of people is to kill the fatass in charge.
At this time there is utter silence as no one can understand what is going on. Fortunately there are plenty of other fatass females in the room all wanting the throne so they made a mad slow dash/crawl/slide to the throne. They were so fat it was pathetic. So as to relieve their legs of their heavy burden, Nick simply waved his hand again and all the fatasses in the room all fell over dead with their heads all rolling on the ground and green blood squirting everywhere.
‘Now where was I? Oh that’s right, I was killing all the fat people so I could put a skinny one on the throne, and you guards are not going to resist correct?’ –Nick
‘No sir, we are men sir and thus have to do what we are told, we have no say in it but since our masters are dead we will follow whoever you put in charge.’ –Intelligent Male Alien
‘Great, Future Queen it is time for your debut. Go take your throne and let the 24 hours start now.’ –Nick
With that the Future Queen sits on the throne with a smile on her face. Then out of nowhere the previous smart guy opens his mouth. Whatever happened to the saying that even a fool would be seen as wise if he just shut the fuck up!
‘Now that that is done we are going to leave as we want nothing to do with a skinny one. Our masters are the glorious fat ones!’ –No so Intelligent Male Alien
‘Oh? But you said you would follow whoever I put on the throne, this is who I put on the throne, now follow her.’ –Nick
‘No, we cannot follow a skinny, we are all leaving now.’ –Idiot Male Alien
And with that the 100ish guards left in the room all started to run towards the exits.
I’ve always wanted to say that. –Nick
Thus the killing started again, some were beheaded, some were blasted away, some were punched to death and blown to bits, and some were even killed by shutting down their brain and not leaving a single mark on the body. Once about 50 were left Nick started to get excited since he rounded them all up and was going to experiment what a 10.0 Aura could really do.
Since they were all in one spot he stood right in front of them and focused his entire 10.0 Aura on them infused with his killing intent. The results were spectacular! It was as if 100 tons of gravity hit them all at once as body parts were splayed in every which way and only death remained.
“Well looks like they are all dead. When can I leave? Or do you even have enough people to guard you for the next 24 hours?” –Nick
“You killed all the fat ones so even if someone comes to remove me it will be a skinny one so it should be safe. However, if you stick around you may see something special *BLUSH*.” –Queen
“That will be fine, I have to get back to my wives after all.” –Nick
“But how will you get back, if you wait the 24 hours I promise to take you back personally.” –Queen
At this moment Nick remembered why he was here in the first place, it involved running away from a Witch trying to snag him because of his curse. He thought he was squared before, but he only didn’t want to get involved with the witch because she hired bad guys and he wasn’t able to fix his reputation at that time if he came out he was bad. But at this moment he felt true fear.
Remembering his ring, he instantly dug through for another teleportation talisman and activated without a second thought! What awaited Nick when he returned to Earth surprised and delighted him as he saw the time was late and his two wives were laying down on his bed buck ass naked awhile sleeping with the covers all over the place.
Not one to miss a golden opportunity he woke them both up and started playing with both sets of breasts at the same time.
“Mmmmmmmmmm. I missed this. Come make momma happy.” –Solaria
Maya just gave him a look that said fuck me hard and fuck me fast.
It was times like this that Nick wish he knew a doppleganger technique so he could pleasure both girls at the same time. Instead he flipped Solaria over on her stomach so her ass was in the air and placed her on top of Maya forcing her to push her pussy in Maya’s face while he then inserted himself into Maya to take her fast and hard like she wanted it.
Not giving Solaria a chance to make a protest he used his fingers to play with her ass and pussy while Maya watched from beneath. This quickly caused Nick to cum buckets inside of Maya.
“That feels soooo good. AHHHH!” –Solaria
“Give it to me give it to me GIVE IT TO ME!!!!” –Maya
After Maya came Nick pulled Solaria back so her breasts were in front of Maya’s face and their pussies were next to each other. He then pulled his still hard member out of Maya’s pussy and into Solaria’s pussy. This caused Maya to finally wake up and notice Solaria’s glorious breasts right there for the sucking, and since vampires like to suck so much she went along with it making Solaria gasp once more.
