《On The Run From A Dragon》Day Six: Part Three


Tom and June spent most of the day at a grassy field. He was helping June with flying. Its true Tom didn't know how to fly, but he could stop her from hitting the ground. The learning process was a long one. He would hover round or behind her on the bike as she tried over and over again. When noon came, she just stopped and turned to look at him.

"Hey, you hungry? We should go and get something to eat."

Checking himself and finding he was indeed hungry. Tom was still getting use to her knowing all of his needs like that, but he could live with it. Nodding his head and asked.

"You want fast food so we can get back to flying or take a longer brake?"

Already sitting on the ground as she thought about it.

"Longer would be better. Where are we going?"

Floating the bike up next to her.

"Hop on, I know about a place not too far off."

She got on behind and wrapped her arms round him. Smiling as she laid a cheek against his back. He put them into a half-G fall so the wind wasn't so bad. The restaurant was no five star, but they did have a parking valet. The man asked Tom when he landed.

"How do I fly it?"

Looking at him and then back to the bike, Tom told him.

"It's just a spell I use. Just roll it over there and please didn't let anyone touch it."

This made the valet sweat a little and he asked.

"And what if someone does?"

Tom just smiled and said.

"Don't let anyone touch it, but you."

Looking worried the man just said.

"I understand. No one will get near it."


After being seated next to a window and the menus bought to them by a waiter. They took their time to order and talking about what they thought was going to be good to eat. The waiter after coming back written down what they like to eat and then ran off to the kitchen. As Tom and June waited for the food, he told her.

"when you get the hang of flying, I'm going to see if that construction crew needs any help."

Looking out the window at a hummingbird next to a flower, she complained.

"He makes it look so easy."

She looked back over at Tom and smiled.

"Can't wait to see their faces when you start throwing round I-beams like The Hulk."

It was not too long before the meal got done and they enjoyed themselves. After paying, June got back to the grassy field and learning how to fly. Tom could see she was improving and only caught her a few times.

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