《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》17: Walking the dog.


Walking the dog

John went to the workbench to get started on his armour and shield, he was going to create some simple pieces of armour for his vitals.

He had realised that there was a storage room fairly close to the tech block with props and costumes for theatre productions, this meant that materials for creating the under layer of his armour were available.

John left the tech room with Celsius and walked to the third main building, he had no idea what things would be like but he expected similar levels of chaos.

As John reached the building he realised that things seemed strangely calm.

Maybe they all evacuated right away? The building looks untouched...

John tried to open the door but found it to be locked, he knocked softly several times to try and get the attention of the people inside.

After around a minute the door was unlocked and a smug looking boy walked out.

"Look. We said this to the last guy, we don't have room for bottom feeders. Kindly leave now before you attract the monsters."

John sighed, holding his hand in the door and forcing it open.

"Look. I'm not staying here, I'm finding some materials and then leaving."

The rude boy tried to block John's path but was pushed aside.

John walked over to the storage room and forced it open, filling his backpack full of t-shirts, sweatpants, hoodies and a few sets of gloves, socks and changes of underwear.

John walked back out of the room as Celsius ran through the doors to meet him.

A group of students approached John with scowls.

"You can't just force your way in here! Get the hell out!"

John shrugged and left, returning to his workbench and beginning to create a much more suitable outfit for fighting.


John started by cutting several white t-shirts into sheets of cotton, cutting and sewing them into a long sleeved t shirt that would be the first layer he would be wearing. He thought back to how he never thought to ask his mother for help and always sewed clothes up by himself if they ever got ripped.

John got started on the second layer. He had around 4 attempts of using Celsius to heat the raw materials, a hammer and his heat resistant body to shape the metal into a suitably sturdy torso armour. Quenching the dimly glowing armour by repeatedly casting waterball. He eventually created a sturdy armour and gave the armour some finishing touches. The armour would serve as the second layer of defence for him.

An idea sprung into John's head as he looked at his new armour. He sat down to concentrate, eventually forming a menu that was clearly for appraisal and smithing.

I fucking knew it! The limits of this system will be decided by how much you know about games!

John stared intensely at the screens before him. Pointing to the axe on his left, goblin smasher, he noticed that the screen changed to one describing his axe.

Name: Goblin Smasher Damage: 10(20) (20 Str = 2.0X) Rank: Ordinary Upgrade: 0/10 Enchantment(s): Upgrade weapon? Costs: 1 Upgrade points. (0 Currently)

John stared at the screen with curiosity and excitement.

This is amazing?! If this is truly like a game then a map or an inventory system would be great but I'll try that later... for now I've got to finish my set of clothing and work on a shield.

John searched through the remaining clothes he had picked up from the storage room.

John pulled out what he was looking for, a plain black knitted hoodie. The hoodie was one he had purchased that was too big for him and had donated to the school, he thought that he would feel more comfortable in an outfit he had purchased himself.


John put it next to the armour and shirt before working on some armour to go along his arms.

He spent some time forging armour that could sufficiently protect his arms, but he realised that making parts for the fingers on the gauntlet was far too hard for him. He decided to just wear a pair of gloves for protection from the temperature, he however added metal strips along the guantlet that had short rounded spikes on them.

A knuckleduster won't do much... but I don't think I'll complain if I wind up needing them.

John finished by picking a pair of pants, sweatpants that he could properly run around in. He also put on a pair of sports shoes that were just large enough to fit on him.

This will do... alright a shield is up next. A kite shield is out of the question... for now I don't really even need a shield... but for fighting against blades... a thinner, lighter shield made of metal would work?

John thought for a while and decided that he would eventually try to create a heater shield, but for that moment he felt sufficiently prepared.

John walked over to Celsius and rubbed his belly.

"Good boy. you've worked hard and you deserve a rest. It's nap time and then later we'll be heading to the Cafeteria, you'll be fine to show yourself once I get everyone and leave the area. You can kill a few goblins before that if you'd like"

John lay against Celsius and slept soundly, cuddling the creature.

After sleeping for a few hours John woke up to the sensation of Celsius licking his face, John smiled as he woke.

"Hey come on. stop that!"

John stroked Celsius before getting up and changing into his new set of clothing.

John put on his belt with his twin axes after changing and stretched a little, he got ready to leave for the Cafeteria. His stomach rumbled as he remembered he hadn't eaten properly in a while, he whined and searched for one of the school vending machines.

After walking with Celsius for a while he found it, it was stocked almost completely with snacks.

John decided to do something all humans have wanted to try, he smashed both of his axes down hard through the glass of the vending machine.

John put away his axes and filled his bag with every snack in the machine, eating a chocolate bar as he prepared to go to the Cafeteria.

"This is gonna be a pain."

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