《The Only Dungeon》Mother must know all



Over the next few days mother manages to stop the downpour that was exiting my eyes by sitting me in her lap and stroking my hair and back. I'm a little ashamed that I was maneuvered into this position so easily and that I kind of like it sense my mother has a really comfortable lap. I still can't move on my own though which is a problem.

“Don't worry dear you’ll get new dungeons soon don't worry,” she said after I was done crying.

I look up too her with hope surging through my body.” REALLY? WHEN?”

“After you tell me everything about your dungeons,” she said with that smile that scares me again.” You've managed to keep the inner workings of your creations a secret even to ME dear. Quite impressive, but after what just happened to Filvis I can't let you make more dungeons intel I understand them as much as you do.” She says while twirling my hair in between her fingers.

Death is probably better than this, but sense I'm immortal I don't have that option.

“ Okay, where do you want to begin?” I ask accepting the outcome. There's no point in fighting I can't even move and I really want my dungeons back, and her lap is really comfortable I'll do anything she says at this point.

“Oh,” she crosses her legs over mine, wraps her arms around my tummy and rest her head on top of mine.” How about how you make the cores those really interest me.”

I agree and start my explanation.

“First they are called Dungeon Souls. Earning that name because souls of the dead are the core, but are able to manipulate essence. I usually make them by getting souls of the damned from Mania and condescending the souls into a physical core. But not any soul will do because weak ones will create tiny cores the size of grains of sand.”


Mother is quite for a few seconds before asking a question.” When you mean the souls of the damned from Mania do you mean the ones that did atrocities and committed genocides?”

“The same, the dungeon that destroyed Filvis was the General of the Death Army a while back,” I said smiling.” That one really hated people.”

The smile from my mother is gone.” And why didn't you use powerful souls that didn't commit atrocities?”

Oh crap, I just stepped on a landmine. How to diffuse this one?

Before I can come up with a good lie mother grabs my jaw with her giant right hand. Seriously I now she's 7’2, but how can her hands be so big.

“Quit scheming and tell me your answer.”

“They were easier to get than the good ones.” Ha take that it's reasonable and only gives my down points for being cheap. Silence for a few moments while my mother processes my words.

“Dungian,” mother tells me,” I hate it when you lie, I have to punish now because of it.”

I try to yell out but my mother’s hand is already around my mouth.

After I was punished I told mother everything about dungeons. Monsters, ecosystems everything. The entire process took about two years. I’ve gotten some movement back into my body, but not enough to walk. If I ever will regain my strength I'll need a dungeon. And not just me, yes dungeons where dangers places with unforgiving monsters that wanted to kill everything, but the loot that they dropped and their essence filled cores where unmatched. Actually major cities are probably running into their reserves right now, this world relies on dungeons without them it WILL fall apart.

“I have to say Dungian, your dungeons are just spectacular I can see why you like them so much,” my mother said while patting my head.


Damn right they’re spectacular and will this women stop patting my head, I'm already embarrassed enough just sitting on her lap, which I'm now facing towards her and to make matters worse are racks are touching I mean personal space please, patting my head just drives the nail through the coffin.

“You did say after I told you everything that I could get my dungeons back right?” I ask pouring every ounce of emotion I could into those words.

“Dungeon,” my mother holds up one finger,” just one. And your not getting back anything. Like I said before those genocide mad ingrates are all dead.”

“How did they die anyway?” I ask because I'm actually curious. Killing a dungeon is not a walk in the park, even the young ones. It would take someone of extreme power to kill off all of them at once, actually only a god … wait a minute.

“Oh, Lilithian came down and used her godly powers to annihilate them,” mother says with smile.” She's half my strength now and her following tripled.” Mothers been using her divine sight to see what the rest of the world is doing, smart.

Damn that Lilithian to hell. I have to devise a way to topple her, it'll take time no drought but time is one thing we immortals have a lot of.

“Ahhh,” the hell, the back of my head feels like it's being crushed by a ton of bricks.

“Stop scheming,” mother is in my face her right hand crushing the back of my head.” You'll do nothing to any of the other deity’s, or I'll take away your ONE dungeon you understand me.”

“ Y-yes, mother,” I stamper out feeling myself losing consciousness.

“Good,” mother smiles easing her grip on my head,” but what's with all this mother nonsense. Call me what you used to.”

“No.” I deadpan her, no way in infernal hell I'm calling her that again.





“DO IT NOW,” mother’s hair and eyes turn red and her aura intensifies to the max.

“Yes mommy.” I say immediately, Hugh I have officially no dignity left in me, I feel like a bitch.

“Now,” mother stands up, throwing me in the air in the process, then uses wind essence to carry me onto her back. I wrap my arms around her neck and mother grabs my legs.” I shall acquire you a soul.”

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