《The Only Dungeon》Is this soul good enough?



After mother dealt with Mania, by ordering her to reap all of the dead souls, she decided to personally talk to the god Hades via dimensional gate communication at her own palace in the sky. But, while that started up she wanted to have a little chat with me over how I will monitor my dungeon.

“Sense it shall be your only dungeon for the next 100 years, you are going to be monitoring its progress constantly and reporting any changes, to Scribios the god of books,” she explained while sitting on her giant loveseat with me on her lap AGAIN.”I shall be there also to monitor the dungeon AND you.” Yes mother I know you don't trust me.”Once we talk to the soul and discover its affinity we shall assign a location. Also ….” She's quite for a few seconds, this can't be good.” You've never mentioned if your dungeon souls have a gender, you've always prefer to them as it. Shall the one we choose have a gander or shall it be neutral?” Ah this question, I was wondering when it would come up. Actually the first dungeon I made I called…. um. Anyway moving on.

“They may if they choose to, but with no penis or vagina they don't necessarily have a sex.”

Mother nods in response. Right then the dimensional gate, that's been hovering a few feet to are left, lights up signalling the god Hades from the other world is ready for communication.

Perfect timing this one.

Mother moves her left hand around beckoning the gate towards her. Then opens her hand palms out, saying.”Respond.” Finishing the connection between worlds. The dimensional gate is circular, floating 4 feet of the ground just head height for us sitting on the loveseat. Its circular shape begins showing a image of a red demon with horns sticking out its head.


“Hello, Hades God of the Underworld speaking,” Hades says through the dimensional gate. Gods can’t leave their world so any communication cross worlds uses dimensional gates.

“Hello, Magia Elder Goddess of Essence,” mother replies then points to me in her lap,” and Dungia Goddess of Dungeons.” Hades does a quick look at our current seating position then looks mother in the eyes. Once you’ve been around long enough it takes more than two women lying on a couch together to distract you.

“We are contacting you for-.”

“Mania contacted me earlier giving the description of the soul you require. It should arriving in twenty minutes, I thank you and good luck in your endeavor, goodbye.” Hades shuts down the dimensional gate causing it to wink out of existence, but he made one mistake. He interrupted my mother. The Elder Goddess Magia does NOT get interrupted EVER. Even when I attempted a coup I never interrupted her when she spoke. I turn my head towards mother slowly. She's still looking at where the dimensional gate is, her entire face is stoic, but it is hiding a internal fury. One no deity on Terra can match.

“Mommy,” I say pouring every ounce of concern into my voice. She looks down to me, and smiles. I damn near wet myself. That smile scars little children for life. Mother lays her right arm over my shoulders.

“I am going to have a discussion with Mania,” she gets up, slowly laying my upper body on the loveseat.”I shall return in twenty minutes.” I know better than to say anything, at this point Mania dug her own grave. And this will be the first time in two years I will be alone which is good. It takes mother less than a second to open up a dimensional gate and walk through it leaving me alone.

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