《An Unusual Town》Chapter 26: A Fatal Mistake


So this chapter may be is slightly violent..... Enjoy

A Fatal Mistake

Akuji POV

Mayor Kaz laughed a haunting and horrible laugh that echoed through the room. I stepped back so that it would be easier to shield the two behind me. Ali Baba and Baba Yoga both grabbed onto the back of my shirt. Their hands trembled slightly in fear. None of us had seen the Mayor like this before but I knew this wouldn’t end well.

An angry shout from the side drew my attention. “What are you laughing at nut job?!” I flenched inwardly at the insulate. While not a great one it did not seem like the wised choice to be calling the Mayor names in his current state.

I was not sure weather to praise the mans bravery or curse his stupidity. The crazy laughter died down and the Mayor locked eyes with the man. A toothy grin not unlike that of a predator appeared on his face. His eyes narrowed slightly as if zoning in on its prey.

“Oh my, are you talking about me perhaps?” The cheerfulness of the words that left the Mayor’s mouth made me shiver. The room was silent as everyone had frozen in earthier fear or confusion. I refused to let my eyes wonder around for fear that the one moment I looked away he would strike.

“Who else could I be talking to?!”I cringed at the response this idiotic man made. He was not helping the situation.

“Kukuku, well I wonder.” The words hung in the air and dread filled me. I tapped the strange plant creature that had been hiding behind my foot ever since I entered the building. It looked up.

“I had come here to settle all of you into this town and resolve some issues however…” A pause that helped to only escalate the emotions flowing around in the room. Desperately I mouthed out an order to the plant creature. ‘Go get the ‘Resident’ NOW.’ The creature nodded and ran off as fast as it could.

“I wonder what I should do now? Do you have any ideas?” With a childish head tilt that conveyed confusion on what action he should take these ominous words came out. I know not of what is going to happen but I must try my best has head of the Coven to protect the two behind me. I willed magic to come just under my skin at the ready for anything I needed to do and waited anxiously for what was to come next.


The asinine man looked at me with confusion and anger when I asked this. His face slowly grew redder as his anger rose. “How should I know what a lying fraud of a man should do with his peasant life?! I already told you what I want! Leave!”


I watched his frantic hand movements trying to convey how angry he was and how much he meant those words. A couple of the other Wizards had calmed down and were now joining the mans side. Their lack of fear intrigued me. [ I must be losing my touch. Is it old age? ] Not that it mattered.

“I see. You wish for me to leave. However I don’t see why I should. This is my town and the way I see it you are imposing on me. Why don’t you leave?” The insect did not heed my warning.

“We’ll see how well you do after this!” The insect began chanting a long and drawn out spell. The air tingled and filled with electricity. [ How idiotic. ] Apparently he had already forgotten what had happened at the door not an hour ago. I waited patiently for the man to finish. While I could have killed him plenty of times by now I was curious about the spell he chose to use.

Lightning started gathering in the center of the room above him making the lights pale in comparison. It slowly morphed into a serpent the slithered through the air towards me. At four meters (around 13 feet) the lightning serpent looked very imposing. Grisha jumped and started running down the stairs to get away from it.

I extended my hand out in front of me and touched the head that came diving in. The serpent froze. With a tap I sent it hurdling back at the man. I smiled with joy as I watched the serpent land squarely on it’s mark. Lightning shot in every direction. The Wizards who were standing quietly before were now running around trying to dodge and shield themselves from the lightning.

I felt natural magic tingly in the air as a barrier went up around the three witches. The lightning finally died down to reveal the unharmed fool. He had shielded himself at the last moment and managed to get away from the serpent’s devastating attack. Next to him was a scorched body of an unfortunate Wizard that could not get away in time.

“Ho.” I raised an eyebrow at his survival. The man was panting and glaring at me. He started chanting again however two of the closest Wizards ran and tackled him to the ground.

“What are you doing?!” He struggled to get free.

“Are you crazy Edmond you want to shoot another spell?” One of the Wizards asked.

“You saw what happened just now. One of us is dead because of this.” The other Wizard stated. I looked closer and noticed that he was the one that asked the insect if it was true that I attacked him.

I frowned slightly at the two Wizards that were starting to destroy my fun. Hopping over the railing of the stairs I landed next to some terrified Wizards. They scrambled to get away from me. I walked slowly towards the trio. My actions had drawn their attention away from the struggling insect.


