《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》20: An Unstoppable Force


An Unstoppable Force.

John and the rest of the students from the cafeteria were taken to a concrete are completely covered in horse-drawn wagons.

The sight of dozens of wagons in ordered rows allowed all of the students some reprieve from the stress of their situation.

John and his fellow survivors were greeted by many other groups of students being brought to the wagons, this allowed John to understand the intention of the knights. An evacuation.

John and the other students were herded into the wagons, Celsius happily sat at John's feet. Cameron was sat accross from John and started to converse as the wagon set off on its journey.

"This might finally be over..."

John was clearly not as confident as Cameron, hanging his head low as the horses carrying the wagons started to move.

John finally lifted his head and spoke.

"Looks like we're heading off."

He looked around the carriage, he recognized Cameron but the other 4 people were a mystery.

One of the people turned to John and smiled.

"My name is Sam. This is Elena."

He smiled and then pointed to the girl next to him.

Another person looked at John before speaking.

"You're... John? My name is Oliver."

The last person raised his head and revealed himself to be the boy John had saved from the tattoed ogre ealier.

"I'm Harrison."

The carriage wasn't the smoothest ride but John much preferred it to running.

I wonder where we're going? I'd ask the knight but he seems to be guarding us all...

John stared at the knight who had saved him earlier, he was riding a snow-white horse that allowed him to guard at the front of the caravan.

The occasional goblin or orc were dispatched easily by the knight. The caravan never lost speed as they travelled along the road at an impressive speed.


John considered something as he recalled his fight with the extremely fast goblin, he used his magic to win the fight.

Even non-combat magic had an application, John also considered that magic like waterball could probably turn into waterball shot through just training. It was likely considering that John felt a slight degree of control over the waterball whenever he used it, he imagined that with practice he could eventually manipulate it directly.

John also thought about his other skill, hard body, the skill didnt really give John a sensation of control but he imagined that practice with it would allow him to access stronger versions of the skill with time.

John was rocked around as the wagon bumped on the ground, this disrupted his concentration and left him talking to Cameron again.

"What do you think will happen when we get where they're taking us?"

Cameron contemplated for a moment.

"I have no idea, realistically we'd be evacuated to a place where they can sort us into groups right?. Who knows with this place though."

John turned and watched as the trees were passed quickly and eventually the wagon began to cross a beautiful mint-green meadow.

John could smell the grass as the wagon rushed by. Leaning back into his seat and breathing deeply with relief, he began to think of what he needed to do to get out of his current situation.

At that moment, a large group of goblins and orcs were spotted ahead of the caravan. John froze.

The students were on edge but the knights merely smiled before moving towards the creatures.

The goblins were the first to die, skewered by more than a dozen knights.

The orcs fared moderately better, fighting relatively evenly with the knights for a while before eventually being overcame.


The knights cheered and celebrated as a rumbling could be heard.

Approaching the convoy were two shadowy figures : a small goblin, and a large one-armed orc.

Students began to complain.

"They fucking followed us?"

John became angry, the knights approaching the creatures and engaging them.

The orc punched at each of the knights but missed, only its weaker arm was remaining and its damage was insignificant.

The knights danced through the orcs attacks before finishing the creature by piercing it through the eye.

The goblin fared much better, it continually deployed barriers to block the knights. The goblin fired beams of white light and shot fireballs continually.

Eventually the goblin began to chant, its staff glowing purple and being enveloped in runic symbols.

2 of the knights were suddenly lifted into the air and flung, the goblin laughed sadistically before covering the area in a thundercloud.

At that moment a blue beam was fired through the stomach of the goblin, searing through its flesh and leaving a gaping hole in it's stomach.

Celsius held his mouth wide, fire dancing along his tongue.

He had finally managed to fire a beam.

John began to pet Celsius proudly as the knights and other students stared, astonished.

Celsius wagged his tail with pride and jumped down, eating the corpses of the two creatures.

The same knight that had helped John earlier approached.

"You... have you learnt beast taming? It's a hard practice to master. But I believe it's very useful."

John didn't know what to do for a response, simply nodding.

Everyone sorta knows how to handle pets right? I had a dog as a kid but I've never really had much affinity for pets... Celsius is just so well behaved and helpful though.

Everyone began to celebrate their victory over the goblin and orc.

John sighed with relief before calling Celsius back into the wagon.

As the knights mounted their horses again, the caravan began to move. John felt relieved once more as Celsius began to sleep on his lap.

Cameron turned to John and smiled.

"With that, every obstacle should be pretty much dealt with, no?"

John shrugged and the others stared at the meadow as they moved accross it.

Around half a mile directly ahead of the caravan, a figure was stood.

His body was emanating sparks of purple, black and red.

A demon.

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