《An Unusual Town》Side Story - The Diary Part 1


Side Story - The Diary Part 1

Badru POV

I sat at the library front desk with the most valuable book in the world. It is a diary written by none other than the Mayor! I want to read it so much! The knowledge that is hidden in this book and the mysterious language that it is written in. An unremovable smile was plastered on my face as I looked down at the book.

A tree spirit that agreed to help me when Lisa took me to the forest was sitting across from me translating the pages. Slowly but surely the words were reviling themselves in plain english. My tail flicked back and forth in inpatients. Finally the tree spirit finished the first page of the book. It picked up the freshly written page with its bark coated hand and gave it to me. I snatched the paper and began reading the first page into the life of our long lived and mysterious leader.

Today I believe is a Tuesday sometime mid summer. I have been traveling along the forest roads and have lost track of the human’s calendar. That tricky and unnatural time keeping they do annoys me. However if I wish to blend in then I need to

remember it. I am currently traveling to a civilization that is very developed compared to others.

When I was in a small village not seven days walk from here they were talking about a city that they called the center of human culture and advancement. Apparently they live in something called a ‘city’. This is a new word. The places that humans live in are called house, village, town, or cavern. Cavern being a moving village. However they told me that a city is bigger than a town. I do not really wish to go to this ‘city’ due to the sheer number of humans that are said to live there.


However when I told Mother this she reminded me of my duty as such I am heading to this ‘city’. The humans in the village called it Athens I believe. It is found in some place called Greece. The names are crude at best. I do not expect much. I expect that it will just be some oversized village with humans littered around the place. But I can not go against Mother and will head to this ‘city of Athens’. However I will make the trip there last as long as possible and keep to the shadows so as not to meet any humans.

The page was a bit confusing. There was no date or real time on the paper. In fact reading this had only brought more questions than answers. When was this? Who is this Mother that he spoke of? And what is his duty? I reread the page hoping to pick up any new information that I might of missed the first time, but the only thing I could get out of it was that it was some time when the ancient Greeks first came into being.

I looked up at the tree spirit that was diligently translating the diary. However the pace was slow. The spirit looked up at me.

“$%^#@!” The head tilt let me know that it was a question that it asked but other than that I had no idea what it wanted.

“Little one I have no idea what you asked.” I responded knowing that it could understand me.

The spirit pulled over a new piece of paper and wrote down a sentence before showing me. ‘Are you ok?’ I smiled.

“But of course little one.” I watched as it went back to translating, and I went back to pondering what, who, and when Kaz came into existence. From the paper I now knew that Kaz had a mother but that just made it more difficult because who could possible be the mother of Kaz.


I thought back to the time I first meet Kaz. It was going on five years now. I had heard of a town where supernatural creatures could live if they wanted to rest and not have to worry about the humans. I had traveled quite the distance and had to be a stow away on a ship to get here. However I made it.

When I walked into the town I was greeted by the site of many different supernatural creatures going about their daily lives without any fear. I had walked up to one of the gargoyles that was out shopping for food and asked if they knew what I had to do so I could live here. The gargoyle took me to the town hall to meet Kaz. At that time Lisa was not yet Kaz’s secretary so we just walked strait into his office.

I will remember my first impression of him for as long as I live. Wavy and curly brown hair, moss green eyes that seemed to change colors in the light, and porcelain skin that looks like it was made of moonlight. In contrast to his looks he wore baggy shirt with jeans. His jacket laid on the back of the chair. It looked like he was trying to blend in with his surroundings only to fail miserable.

It wasn’t that he did anything that gave him away but just a glance and you knew that there was something special about him. It was like he gave off a little glow and had a natural grace about everything he did. I was stunned.

I looked back down at the translated part of the diary. This would be me one step closer to figuring out the mystery that was Kaz the Mayor of Shadow Wood. I smiled and set the paper down.

“Little one I am going to go get something to eat. Do you want anything.” The little spirit shook its head as it continued translating. “Alright, see you in a little bit.” When I come back there should be new translated pages that would lead me closer to what Kaz it. I smiled as I trotted out the door. My tail strait up in the air showing my joy.


A little bit more substantial in site as to what Kaz is and how powerful he is will be added from now on in the story. Hope you enjoyed and sorry to destroy your hopes that it was the continuation of chapter 25.

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