《Nameless Immortal》Face so Thick it Pushed me One Kilometer Away


Chapter 23 Face so Thick it Pushed me One Kilometer Away

A few days earlier at the city lord’s residence.

Hans arrived at the entrance and was permitted entry by the other guards. They were familiar with him as he was one of the city lord’s lap dogs. He entered and made his way to the study room and opened a secret door with stairs leading to a basement.

Having been here many times, he walked downwards in a calm manner. After a while, he reached a hallway filled with locked doors on each side. Whimpers and silent cries of children could be heard from inside the doors. He got used to this scenario and headed straight to the door at the end of the hallway and knocked.

Knock! Knock!

“Come in,”

A lewd-sounding male voice came from the inside, it sounded like someone who was doing obscene things. Hans slowly opened the door, the room was dimly lit by lamps and candles along with a strong smell of perfume. There was not much inside, only tables filled with fruits, food and wine. The most eye-catching was the large bed at the middle carved with exquisite designs and obviously made from expensive materials. Only shadows could be seen inside the bed due to the silhouette curtains.

The shadows were shaped like a fat man sitting while two smaller shadows were beside him. The fat shadow even sounded like he was enjoying the pleasures of life.

“How did it go?” A voice came from the shadow.

“My lord, the merchant alliance said they will not loan anymore unless you pay at least half of what you owe them,”

Hans spoke truthfully.

“Damn them all! Who do they think they are? Damn this wretched place and damn that old fogey who exiled me just because of a little mistake! Fuck! I’ll take what’s rightfully mine one day make them all pay.”

The man inside the bed was furious and strangled one of the small shadows out of anger. The other shadow started to whimper and slowly distanced itself.

“Shut up!”


A loud resounding slap was heard and a naked little girl around the age of eight fell down from the bed. Hans, on the other hand, watched with indifferent eyes, he was used to this kind of situations.

“Hans, dispose of them all and make sure not to leave any evidence. We are leaving with that bastard Batista’s family and head to Red Sparrow city. Although I don’t have to leave, I have some business to attend there so might as well go and make this as an excuse to the old man.”

He commanded and threw out the other little girl on the floor but she was not breathing anymore.

“As you command my lord, by the way, the little boy you commanded to the mines came back and he was even pardoned under Captain Batista’s name,”

“Tsk! Who cares about those flies? You want me to spend my time dealing with those shit? Prioritize our preparation to leave and go inform my son, I trust you know what to do right?”

He felt more irritated when Batista interfered with his business.

“Yes my lord, I’ll prepare everything.”

Hans acknowledged and went out the door.

“Just you wait you brainless brawn, you have always been a thorn in my side, always interfering with my business. I’ll have my chance one day, just you wait.”


The fat shadow mumbled while he filled a cup with wine.


There were three military headquarters of the Carson Kingdom lead by three generals supported by their colonels and other subordinates. General Jakolito Lapid was one of them and he was the commander of Major Wilky and the others.

He earned his reputation in the battlefield because of his straightforwardness and fighting style of going head to head with his enemies. It was even rumored that a slash of his great sword can take hundreds of his enemies lives. He does not normally show himself in public unless there is a war or other major events and leave the menial task to his subordinates.

Colonel Sanders was one of his subordinates and was tasked with supervising the headquarters. He was currently standing on his office balcony and was waiting for Wilky. Excitement could be seen on his face, he was informed by Wilky through the message talisman that they found a golden serpent and was on his way to show his proof.

It is not that he does not believe his subordinate, but he is too busy right now and cannot travel so Wilky has to come personally. Especially that they are speaking about a legendary beast.


Wilky has been traveling non-stop for almost two weeks now, he could have shortened it by a lot but the usage of teleportation portal uses too many resources and he cannot just request it as he wishes unless there was a military order he could present to the city lord of Red Sparrow city.

The city, the sects, the military and other organizations inside the kingdom have distinct jurisdictions and almost does not overlap each other unless there was a war or other major events. For example, the city guards have a higher authority inside the city than the military especially at major cities like Red Sparrow city. Cities like this have teleportation portals but cannot be used casually.

“I’m so tired already, argh! Damn the bastard Floyd messing things up. I really want to rip him to pieces. I hope colonel is available so I’ll have a more relaxed journey going back.”

Wilky grumbled while he was dashing through the forest with a fast speed that only left blurs.

“Nearly there,”

He stopped on top of a tree while looking at the green scenery in front of him. After taking a deep breath, he jumped and continued on his way.


The sky was painted with red-orange color when he reached the headquarters. The headquarters was located in a grassy plain beside a river. It was like a city on it's own with walls built around the buildings and surrounded by thousands of tents. The only difference was that more than ninety percent of the population was composed of soldiers. The others were merchants, servants and the like.

“Phew! At last,”

Wilky wiped the sweat from his forehead and entered the gate,

“Sir!” The guards saluted.

“As you were,” Wilky responded and immediately went to the colonel’s office.

The colonel’s office was located in the middle section of the city and was one of the tallest building. The tallest infrastructure was located in the middle, the general’s residence. Without permission or invitation, one cannot enter it.

