《The Only Dungeon》Becoming a Dungeon



My body starts falling apart at a much faster rate. I'll be completely disintegrated in a matter of seconds.

“I DUNGIAN HEREBY ACCEPT YOU INTO MY DOMAIN. FROM THE TIME YOU ACCEPT ME TO THE TIME YOUR SOUL REENTERS OBLIVION YOU SHALL BE MY DUNGEON. THE DUNGEON …. Z. NOW TRANSFORM INTO YOUR NEW BODY Z..” The goddess shouts back at me. Then my body starts rushing back to me, not all though most of it has disappear. What's left of my body converges on a single point, I slowly harden into hexagon shape. I'm right above the goddess when I fully change. Completely white with a faint glow and from comparing to the goddess not that big, but I have a problem. With a new physical body I'm now falling. My body is incredibly tiny and falling from this height may kill me even if I land on the goddess.

Falling is a new experience for me one I hope to never repeat again. I think it may be do to me now being a Dungeon Soul, but moving without control of my surroundings is terrifying. And even though the goddess looks soft I doubt the landing will be.

The wind is rushing past me. The goddess is becoming larger so large it's hard to see where she ends. Just how big is the goddess a mile, two. I'm getting closer. Just a few seconds from impact.


Suddenly I'm in complete darkness with my body being squeezed to almost the breaking point.

“My Dungian that was spectacular,”a voice says. The voice radiated power, as if every word could wipe out a country. I feared the voice instantly, nothing that powerful should not not be feared.

“I am very impressed with you also Dungeon Soul,” light floods in and the face of the all powerful speaker appears. She produces power from every pore in her body. Her face is very beautiful with shining hair and eyes and pointed ears. I'm sitting on her index finger with with her giant face above me.

“Speaking must have taken a lot of your energy. Yet, you spoke nonetheless.” She moves me closer to her eye.”Tiny little thing aren't you.”

I try to respond, but I'm completely dry of energy. Not a single drop.

The goddess or Dungian on the couch calls to the speaker.” It's completely out of essence moth-mommy. It can't respond.”


The speaker turns her eyes towards Dungian.

“I know dear, I am just checking its affinity,” the speaker looks back at me.”Hello young one or Z as my daughter has named you. I am Magian Elder Goddess of Essence,” Magian moves over to the couch lifting up Dungian with one arm sits down then places Dungian on her lap. I have a feeling I'm witnessing one of the greatest things ever, but not so sure what.

“I've allowed your creation on an understanding with Dungian that you shall behave and follow our orders. I know you are only minutes old but try to comprehend what I'm saying. You do not have to do much else, but be yourself and grow. Though we shall intervene if we think you are being too … ferocious. Understand?”

I have no idea what she's talking about, but I don't have any other options, or do I?

“Now I,” Magian said while gesturing towards herself,” shall teach you Essence gathering and later Dungian,” she pats Dungian’s head,” shall teach you about being a dungeon.” Essence Gathering? Dungeon? I heard Dungian mention the latter earlier, but I have no idea to what they are.

“Your teachings with me shall begin immediately,” Magian says while rearranging her position on the couch. With me still on the tip of her index finger she begins her lesson.”Now youngling I need you to look inside yourself.”

I do what she ask and turn my field of vision all 360 degrees of it and look inside myself. I'm white on the inside with a perfect structure. And the center is glowing with must be my mind. Nothing else besides those things. I return my vision towards the goddess waiting for further instructions.

“No young one not like that. Focus not on your physical body, but on your spiritual one.”

What is a spiritual body? Does this goddess not know I'm only a few minutes old.

“The spiritual body is where you collect and store essence. It is comprised of two Chambers. The shape of them differ from being to being. The first chamber is where you shall gather essence while the second is where your crowns reside. I'll explain crowns later so just focus on the first chamber. Now young one in order to see your spiritual body you must feel it within yourself.”


Why didn't she start out with that explanation?

So I must feel my spiritual body. How do I feel in the first place? Getting sidetracked I must feel, feeeeeel.

I begin to feel myself. For some reason that sounds wrong. How about, I began to feel for my spiritual body. I don't find anything for quite a while. I think it would be a year but I'm not quite sure. The entirety of my search Magian and Dungian sit without making a sound with my sitting on her index finger the entire time.



Z’s been searching for a long time now. Two years in fact. I understand what mother is doing with the training, though I have mix feelings about it. The training she's putting him through is going to give veteran level control over his essence at fledgling. Which with him being a dungeon that is essential. But, there's a good chance that he may not survive it. She's been feeding him essence the entire time which is the only reason he hasn't gone dormant. But, in order for him to start Gathering on his own mother will have to cut him off.

That will be the most crucial time. If he doesn't start Gathering essence immediately he will die.



I FOUND IT! I think? My spiritual body is two spheres connected by a pathway. Though the pathway is blocked. I see something swirling in the top one, where is it coming from? I look at the trail of stuff, following it back outside to Magian.

“Good young one you found it.” She says smiling.” Now listen very carefully, I'm currently sending you essence in order to keep you alive. But you need to start collecting essence on your own. To do that you must grab the essence with your mind and pull it towards you.”

I think I understand it, but I feel like it will be better if I have more explanation.

“Now I am cutting you off right now. Good luck I hope you survive.” She smiles like she didn’t just cut off my only food supply. Dungian looks at her mother with a sharp gaze, but doesn’t say anything. Wait like right now or in like five minutes.

My mind starts to slow down and my body feels like it’s losing its life force. Right now I guess. I start looking where to grab and what. There. There is something in the air. They are little particles of different colors scattered through the air. I reach out and grab on one pulling it in. I feel the energy replenish me. But it’s not enough, I need more. I began to devour every piece of particle I can get my mind on. I can’t eat everything only the brown particles, everything else just gets bounced off my top sphere. After a few minutes a steady stream is flowing into me without me having to concentrate though it increases substantially when I do.

“Great young one. You have survived your first of many challenges!” Magian exclaims excitedly. This woman is insane get me away from her now please. I look over at my goddess Dungian. She just shakes her head mouthing just go along.”Now I shall give you the quick explanation on essence gathering and usage then Dungian will tell you how to be a dungeon. First,” she scoots Dungian up and puts her on the ground,”natural cultivation is the natural speed a living being takes in essence. Sense you are a Dungeon you already have a high natural cultivation speed. Cultivation is when you consciously take in essence, which for you is earth essence one of the most common affinity’s. Now you already know how to cultivate moderately well so I have no need to go into specifics with you on that,” she zones out for a second then comes back to the conversation.”I trust you to discover the rest out on your own. Dungian I will give you some power to transport him to a location of your choosing and I shall supply you continuously so you can keep accurate taps on him. Goodbye and make sure he doesn’t go insane.”

Magian disappears leaving me falling, but then Dungian shoots up catching me.

“Wahooo.” She scream jumping up and down.”I can move again.” She back flips off the couch somehow going through the floor. Now we are free falling down to the ground.



Don’t you wee me this is terrifying. She begins to fly horizontally away from the sun.

“Don’t worry Z I already have the perfect place picked out, I’ll explain on the way what it is like to be a dungeon.”

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