《Nameless Immortal》Treasures are Forever


Chapter 24 Treasures are Forever

Information about the appearance of the golden serpent has been slowly spreading around the kingdom and the surrounding areas but no solid proof has been shown. The people directly involved has been tight-lipped about it and the search for the mercenary captains has been going on since the first outbreak of the information.

Sin City, on the top floor of the Merchant Bank in the northern district. The same four people were gathered for a meeting.

“I have received the latest news from our investigators, we were too late. The captains have already died when they found them. My bet is that Floyd was the one who did it, I suppose the rumors are true but we can’t do anything about it now. I came to this conclusion because I have been informed that Colonel Sanders left the military headquarters with Wilky. There is no way the colonel is leaving his post unless an important event has occurred and without his superior’s permission.”

The old man spoke with a hint of disappointment and envy.

“All we can do now is just watch from the sidelines, we can’t involve ourselves anymore. This is considered a military matter and might even involve the old monsters of the military.”

His voice was filled with fear and respect when he thought about the movers and shakers of the military.


Eznho, on the other hand, was innocent about the events that were happening around him. Aside from chatting with his aunt, he did not neglect his cultivation and has been persistent about it while waiting for his big brother at the same time. He was wondering why his big brother has not arrived yet and started to feel uneasy but still tried to think positively.

Morning arrived when a messenger from the military arrived at the Fragrant Pavilion looking for Eznho. This made Eznho become more nervous,

“What’s going on?” He wondered.

“Are you Eznho?” The young soldier asked right away.


Ezhno answered and did not have the time to ask a question.

“I have a letter for you from Martin,”

The soldier had a tone of respect when he mentioned Martin, everyone at the border knew what he did.

“Uhmm, okay, where is he?” Eznho inquired.

“For the time being he cannot come home, I believe he has explained it in his letter. If there is nothing else, I have to go back,”

The soldier got back on his horse and intended to gallop away.

“Wait!” Eznho blurted out in a hurry.

“Could you wait for a moment please, I have something for him. Could you deliver it to him?”

“Okay, sure kid.” The soldier halted and waited patiently.

Eznho immediately dashed in a hurry towards his room which surprised the soldier, the boy’s speed was unbelievable for his age. A few minutes later, Eznho came back with a long rectangular wooden case.

“Here, I hope it’s not a bother you,” He politely handed over the case.

“Hmmm? No big deal, if there is nothing else, I really have to go.”

The soldier had a rough idea of what the case contains but did not dwell on it and went on his way back to the border.


“Thank you,” Eznho bowed sincerely towards the soldier who was leaving.

He furrowed his brows and the uneasy feeling became heavier and looked at the letter in his hand.


Eznho could not wait any longer and went back to his room and opened the letter.

Little Ez,

I’m sorry I could not fulfill my promise of having a reunion with you after a year. I heard you did well in the mines, good job! As for me, I am still alive and kicking. The border has been chaotic lately and we are understaffed so I need to stay for a longer period of time than intended. The captain said I can go back after the chaos subsides...

He continued reading the letter that contained his big brother’s experiences. A smile hung on his face but he knew there was more to it than this letter. Although that was his suspicion he did not mind it much as long as his big brother is alive. When he got to the last part of the letter, he was stuck in a dilemma.

Due to the intensity of the conflict, the captain said that the city might get involved in the fight. Not everybody is informed, most of the northern district have evacuated according to him. He advised me to tell you that you evacuate to avoid being dragged into the conflict. I do not have the right to decide for you and Miss Minchin. Although there is still a risk of getting attacked by bandits during evacuation so if you decide to do so, you better go along with other people like traveling merchants. I am sorry I cannot help you at the moment, take care little Ez. I hope we all come out safely out of this predicament. See you soon little brother.

After reading the letter, Eznho was overwhelmed by the information. He had no idea that the conflict at the border was intense and suddenly thought about old man Dan out of the blue.

Did that smelly old man do something?

It doesn’t matter anymore, what was more important was to inform his aunt.


Miss Minchin was in a deep thought after reading the letter that was sent by Martin.

“What do you think little Ez?”

“I also don’t know aunt,” Eznho answered in a conflicted manner, he was truly in a dilemma.

“No wonder manager Tang said he had a business to take care and would not be back for at least a month.”

Minchin remembered when manager Tang spoke to her about his temporary leave and his eyes were conflicted, like he wanted to say something but could not.

“Sigh, this is kinda hard isn’t it little Ez, Martin does not make it any easier. I think we should check out first if there are merchants or travelers that would depart these coming days and we will decide after, any thoughts?”

Minchi felt helpless but was also thankful for Martin’s information.

“I think that’s a great idea aunt, I’ll go check it out and inform you later.” Eznho volunteered.