“I’m at my courtyard,”

A message entered Wilky’s mind. As long as a cultivator can spread his soul sense, he can send messages through it as long as the person is within the range. Wilky did not tarry and went at the back of the building. A courtyard was located there with tons of medicinal plants. The guards opened the door when he came and went straight inside.


A man with a long black hair wearing a simple garment was tending to the medicinal flowers. Some of the medicinal plants were even rare that it was hard to acquire without spending a large sum of money. Wilky was not surprised by this scenery as he has been here a few times.

“Colonel, good evening,” He saluted.

The man stood up and face him, he had an average look but you cannot miss his deep blue eyes and the aura he radiated was not that of a military man. His aura was peaceful and calm like the water.

“Wilky, what took you so long? Quickly show me.”

Opposite his calm appearance, he could not wait and did not care about pleasantries.

“Colonel, could you at least feed me? I haven’t eaten for days.”

Wilky spoke with a pitiful voice while trying to show a teary eye.

“Wilky oh Wilky, I’m sorry could you repeat that?”

Colonel Sanders replied with a smile but that smile sent shivers down on Wilky’s spine. He immediately took off his ring and gave it to the demon in front of him. He was one of the people who knew how demonic this calm and peaceful person could become if he was pissed.

“Hmmm?” Colonel Sander’s was exhilarated and sent his consciousness inside the ring but was utterly surprised by what he saw.

It was a legit golden serpent but the core is missing and only a fourth of its blood remains although the marrows were still intact. Aside from that, an eye was missing.

“Wilky! What is the meaning of this?” Veins popped on his forehead.

“Well you see colonel, the core was already missing when we found the body...” Wilky immediately summarized what happened.

“Hmmm, it seems somebody was already watching before you even got there. But what about the blood and the missing eye?” He interrogated.

“Colonel, some of the blood was already missing together with the core and as for the eye and the rest of the blood, well you know colonel, a hard working man must be paid for his efforts.”

Wilky replied as like it was just a trivial matter.

“Whatever, I won’t bicker with you about that, you were the one who found it anyways.”

The colonel rolled his eyes and was already numb to Wilky’s shamelessness.

“That’s the colonel I know,” Wilky grinned in reply.


Both of them were sipping tea under a pavilion at the center of a pond inside the courtyard.

“So, Wilky why are you in a rush?”

Sanders broke the silence.

“Well we both know the golden serpent is a very hot potato and I don’t wanna hold it and get burned,” Wilky answered casually.

“You have a point.” The colonel nodded.

“Aside from submitting the serpent, and of course and gain some merit, ahem. I need your help colonel. My original plan was to swear an oath that I did not really take the core and even if we did I would have given it to my brother you know.” Wilky grinned.

“Floyd could not take his loss apparently and even besieged the border that nearly injured or even killed brother Batista’s son. The last message I received was that they even suspect that Colonel James has involved himself. My theory is that Floyd offered something regarding the golden serpent and seeks colonel James’ support. I am afraid he will involve brother Batista’s family, I know how shameless that bastard can be. I beg you colonel, please assist me and declare it to them that the golden serpent is already in your hands so that they can stop harassing my brother.”

Wilky gritted his teeth while pleading.

“Hmmm, your theory is pretty much close to mine. Let me see,”

Colonel Sanders pondered and was thinking of a solution. Wilky continued sipping his tea but could not hide his nervousness. If the colonel could come, that would be the best scenario.

“Wait here, go rest and I’ll inform you tomorrow,”

The colonel spoke after some thinking and walked towards the main hall.

“Thank you, colonel,”

Wilky bowed and left.


Wilky woke up early and was waiting outside the colonel’s residence and was granted entry later on and went to the main hall.

“Good morning colonel, how is it?”

The colonel was sitting in the master’s seat with a blue robe.

“I offered the body of the golden serpent to the general and explained everything. He did not mind that you took all of the blood and both of its eyes.”

The colonel spoke with a straight face without a trace of shame.

“The heck? This shameless old man,”

Wilky was taken aback and could not believe that his superior would destroy his reputation to the general.

“Well, he was in a good mood, apparently, he needed those materials so he gave me a decree and allowed me to come with you and settle things at the border.”

What? A decree from the general?

Wilky was stunned, a general’s decree was heavy. It was almost as heavy as the decree of the king and apart from that, the colonel will travel with him. It was even far better than what he had imagined.

“He also promised to reward all the people involved,”

The colonel was also elated when the general promised things to him.

“That’s great!”

Wilky could not contain his happiness and his face was like a flower in full bloom.

“Okay, enough of that, let’s go immediately.”

Sanders was disgusted when he saw Wilky’s face.

They were at the open space of the courtyard when Sanders waved his hand and five-meter wide carpet with complicated designs floated in front of them. He jumped in and assumed a sitting position.

“You wanna walk?” He spoke with a proud tone when he saw that Wilky was not moving.

“Uh?” Wilky jolted back to reality.

A spirit rank flying vessel!

It would be his first time riding one, he was elated and immediately jumped in.

“Hee Haw!” He shouted out of excitement.

Colonel Sanders ignored him and activated the flying vessel and they headed back to the eastern border.

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