《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》18: An Unexpected Development.


An Unexpected Development.

John navigated accross the sprawling campus, both his axes were held nervously in his hands and he was prepared to fight at a moments notice.

The goblins and orcs didn't appear ; John remained vigilant as he journeyed along the schools concrete grounds.

John eventually found a large pile of goblin and orc corpses, the stench of rotting flesh pervaded his nose and almost made him throw up.

Who the fuck did this? Or... what the fuck did this?

John stared in bewildered horror at the stiff and decomposing cadavers. His mind was filled with questions: which students he knew of were capable of doing such a thing? Would they be back? Was this caused by a student or something that hunts the orcs and goblins like the wolves do?

Eventually he decided that leaving the area with the corpses was fine. Celsius didn't seem to have much of a desire to eat the bodies, John didn't blame the dog as the rotting smell wasn't particularly appetizing.

John and Celsius continued until reaching the halfway point, a lone goblin was visible through a window.

The strange goblin was mostly obscured, but it was clearly taller than the rest ; The goblin was a pale green and had much longer ears than the generic goblins.

Doesn't look like a wizard?

John didn't particularly want to add many more unknowns to his plan and so continued on unimpeded by the creature.

He eventually reached his destination, the cafeteria.

The fairly modern building looked far less impressive in his current situation, looking dull and bland.

John climbed the steps to reach the cafeteria, finding a young boy with a spear at the door.

"Stop where you are. We aren't letting anyone in!"

John rolled his eyes and simply walked past the boy, searching for the others.


He eventually found Cameron and Alex.

"Hey guys."

They looked at him with suprise and relief.

"John! You're ok... thank fuck."

Cameron smiled and patted John on the shoulder.

"Chloe has been out with a small group, killing orcs non-stop. I'm sure she'll be back soon and she will be really happy."

John felt that for the first time, he had people other than his family that genuinely cared about him.

Taking out two chocolate bars from the vending machine, John gave food to Cameron and Alex.

"Do either of you have water bottles, I'm going to show you something."

The two of them nodded and took out their water bottles, John led them to a secluded area and used his magic to fill both the bottles.

Alex spoke with surprise.

"What the fuck?! How did you do that?"

Cameron seemed more collected.

"Is it drinkable?"

John nodded back at them before explaining.

"Killing them makes you stronger, granting opportunities to gain special abilities like that whilst also increasing your physical capabilities."

It seemed that the two of them took a moment to consider it before Cameron shrugged and Alex drank his water.

"We were running out of bottled water so this will come in handy"

Alex looked at John before looking at his twin axes.

"You're not in uniform, and you have those weapons. Were you at the tech lab?"

John nodded, opening his hoody to reveal the armour plate covering his torso.

"Cameron and me have weapons too, we looted them from a bunch of dead knights. There are knights here too."

Johns elation and relief from being reunited with his comrades numbed him to the dangerous situation.

"We have to all leave soon, more knights are coming. There is also a goblin... wizard."


The two of them looked at John seriously and decided to take what he was saying seriously, at that moment a group of students returned.

"Fuck! There is an abnormal goblin!"

Chloe started to complain abd shout along with the rest of her group.

"It was... so fast... too fast..."

John approached her and showed that he was alive.

This sudden realisation seemed to calm Chloe who had begun to spiral into grief.

"John. You're alive. You're back, finally you're back."

She hugged John and held tight for around 20 seconds before turning back to the rest of her group.

"Look. it was fast, but im sure we can think of a way to beat it's speed if we try hard enough."

The others looked at her with consideration, finally deciding to make a plan to deal with the fast goblin.

The guard from outside was sent flying back after a moment of them contemplating.

The young boy flew against a wall and was hit hard, Celsius ran inside and rushed to John's side.

Three figures stepped through the door : A much more muscular looking orc, a pale and tall goblin, and the same goblin wizard that had almost killed John previously.

John looked around the room at the students who had just a moment ago been relaxing.

John wanted to run, wanted to take the people he actually liked and run as fast as they could. But he didn't.

He ran up to the large orc and punched it hard, twisting the creatures head slightly with his level 4 punch.

Celsius seemed to settle on the goblin wizard as a target and zoomed towards the goblin like a giant, flaming bullet. A bullet with dozens razor sharp teeth.

The large orc tried to punch John to counter but he jumped back just in time.

John knew that with the second goblin still yet to join the fight he had his best chance.

The large orc roared with unbridled fury as Celsius dodged the wizards attacks, firing blasts of blue flame.

John saw from the corner of his eye that a blur was quickly approaching him.

The larger, faster goblin was almost upon him as the large orc swung its fist again.

John had another idea, jumping to the side and getting low with his leg out.

He caused the orc to punch the large goblin and send it flying.

At that moment a spear flew towards the orc and struck its shoulder.

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