《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》21: An immovable Object


An Immovable Object.

John and the rest of his group were all pondering what they would do in the future, events over the last few days had brought their primal fears and needs to the forefront and the children were ill equipped to deal with their situation.

I hadn't thought too much about this... but chances are we aren't going to be able to just go home. Even if someone knows the method it's probable that they'll try and force us into doing something for them in return. If this were a fantasy book killing some sort of dark lord would work, doubt someone that conveniently evil actually exists even in this world.

Cameron began chatting with other members of the group as John thought to himself.

"Does anyone here know anything about our situation?"

None of the children spoke up, Cameron looked down with slight disappointment.

"So... where were you guys when this started?"

One of the girls looked at Cameron.

"We were in P.E. a group of those things attacked us and we were helpless... we couldn't do anything at all..."

One of the boys also spoke up.

"I was in English, one of our teachers used a pencil to kill one of those green bastards."

The convoy of students and knights came to a halt, a horde of orcs and goblins were blocking the path ahead of them.

The knights began to shoot arrows and swing swords at the creatures ; The ground became covered in a layer of red.

Soon the obstruction had been removed and the convoy charged forward with a much greater confidence than before.

John changed his line of thought, looking down at Celsius and smiling.

He's a very loyal and helpful companion, I'm a little unsure about how easy it'll be to take him around if he grows much bigger than he is right now though.


John and the others were quickly shaken and thrown around the wagon as the ground tremored, John landed on the floor with a thud and Celsius went to the ground to guard him.

John rose to his feet along with the rest of the people in the convoy, staring from the wagon to find the cause of the tremors.

He looked in dismay as the knight who had helped him kill the large orc rushed towards a smiling figure.

"I'll kill you demon!"

He ran with his spear extended and fire in his eyes, the tip of his spear span rapidly as he thrusted towards the creature.

The figure simply rose his hand to meet the knights spear and smiled, launching him back with a blast of red, black and purple.

Other knights attempted to incapacitate the figure as he effortlessly defeated them all.

All of the students began to panic but none dared to leave the relative safety of the wagons.

The knights who had fallen to the creature were unconcious or seriously injured.

The figure lifted his arm and one of the wagons floated towards him, he checked each of the students before tossing the wagon to the side in disappointment.

"No heroes... this might take longer than expected."

He dragged another wagon towards him before tossing it aside after a moment.

John wasn't as focused on the figure as Celsius was agitated but when he turned he saw the figure was carrying several students with him.

Eventually he began to drag the wagon John was sat in, John tried to calm Celsius as he braced himself dor the wagon being thrown.

The creature was wearing a mask but it's eyes could be clearly seen, vicious eyes with specks of black, red and purple.

"Excellent, a hero."


Cameron was lifted from the wagon and knocked unconcious as John stared in horror, Cameron being added to the pile of people as many of the students climbed from their wagons and ran away.

The figures gaze almost fell onto John but Celsius jumped up and fired a blast at the being, a beam of blue light struck the creature and he became enraged.

"You filthy creature! I'll end your life for that!"

The "demon" lifted Celsius from the wagon as John shook with fear, he began to viciously kick and punch Celsius who was whimpering and yelping in pain.

John felt powerless, he was scared of the being but tried to focus himself. He focused on the sounds of pain Celsius was making and began to boil with rage.

The demon wound up to launch another kick at Celsius as John climbed out of the wagon.

John glared in anger at the unaware demon before he prepared to fight.

"You rotten piece of shit!"

John launched a punch directly to the head of the demon and seemed to daze it ; Before he began throwing more and more punches with rage and striking the creature as hard and fast as he possibly could.

John threw another, much stronger, punch to the creatures rib-cage that made it shake as it began cracking with a resounding "crunch".

The creature however seemed to brace for this and launched a heavy punch at John to counter him, lifting John and Celsius into the air with it's power.

The wagons were lifted and the students climbed out of them as they were flung at John and Celsius, thrown with speed high enough to make them whistle as they flew through the air.

Several wagons crashed into John as he felt immense pain, activating his skill "hard body" to fight through the assault.

John covered Celsius with his own body to protect him as the large ball of broken wood and metal was thrown by the demon into a nearby river.

The pile of wood debris and metal crashed into the water and John felt the pain of his wounds, he hoped that levelling up allowed him to heal faster since it improved most other aspects of him.

He didn't hear the creature approach and assumed it believed him to be dead.

John felt his head spin but saw that Celsius was still alive, his consciousness began to fade as he lay in the rubble of the wagons.


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