“Well, well what do we have here? Some Wizards that wish to save the day?” The two on top of the haughty insect paled. “Two times he has attacked me today and you wish to save him? How ignorant.” The two stood up and turned to face me. I stopped an arms reach away from them. “I had planed to let the first attack go because of ignorance of the situation and gave him the benefit of the doubt. However even after getting a taste of his own medicine this morning he still dares to attack me.”

The two frowned and glanced down at the pitiful man creature. “Inferno!” Fire formed and shot out at me from the insects hand. The two that were in front of him jumped to the side in horror. My smile returned as I stepped to the side gracefully dodging what can only be a fire ball. A few more formed and flew around the room as I dodged everyone of them. I watched as the Wizards ran around trying to keep from being burned by the magic. [ Ah truly entertaining. ] A couple of them fell to the ground with burns and groaning in pain.

I walked up to the pitiful creature that new not of fear. “My you are causing quite a bit of destruction aren’t you.” In frustration he fired more fire balls at me that I simple side stepped away from. I grabbed the mans shirt collar and watched him struggle as I lifted him up into the air. “For giving me such entertainment I will let you decide. Will it be a quick death or a painful one?”

“Shut up!” The man creature shouted at me as he struggled. I smiled wider.

“A painful one it is.” The air pressure rose causing the Wizards that were still close to us to run to the other side of the room. The lights dimmed and wind picked up giving it an eerie green glow. A tree started sprouting from the ground and slowly grew bigger. As the branches grew they stabbed their way into the insects body. He screamed in agony as it started down at the feet and slowly made its way up. As the tree grew the branches that were stuck in the man would grow wider increasing the pain and suffering he would feel.

The door to the building slammed open and a shadow raced its way over to me. It spread out and enclosed the insect and me from the rest of the people in the room. The shadows moved with the wind and created a barrier. Slowly a figure emerged walking out of the shadows. I turned to look at it and smiled presently as the tree continued the torture it was called out to due.

“Why hello there ‘Resident’ how may I help you this fine morning?” The ‘Resident’ watched the man suffer in agony for a second before it had the shadows move in and devour him. The screaming stopped and not a piece of the man could be seen. I frowned.

“Kaz…” The ‘Resident’ paused as if unsure what to say. “… Shall we go get a bite to eat?”


Character List

Spoiler : Kaz - Mayor of Shadow Wood

Self proclaimed 'Green Spirit'

'Embodiment of forest'

Past names: Mor, Amke, Raul

Can create Green Men and trees

Redirect Magic

Terrry - Necromancer

Cause of the Zombies

Kaz's Assistant


A Bosh

'Resident' - Lives in a crypt

Friend of Kaz

Farries the Dead to the Underworld

Replacement Mayor

Door to the Underworld

Controller of Shadows

Lisa - Cat Sidhe

Kaz's secretary

Has a crow familier named Eitilt

Ali Baba - Witch

Twin Sister to Baba Yoga


Baba Yoga - Witch

Twin Sister to Ali Baba


Jasmine - Leader of the Water Fae

Van - In control of the Power Plant



Dirk - Employees of Power Plant

Golems (created by Van)

David Baker - Mayor of Redroad



Inta - Ali Baba's daughter

Usor - Ali Baba's Son

Clara - Little girl from National Park

Living with Kaz

Wood Elf

Akuji - Wizard

Head of Magic clan

Looks like a little kid

Kraken Family - 3 in total

Live in the pond

From Chaos dimension

Baby Loves Ice Cream

Badru - Head of the Library

Sphinx (Cheetah variety)

Translating Kaz's Book

Seth - Alpha of Werewolf Pack

Tasked with investigating Zombies

Loves animals (especially fluffy cats)

Constantine Dracul - Lives in a Castle

In the Court of Life

Husband to Juliana


Juliana Ann Dracul - Necromancer

Terry's Master

Wife to Constantine


Jared Dracul - Son of Constantine and Juliana

Chasing Viola

Half Dragon Half Vampire

Viola Heart - Daughter of the King of the Court of Life

Being Chased by Jared

Nicolas Flamel - Alchemist

1 of the Order of 9


Kaz's Stocker

Experiment maniac


Mori - Little girl dressed in white

Terry's friend

The Undertaker

Has a Teddy Bear that walks and talks

Corey Einar - Elf

Lives in the Hidden City

A cross between a Light and dark Elf

King of Life - King of the Court of Life

Hates anything that is Undead

In a feud with the Shadow Assembly

Grisha - Wizard

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