All night long Nick swapped back and forth between the two girls leaving deposits every round in each of them. By the time the sun came up they were all exhausted and plastered over the tiny Queen sized bed. Before any of them could even wake up let alone get in the covers the door opens.
“Nick! I heard you were back, are you okay?” –Scarlet Queen
Shortly after saying this the door is immediately slammed and mutterings can be heard from the other side of the door.
“What is seen cannot be unseen…” –Scarlet Queen
“Mmmmmmmm, I think it is time to wake up honey.” –Solaria
“Fufufufufu, your poor mother is having a hard time over there.” –Maya
“Serves her right, what did she think would be on the other side of the door?” –Nick
Eventually everyone woke up and met back up in the command center to discuss their plans on getting rid of Ted now that Nick is back.
“So, Scarlet… Queen. What is this great plan you couldn’t tell us until Nick came back? Also if it matters you should tell us about these aliens when you get a chance, but somehow they don’t feel as important as Ted or the clock that has 360 days remaining on it.” –Mr. Absolute
“Yes I have a great plan but it will only work with the help of a reformed supervillain.” –Scarlet Queen
“A What?!?” –Nick
With that exclamation the doors to the elevator opened and out walked Johnny Cage, only this time he is wearing a full suit and cape minus the mask. But no one could mistake that gay err um.. rainbow colored cape anywhere.
“What the fuck is going on? Why are you wearing that hideous cape!?” –Nick
“What? Mom didn’t tell you? I’m the reformed supervillain!” –Johnny/Dr. Sin
“Figured as much.” –Mr. Absolute
“Wait? Why are you not surprised? How come only Porter and Barb have surprise on their face?” –Nick
“Well I recognized your mother already as Scarlet Death, known associate to Dr. Sin. I figured something was going on when she showed us her superhero badge so I left it alone. After all, I couldn’t forget a pair of tits like that in a million years…” –Mr. Absolute
“I recognized your brother as Dr. Sin at the wedding. But no one was fighting so I just ignored it as other stuff was going on. I never forget an Aura and I’ve already felt Dr. Sins before. Not even a mask can hide that.” –Solaria
“Hohoho looks like my son picked a good team and wife to before to deduce my plan so easily.” –Scarlet Queen/Death
“This explains a lot and is also a great plan. Not sure why I didn’t think of it! Of course the most notorious supervillain is actually a superhero undercover. His job must have been to funnel the really bad guys to Interpol so we could take them out, leaving only Ted as the last one alive. That also begs the question of whether or not Ruby is as bad as you girls keep saying…” –Nick
“No Nick, she is worse! Sure she may be one of the good guys but she always has ulterior motives. She wants to steal you away from us leaving us with nothing but scraps! This is unacceptable!” –Maya
“I agree 100%, Ruby must be put on the do no talk to list from now on. Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, what is the actual plan to stop Ted?” –Solaria
“Well that is up the Nick. With his genius and my abominations aka the seven deadly sins, we should be able to take him down permanently.” –Dr. Sin
And with that, Nick really started to rethink his life. All his life he wanted to be the ultimate supervillain and come to find out his mother and brother are at the top of the food chain as far as supervillains go. The only one left is Black Widow… but seeing as she is always with Dr. Sin and him saying how he is married with 4 kids putting two and two together is pretty easy.
Well I guess since I can’t be the bad guy and have to stop the only real bad guy left, it is time to pull out my trump card. With this item I’ll show how truly vulnerable I am and after I get all the accolades I should be in a good position to take over everything… One thing at a time though, must save the world within 360 days too. Who knows, maybe someone else will save the world. I really wish I asked that bitch what a Class 3 world was… surely some passed the final test and became Class 3 or higher… It seems life only leaves me with more questions instead of answers, but in the end, I will control everything, this I swear! –Nick
Hope everyone enjoyed the 3 chapter release. My Tuesday schedule for now will be 1 chapter guaranteed and 2 maybe. Mondays and Wednesdays are the only days atm where I can do 3. Thursdays should be a solid 2 with 1 max fri-sun.
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