《The Only Dungeon》Searching for a good soul



Getting the right soul for a dungeon is extremely difficult. It needs to be smart, self reliant, and be able to take long periods of isolation, considering it's a search just looking for smart souls it could take years. And with mothers no psychopaths rule it will only be longer. And Mania the death goddess, whose palace in the underworld where currently in, is getting a too big a kick out of my no walking predicament.

“My apologies Elder Magia for my incompetence I shall strive to better myself.” Says Mania bowing her head. Freaking boot licker, in your own throne room do you have no shame. Mania takes her job very seriously. Covering her entire 5’11 frame in a black cloak, that covers her nonexistent chest, with the hody always pulled over her head and with a 6 foot scythe strapped to her back she's has the pure presence of a death god. Plus she torments souls for fun, like what she is doing to me.

“And does the infant require a lollipop,” Mania points at me with a lollipop in her hand.

“You little bit-ugh.” Mania forces the lollipop into my mouth, its blueberry my favorite flavor. Damn that death goddess.

”That should keep her quiet for a little while don't you think?” Mania ask sarcastically.

“Yes it should and Dungian dear,” mother turns her head towards me smiling that smiling that smile I’ve been getting way too much of,” you almost said a rather distasteful word just then. Don't. Say. It. Again.”

Why does her glare have such fierceness … oh wait she's an elder goddess who's been around for millions of years. That probably helps someone improve their glare.

“Yes moth-.” Magia’s eyes and hair flash crimson warning of impending doom.


“Yes mommy.” I can feel my pride just gushing out now like a slash to the jugular. I'm just going to suck on my lollipop it doesn't make fun of me, or make me do things I don't want to do.

“If you do not have the soul we seek do you believe Filios will have it?” Filios is the god of heaven and killjoy. I mean I don't know what's stuck up his rear but it must be painful.

“No Elder Magia his souls wouldn't be suitable for your purposes. They lack in intelligence which you want.”

OOOOHHHH, Mania throwing some shade. I stifle my laughter by burrowing my face into the side of mothers neck, with the lollipop end sticking out the corner of my mouth.

“That is disappointing,” mother says deep in thought.

Mania’s boot licking instincts are kicking in.

“Elder Magia I could ask Death Gods from other worlds,” Mania suggest,” actually I believe a god named Hades put out an alert for a mass soul output.” Mass soul output means a bunch of souls are about to leave a planet, caused by either war, famine, war, floods, war and the biggest reason war. Gods put out these alerts because when a lot of souls leave a planet they tend to cause baby booms on others.

“That would be for the best Mania, I thank you,” mother smiles brightly causing Mania to almost collapse. What a kiss a- CRUNCH. Noooooo! I bit my lollipop off! I start thrashing around like crazy immediately getting the boot licker and my mothers attention.

“What ails you my child,” ask mother?

I spit out the stick and make a grabbing motion with my hands.”Wowypop.” I say. Mania reaches into her rope and retrieves a raspberry flavor. Not as good as blueberry but I'll take it. I open my mouth wide while Mania sticks the lollipop in.

“Good little girl,” Mania says while patting my head. I use the little strength in my arms to push off mother’s shoulders and squeeze my breast together.”Bigger than you.” I smirked with the lollipop in my mouth. Mania’s fist shakes in furry, then like lightning she grabs her scythe.

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