“Okay, that would be for the best little Ez,”


Eznho finished his investigations that same day and informed his aunt.


“I asked around and there is a caravan headed for Red Sparrow City tomorrow morning. According to the leader, we have to pay three gold coins each.”

“That much? Is he robbing us blind?” Minchin was a little flustered with the amount they are asking.

“Well, he said he hired a dozen mercenaries to guard us and that is more than enough to take us to Red Sparrow city safely and he said ‘take it or leave it’.”

Eznho answered nonchalantly, to be honest, he did not care about the payment as he has a lot of gold to spare.

“Well, he has a point though,” Minchin was debating with herself if what should she do next.

“Okay, basing on the information, it’s relatively safe to travel. Hmmm, let’s just consider it as a form of vacation shall we?”

She spoke as if trying to comfort Eznho.

“Okay, I’ll go pack my things now, he said to be there before sunrise if we plan to travel with them.” Eznho reminded and left.


The morning chill whistled while carrying snowflakes that traveled around Sin city. A simple horse carriage was waiting in front of the Fragrant pavilion which was bought by Eznho the other day.

Minchin was surprised upon seeing it but did not comment and understood Eznho’s intentions that made her smile. They were both wrapped in thick clothing, after arranging their stuff inside the carriage and waving goodbye to the others they set off to the western gate with Eznho acting as the carriage driver.

Upon arriving at the gate, a caravan was waiting, one horse carriage and a few carts filled with goods. There was a dozen of mercenaries carrying different weapons on horsebacks and the others looked like servants.

Eznho tried to have a feel of everyone and when his eyes set on the carriage driver, he felt a pressure that weighed down on him. The driver was muscular and his choice of clothing was that of beast hides. His hair was brown which was a little messy with a length up to his shoulders. Sensing someone was looking at him he tilted his head and saw Eznho.

What Eznho saw was a pair of fierce eyes that were like a beast staring at him.

Halo Stage?

Eznho had no idea what Halo stage cultivators were like but he had a feeling that the man he was looking at was one of them. The man lost interest and retracted his gaze.

“Hey kid, You have to pay first you know.”

A voice came from inside the carriage, the door slowly opened and a man came out. His long hair was tied in a bun, he was a little short with a bulging stomach like a typical merchant. His eyes twinkled like gold while looking at Eznho.

Eznho couldn’t be bothered and got down from the carriage and handed his payment.

“Good kid, my name is Rio and that carriage driver is my personal guard, Dugsol.” The merchant was delighted and spoke as if they knew each other.

“My name is Eznho and my aunt Minchin is inside the carriage,” Enzho answered out of politeness and went back to their carriage.

“Okay then, let’s go, time waits for fo no man.” He ordered and went back inside his carriage.


At the border, while Martin was still healing, Batista and Wilfred were talking inside the commander's tent.

“Damn it!” Batista had ugly look on his face.

“The scouts informed us that Floyd managed to assemble a group of soldiers and mercenaries numbering from a thousand to two thousand. They are already marching towards us and will be here within a day. We have no choice but to evacuate and use the city as our base.”

His worst fear has come, the city was his home after all and did want the citizens to suffer.

“Brother, just endure for the moment, the Colonel messaged me himself and told me that he and Wilky are on their way to help us sort things out. We just have to defend for two weeks at most.”

Wilfred tried to comfort Batista.

“Really? That’s great, okay I’ll immediately order an evacuation.”

The soldiers at the border were bewildered after hearing the news that over a thousand of enemies were coming. When the evacuation was announced, they did not think twice and packed their stuff. They knew that defending using the city walls were better than fighting in the open.


The messenger was surprised when he saw that the camp was buzzing with activity and seemed like everybody was packing. He repressed his curiosity and went straight to the medical tent.

“I have sent the letter and the boy gave me something to pass on to you,” He brought out the wooden case and handed it to Martin.

“Thank you,” Martin slowly rose to bed and assumed a sitting position. After regaining consciousness, it was easier for the doctor to cure him.

“Ow, there was an order of evacuation. Enemies are coming in huge numbers and we will be annihilated if we stay here. You better go pack your things too.”

“Ah? Okay thank you for informing me, I better go now.” The soldier was startled then bowed and left in a hurry.

Martin waited until the soldier went and caressed the wooden case.

“Little Ez,” he mumbled and slowly lifted the cover.

He was amazed at what he saw, it was a sword, a fine looking sword and the scabbard was designed in a simple and unique way. The sword was like the ones issued in the military but there was something about it that made it different. You could see that the blacksmith really put in a lot of effort into it due to it’s higher quality.

“Thank you little Ez, stay safe,”

A smile broke on his lonely face and looked at the direction of the city. He lied down again while holding the sword atop his chest like it was his most valuable treasure.

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