《An Unusual Town》Chapter 35 : First Day of The Games


The crowed roared in excitement as the lion killed the man in the center of the colosseum. I sat in the middle of the human mob watching what was considered entertainment. The lion slowly devoured the corpse of the unfortunate gladiator. His shield bent in an unusual way and the spear was split in half.

Soldiers and animal trainers with whips came out forming a semi-circle around the lion. She growled as they approached. The trainer’s whipped at her paws and face trying to get her to back off her kill. She growled, hissed, and slashed at the humans, but every time she got close spears would stab at her keeping the lion at bay.

Slowly the lion backed up into a corridor leading to where the animals where kept. Once behind the doorway a metal gate dropped down locking it out of the arena. Her roars echoed out around the colosseum. A plump richly dressed man, to my upper left, stood up. He was the only one aloud in that area of the stand and had a slightly raised pedestal seat.

“My loving audience it would appear that the beast has won yet again.” Part of the crowed broke out in laughter while another part booed. “I’m afraid that nothing is a match against that vicious creature. But fear not your losses in betting will go to providing more entertaining shows.” The humans cheered wildly while others laughed counting slips of paper. “I hope all of you enjoyed the show and will come again.”

The fat announcer left through a privet exit while other humans started filling out the many others. I slowly stood up and followed the humans to the exit. Once in the dark passageway I slipped through a doorway leading to he lower levels of the colosseum. I walked calmly through the maze like passages as if I owned the place. Several rushing servants passed by only giving me a glance.

The hallways where painted with beautiful colors and extravagant murals. Humans sat in nicely decorated rooms eating or talking with patrons. A couple of them where even having wounds bound. Small grunts of repressed pain would occasionally fill the hallway. Gladiators they called them. Their life or death a show for the crowed. Ridiculous creatures.

As I walked deeper in the nicely painted walls and well decorated rooms came to an end. Taking another set of stairs down into the underground level, the colosseum opened up into a large room filled with cages. Growls, whimpers, barks, hisses, and quite crying filled the room. This room took up the entire space underneath the arena with a sloped passageway that the animals would walk up.


The cages in the room where filled with both exotic and local animals. The trainers where feeding some of them while leaving others to starve so they would be sure to act violently when it was their turn to enter the arena. Quite the cruel thing to do just for some entertainment…

I stared up at the ceiling while lying in bed. No matter how many ages passed entertainment will always be the most important thing. No matter the species. It is especially true for the longer lived ones. I stretched my stiff mussels and got out of bed. Today was the first day of the Skull Ball Tournament. Which meant that if nothing goes wrong I wont have any work today. [ Snort, yeah right. ]

There is no way everything will be fine. If there is one thing this town has proved its that it can’t be left alone.


(Mori POV)

I sat swinging my legs over the edge of the roof using Teddy’s arm as a pillow. I’m really excited! Today it the first day of the Skull Ball Tournament. That means that I can play as much as I want. “Teddy, are my team mates already at the Tops?!” I asked my bear excitedly.

Teddy nodded his head and placed a papper in my hand. [ A letter I wonder what it could be. Ah, its the rules… ] “Teddy why would you give me this? You know that I don’t like rules. It ruins all the fun.” I hopped up and pulled Teddy down the stairs to my room to get ready. “Now what should I wear. Ah, I know just the thing.” Pulling on a pink and black victorian style dress and black tennis shoes I turned to Teddy. “Lets go. We can’t keep the team waiting.”

I skipped my way out of my shop dragging Teddy behind me. [ Now where was the transfer gate again? ]


(Akuji POV)

I placed the final touches on the sphere shaped protection shield. After being told that I was to create a protection shield to cover the entire field, I immediately came to do just that. Its fortunate that I did otherwise there is no way it would have been done in time.

“Thankss for the hard work.” Hissed a voice from my right.

“It is no problem Kígyó. The shield should last the entire tournament as long as everyone follows the rules.” I replied to the Basilisk. An interesting choice in referee this year. However if compared to last years tournament then it is probably for the best.


“Hisisisis, I can ssee that thiss yearss tournament concernss you. Just relaxss. Nothing will happen.” His yellow eyes flashed with amusement.

