《An Unusual Town》Chapter 34: Report


I sat at my desk waiting for Corey to report in about the Human Sanctuary. After visiting the Tops I realized that quite a bit of safety measures will be needed before the tournament begins. [ Maybe I can get the Coven to set up a spherical barrier. ]

A translucent figure flashed into existence in front of my desk. He was dressed completely in black making it easier for him to blend into the night.


“I have successfully infiltrated the Human ‘Sanctuary’. However it is not what we thought it would be.”

“Ho, how so?”

“The Humans know nothing about the Zombies.”

“… Then how are they keeping them out?”

“The Humans have dug a trench around the town about six meters deep. When a Zombie comes it falls into the trench and is unable to get back out.”

“I-I see. Do they have a method to deal with the Zombies that get stuck in the trench?”

“No.” Corey sighed as if he was truly disappointed with the Humans. “They are just letting them pile up in the trench. Eventually the trench will be full enough that the Zombies can cross it, or they will figure out a method to climb out.”

“Sigh, I see. Well it was worth a try.” I rubbed my temples in annoyance. [ How can the Humans be so stupid? ]

“Corey figure out a way to get the Humans to burn the Zombies in the trench.” This should distract the Court of Life if they look over here for the cause of the Zombies. It should also help with reducing the number of Zombies we have to deal with.


“How is the town set up?”

“It seems to be very different from normal Human towns. There are quite a few people who call themselves ‘gangs’ in the town. There is no leader. They all fight each other for territories, and there is no system to protect the weak. Truly an unusual town.”


“Hahaha, Corey you need to learn more about the Humans.”

“I see no point. The Humans are almost gone now anyway.”

“Hahaha, so they are. Well, see if you can meet with the leaders of these gangs and see if you can get them to send out people to hunt the Zombies. Explain that only one in five are immortal. You might have to show them. Make sure to keep the fight in Human standereds.”


“If they do not agree leave. They are useless. Those that do agree we will have fight in the areas around their ‘Sanctuary’. Their activities should give the Court of Life something to look at.”

“As you say.”

“One last thing. Come back before the weekend. We will be holding the skullball tournament. I would like you to act like security.”

“I will have my tasks completed in two days.”

“Good. Your dismissed.” Corey nodded in respect and flickered out of existence. [ Sigh, no new information from the ‘Sanctuary’ then. ] My eyes scanned the room dully. [ Sigh, I’ll head off to bed then. ] Stretching and standing up I headed back to my house that had been neglected for almost two weeks now.

Corey POV

I glanced around the roof to make sure no one had seen me. The tasks Master gave me were very easy compared to normal. [ Has Master grown more docile with age? ] Walking silently to the edge of the roof I jumped down into an ally.

The moon illuminated the path as I walked. I watched the Humans scurry around trying hard to be unnoticed as they went about their tasks. Every once and a while a larger group of Humans would pass by shouting and shoving each other around roughly.

Master told me to talk to the leader of these louder Humans. I trailed behind one of these groups hoping that they would bring me to their base soon. I’ve never been one for crowds. I wove my way through the crowd for around two hours before they walked into a building with a wooden sign nailed into it. The sign was illegible.


I shook my head at the shoddy craftsmanship, and walked in. The building was a bit run down with graffiti all over the walls. Humans leaned against the walls smoking and playing cards. Staires at the end of the room lead up to the next floor where I assume the more important people stayed.

“Oi! Who are you?!” Shouted a bulky guy with an unusual tattoo of a ‘moth?’ on his shoulder. Several other guys got up from where they where and began to surround me. I noticed that all of them had a very similar ‘moth?’ like tattoo somewhere in plain sight.

“Is a disfigured moth their sign?” I muttered.

“Hey don’t stand there in a daze muttering to yourself!” The bulky ‘moth?’ guy shouted. “Who are you? And what are you doing here?!” I tilted my head in confusion. Something was off about this guy.

“maybe he’s dumb.” Another guy to my left suggested.

“Hehehe, or maybe he’s so scared that he can’t talk.” A guy on my right proposed.

“Be quite!” The others looked at the first ‘moth?’ guy. He turned back to me. “Answer the question.”

[ Ah, he is the leader of this pack of Humans. ] I fixed my gaze on the ‘moth?’ guy. “Greetings, my name is Jack. I came on behalf of my master to talk about the resent Zombie problem.” I bowed my head slightly in respect to the pack leader.

The man raised an eyebrow in confusion while the others burst out laughing. “What’s wrong with this guy?” The guy on my left asked inbetween breaths.

“maybe he hit his head and is crazy.” The laughing and comments on my sanity continues while the ‘moth?’ guy watched me cautiously. I held my eye contact with him so that he knew I was serious.

“Sigh,” he closed his eyes and then glanced at the other guys. “Shut up you ingrates.” The surroundings imiditly quieted. “You, come with me.” I followed him up the stairs to a nicely furnished room. He gestured for me to sit. “Speak.”

I sat down on the couch. “My Master sent me to help with the Zombies.”

“Ho, and who is your Master?” The pack leader asked while squinting his eyes at me.

“He prefers to remain anonymous.”

“Is that so… Then how are you going to help against the Zombies? As far as I know they are immortal.” The pack leader leaned back in his chair.

“Yes, however only one in five are immortal.”

He raised an eyebrow at this. “Is that so? Can you prove it?”



“The trench at the edge of the ‘Sanctuary’ if you set it ablaz it will destroy most of the Zombies in there, and clear it out some so that they won’t be able to climb out.” The pack leader looked thoughtful for a moment.

“This would give immediate results.” He muttered. “Ok, lead the way. Let’s see if this information of yours is true or not.” He stood up and walked to the stairway. “Oi, guys. Gather some gas and lighters where going to torch the trenches.”

Rsndom cheeres of joy where raised by the Humans downstairs. I walked with the guys to the trenches Humans running to get out of our what as we passed. With great enthusiasm they torched a section of the trenches proving my information about the Zombies to be correct.

This situation and conversation happened seven more times. Two agreed to help destroy the Zombies, three said they would think about it, 1 said no, and the last one attacked me so I whiped them out.

As the situation progressed two days have passed. It’s now time to head back to Master and report.

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