《The Only Dungeon》NO!



Waiting twenty minutes in silence gets boring especially when you can only barely move your arms, and when your lollipop is already eaten. But, it did give me time to reflect on …. a lot of things. The main being my dungeons. When Sol destroyed Filvis there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Actually I hadn't even spoke to it for at least two centuries so I don't even know if it was even sane enough to talk too. My other dungeons weren't favorites either, I did talk to the younger ones, but that was just to help them grow. My only gift as their Goddess. And what mother just ask about me calling them it’s. That opened up a deep wound. My first dungeon, the one that gave me my domain, was the soul of a twelve year old boy Theseus. Though young his soul was monumental, allowing him to have a Dungeon Soul the size of a basketball, just being born he had a dungeon territory of a half a mile and he had three affinities. I spent centuries watching him grow and develop, in reality become a man.

Then he found Demonic essence, I should have stopped him, should have made him banish that wicked stuff, but I didn't. Instead I just sat and watched as he became consumed by the Demonic, as it warped his mind making him forget who he was, what he was. When I finally decided to do something it was already too late. He was no longer Theseus the dungeon, he was Diablo the demon dungeon. By then I had made several other dungeons each one strong in their own right. But none of them could match Diablo. Only I could defeat him. Being the dungeon goddess I could use the essence from all my dungeons even demon ones. So I Dungia Dungeon Goddess used my creations own essence to destroy his very soul. It was quick and painless. He was gone before he could even think about it. But my pain was endless.


Being immortal I have eternity to think about ifs. What if I. Would this had happen if. Endless useless questions that do nothing, but cause pain. In my pain I lashed out making evil souls into dungeons. Attempting a coup against my mother. Causing destruction and misery where I was. Then Sol destroyed Filvis, my mother found me and Lilithian destroyed all my dungeons. Now I'm here. Lieing on my mother’s loveseat unable to move, and my face is feeling wet so I must also crying.


“What a sorry excuse for a goddess I am.” I tell myself.

“No.” A voice says from above me.



I came into existence suddenly. One second I wasn't there the next I just was. I appeared in a very beautiful place filled with many gorgeous things. But, one thing stuck out to me. It was a figure on a couch. I don't know how I know that it's laying on a couch, or even how I know it's a figure. I just know. I stand, no I float above the figure. I don't know how I know floating either, but it really doesn't bother me. I just know. You know. I stay there floating above the figure for several minutes. Minutes? Yah minutes. I can't really do anything, but float. Then I see the figure start to cry. Things cry when they are sad. No. No. Don't be sad figure. I try to float down to the figure, but can't. No, please don't cry figure. That's when it spoke.

“What a sorry excuse for a goddess I am.” It said crying even more.

I hate that it sad. It makes me sad. No, you not sorry excuse for a goddess. No. No.


I finally manage to say. My body also feels like it's been freed from invisible chains. I slowly float down, it's still a struggle for me move like I have weights attached to me. Again I don't know how I know these things I just do. I'm only a few inches above the figure or goddess as it says it was. It's looking at me with shock in its eyes. Why shock. Am I not a common occurrence? It doesn't matter I must make the goddess unsad. No happy, I must make the goddess happy.


I must wipe away the tears, that should help I think. I try to force the tears away by sheer willpower, but that does nothing. What am I missing, how do I force the tears off the goddesses face. Force? THATS IT!!!! I start forcing the tears away by pressing them off her face, though I don't have limbs. I'm not sure how it worked but it did. I wanted to speak again, but couldn't. Speaking takes a lot of energy, and so does wiping away tears. Actually I don't think I have any energy left in at all. My vision is beginning to fade. I can feel myself slowly falling apart.

I'm about to die. I've been alive for less than six minutes and already am close to death. That's terrible. Well at least I helped that goddess person.


Ha, well that's something. I think I will take the goddess up on her offer. But, I'm out of energy. She's waiting for my answer. I must give it, but my body is falling apart. I don't have any energy to keep myself together, no. No excuses. Yes, I try to say. Yessss. Louder. YEssss. LOUDER!

“YES!” I scream back using my own body as an energy source.

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