《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》19: A team battle.


A team battle

John watched for a moment as the man who had thrown the spear approached, it was the armoured knight who had spoken with John earlier.

"You children seem like you are need of help. I will handle the large one, the others I will leave to you and your pet."

John turned to fight the much faster goblin as he heard the sound of the knight flying towards the large orc.

John watched the grounded goblin rise to its feet and simply stare at John with its empty and lifeless eyes.

The goblin then charged at John with speed he simply could not counter, the creature landed several punches and the speed of the attacks caused sufficient force to send him tumbling backwards.

John rose to his feet after a moment and ran towards the goblin to counter attack, the goblin merely weaved through any attack he threw and launched a bullet-like counter that he had both insufficient speed and insufficient experience to successfully dodge.

The goblin was toying with John, as if he was moving in slow motion and it simply couldn't be bothered fighting him.

John used both of his axes to try and strike thr creature, but every swing was far too telegraphed and the creature simply sidestepped and struck him back.

He stared bewildered at his opponent that was currently speed-blitzing him, John tried to think of a plan as fast as he could.

John charged once more at the goblin that began to charge at him in turn, they met in the middle and John swung goblin smasher towards the creature.

The goblin seemed bored and decided to have fun at John's expense, jumping over his swing and landing otop his shoulders.

John felt the heavy weight on his shoulders and quickly fell to the ground, barely able to move his arms.


John struggled desperately until the creature got off of his shoulders to give him one last chance to attack.

He tried to rack his brain for a plan before realising that he had a magic that could apply to this situation and terrain.

John used the spell water ball, coating the already slightly slipperly cafeteria floor in a wet layer.

As the goblin charged towards John it lost its footing and fell to the ground, an ankle twisted and severe head trauma.

John raised an axe above the creatures head and swung, chopping the skull of the creature in two.

Taking a moment to breathe, John observed the bar fill much more than before. The bar had almost completely filled and required at most 4 or 5 kills of normal enemies.

John turned his attention to the other enemies; The knight was fighting fairly evenly against the large orc but Celsius was struggling against the wizard.

John ran towards the wizard and swung his axe, this surprise caused the wizard goblin to hastily raise a barrier. Celsius took advantage and blasted the barrier with the full extent of his flame, trapping the goblin in what was essentially an oven.

The audible sound of searing goblin flesh was coming from within the barrier as the glowing bubble of energy slowly retreated from the battle.

John watched the knight and orc, the knight's spear was embedded into the fist of the orc.

The knight used a wind spell that tore the arm of the orc to shreds and left only chunks of meat and a pool of blood in its place.

John stared, bewildered. The knight was powerful.

The orc seemed to mimic its wizard companion and ran away hastily.

John and the remaining students collectively sighed with relief as the orc ran.


Cheering could be heard as thunderous and frantic steps became quieter and quieter.

John thought it odd for them to retreat entirely when it was clear they only needed to withdraw for a moment, John concluded that they definitely had a plan or whoever was controlling them did.

A question popped into John's mind and he approached the knight.

"Are they usually organised and cooperative like that?"

The knight shook his head.

"No, my king thinks that a deoomun has been commanding their armies from the shadows. It makes sense as they are known to scheme and commanding simpler creatures isn't a challenge."

The knight concluded the conversation by placing a ring in John's palm and leaving for an unknown reason.

Normally John would want to follow the knight, but ensuring everyone would evacuate the school before it became a battle ground took priority.

He immediately started to awkwardly explain the situation based on what he knew: They were in a fantasy world, magic exists, monsters exist, they needed to leave before the entire school became a warzone between the monsters and humans.

The other students seemed to mostly understand and began to prepare to leave, Cameron walked towards John with a staff radio.

"We don't know if anyone besides teachers will have them, but if any other students are here they deserve a chance to live."

John nodded and simply allowed Cameron to do as he wished without discussion.

John next went to alex and started to discuss plans for weapons development.

"The tech labs were fine as far as makinf fairly decent weapons with our materials and modern techniques. If we are in the wilderness it will be harder, I wish I had made something for you at least. Sorry alex."

Alex shrugged.

"John we're in a video game world, magic exists, monsters are trying to kill us. You looking out for yourself isn't exactly unexpected. Be a little selfish if its so you can live longer."

John smiled at Alex's words and then decided that he would try to help evacuate everyone, then appraise the ring the knight gave him.

John knew that things were shaping up to be more and more dangerous the longer he allowed himself and everyone else to stay on school grounds, goblins and orcs weren't exactly easy to deal with as it was. John knew eventually he would face more enemies like the fast goblin of he stayed in the school, it seemed to attract monsters.

The knight returned and showed John and the other students a series of wagons prepared for them.

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