“You can only say that because you didn’t come to last years tournament.” I stated blandly. “It was a nightmare.”

“Hisisisis, well we will ssee how this year’ss will go. No usse trying to predict the future.”

“It is unusual to see you two talking.” Lisa cut in from the side. She held a clip board in one hand and little Clara’s in the other. “Or you talking to anyone for that matter Kígyó.”

“Now, that’ss jusst rude.” He replied in mock offense.

“Kaz has not shown up yet?” I asked Lisa.

“Sigh, no not yet. I can only imagine that he is trying to take as much time as possible.” Her shoulders dropped in exhaustion.

“Kaz is coming though, right Akuji!” Clara half begged.

“That’s right little one.” I replied. It will be sad that Clara is going to go live with Kaz again after today. She was a very welcome addition to our coven. However the little elf was uncomfortable. “You will soon be able to stay with Kaz again.”

“What’s this about Kaz?” Asked a litter girl as she drug a five foot teddy bear behind her. Her bright smile somehow giving off an eire feel.

“Ah, Miss Mori. The rest of your team is already here. If you would just sign in then we can get started.” Lisa said while handing her the clip board and pen.

“Lisa! It’s been so long! Are you here to play as well?” She asked while jumping up and down.

“No, I’m not. I’m here to make sure everything runs smoothly. Did you read the rules?” Lisa smile looked a bit strained as she watched the teddy bear’s arm get pulled off in the girls jumping. To my surprise it stood up once the arm was ripped off and pulled a piece of paper out of its mouth.

“Ah, Teddy you lost your arm again. Really you need to keep track of your limbs.” Mori reprimanded happily. Clara shuddered and hid behind Lisa. [ Really this girl is as disturbing as always. ] “Yes, I read the rules. Really why are there so many this year?” The Teddy shook its head behind the girl and waved the paper. Mori threw the arm at the teddy bear causing it to fly backwards and off the ledge of the platform plummeting to the ground below.

““…”” We all watched in silence. This marked the tragic end of ‘Teddy’.

“So where is my team.” Mori asked innocently as if she didn’t just kill off a sentient teddy bear.

“… Right this way Miss Mori.” Lisa lead the girl off towards one of the waiting rooms.

“I’ve never sseen that girl before. Who iss sshe?” asked Kígyó his face a little pale.

“That is Miss Mori. She is the town’s Undertaker.” I replied while trying to calm down Clara who was watching dazed at the edge of the platform where the teddy bear flew off.

“Sshe iss the Undertaker?” Asked Kígyó in disbelief. “Sshe doesn’t look ass sscary ass the rummerss ssay sshe iss.”

“Looks can be deceiving. Especially in this town.” I replied.

“Hisisiss, no kidding.” Kígyó laughed nervously. Suddenly Clara jumped in fright.

“Clara, whats wrong?” I turned to look at what she was watching. There a soft plush paw was grabbing onto the edge of the platform. Very slowly the body of the teddy bear appeared over the edge as if in a horror movie. A loud ripping sound traveled to my ears as the teddy bear finally rolled itself onto the platform. One arm half off and the other in its mouth. It sat up and spit out a needle in thread along with some stuffing. Taking the threaded needle in its mouth it stitched the half hanging arm back on. Then shoving the stuffing back into its mouth it stitched its other arm back on.

Once done it rose to its feet and lumbered up to us. Clara curled up into a little ball and hid behind me. Pulling out a piece of paper it wrote { Who is the Referee this year? }.

“That would be me Misster Teddy.” Answered Kígyó.

The teddy bear nodded and then wrote {Master did not read the rules. Please be carful while doing your job.}. It put the paper away and lumbered off towards it’s master.

“… I sshall take that advice to heart.” Quietly replied Kígyó. This years tournament is going to be a disaster.

Authors note:

I am to lazy to put the character list at the end of the chapters. From now on if you want a refresher on who all the characters are then go to my website. I also have another book I'm writing on there. Its called 'I Come From The Water'.

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter. =p

Website: https://localleaderkaz.wordpress.com/

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