《An Unusual Town》Species Discrimination


Species Discrimination

I was roaming around the forest looking for some food. The night cold and quite was perfect for hunting. I was hungry. It had been some time since I had last eaten. Following down a well-traveled deer trail I spotted a fawn laying a little ways from the rest of the herd. Not quite an outcast but definitely not welcome in the herd. This is the perfect meal. As I readied myself for the catch, I heard a noise. It was right behind me and loud enough to disturb the sleeping deer.

The deer saw me and ran, a perfect meal gone in a flash. Turning around I saw a little girl standing there smiling. She had dark curly hair and a long wool dress on. She looked at me and said hello. Then I saw nothing, it was all black.

I awoke not long after that to find myself chained to a wall in a small round room. Hearing a scuffing noise I looked up. The same little girl was standing before me again.

“They call this the Pitts. They said that you're a monster, but you don’t look no different from us.” She looked at me curiously than started to take a step forward, but a hand shot out and caught her.

“Marry! I told ya not to go near it!” The yell came from behind the half open door. “It’s evil!”

“But father, why…” the little girl, Marry, started.

“No buts! Go to your Mother. She's worried sick about ya,” said Marry’s father. The girl looked down at the floor and walked out of the room. “Don’t even think about layin a hand on my daughter,” he said gruffly as he walked into the room.

“I don’t know why they want to keep ya alive. In my opinion they should've killed ya while ya were out. Not smart keeping ya here chained up.” He gave me an assessing look and then with a disgust face said, “Monster, pretendin to be human. No one will believe that ya are. Your tricks don’t work on me.” He paused, his eyes searching me. “Tch!”

Marry’s father turned angrily and walked out slamming the door as he went. I heard the click as a key turned in the lock. Then listened to his foot steps slowly fade away. Once they were gone I pulled on the chains, but they refused to give. I scanned the room.

It was small round room made completely of stone, it gave off no warmth. The chains were made of iron and cemented into the wall. I looked up only to see darkness. No ceiling but an opening at the top leaving me exposed to the elements. [ The Pitts, huh? What a fitting name for the room. ]

I slouched against the wall, chains rattling as I moved. I had messed up. Stayed too long in one place. The humans got to know me and my habits. As a result I had been caught. This mistake was made every hundred years or so but it was still irritating. The frustration will stay for quite some time only to slowly be forgotten until it happens again. However there was nothing to worry about. Even if they put chains on me that I can’t break, I can just wait until someone comes to kill me. Then I can escape.

I smiled to myself. [ Escape? What a funny thing to think. It’s not like they can hurt me anyway. ] My stomach growled in protest to the hunger I was putting it through. [ I’ll eat the little girl they used as bait. There's nothing the villagers can say about that. If they use someone as bait there is no way their can be angry if she gets eaten like bait. ] I closed my eyes.


All I needed to do was wait. Not long now some idiot will come to kill me and I will be free again. Nothing to do now but to wait... Beep.... Beep...Beep

I shut off the alarm and held my head. That dream was from a long time ago. It was probably the child sleeping in the other room that caused it. I glanced at the clock, 6 am. In the kitchen I pulled down a cereal box and two bowls for breakfast. The child...Clara came in and looked around.

"Good morning Clara..... Why don't we have some breakfast?"

"Good morning...." Clara sat at the table. I poured some cereal and milk into our bowls. "Thank you..."

"Your welcome." Smiling I started eating the cereal. We sat and ate in silence. Clara sat across from me in the same cloths she wore yesterday. It reminded me to much of that time. [ I hate kids.... ] "Well when we finish we need to head to the Community Center."

Clara looked at me in panic. "Can I stay with you?"

A little taken aback I said. "Well.... Why don't you see what is going on for today and then decide. I have to go to the Community Center to tell everyone about the town and take them to their new homes. Why don't you ask again tonight after hearing and seeing a bit more. Ok?"

Clara looked a little dejected "Ok..." We finished up the rest of breakfast and headed for the Community Center. On the road there a deathly pale woman with a black parcel steeped in front of us.

"Master Kaz, I hear that you have brought humans into town." Her eyes flashed dangerously, "I believe that this is a forbidden act. To bring such filth into Shadow Wood is absolutely ridicules. We of the Vampire Community call for a Council meeting to be held immediately." She glanced at Clara and sneered while walking away.

[Sigh ] I looked at Clara who was standing there stunned. "Does.. That mean that the people in Shadow Wood arn't human?" She asked while watching the deathly pale woman walk away.

"..... Why don't you come with me." Clara and I begin walking again, only this time we headed for the City Hall. On the way Clara looked at all the buildings and people we past. It was still to early for a lot of people but some were up and going. Lisa was waiting for me at the entrance to City Hall.

"Kaz the Council is waiting for you in the meeting room."

"Thank you Lisa. Can you do me a favor and take little Clara here down to the Community Center. While your there would you mind telling the Redroad citizens about Shadow Wood. I should be over at the Community Center by.....8:30."

"As you wish. Clara can you come with me?" Clara looked at me with a sad face and followed Lisa to the Community Center. [ Now Then.... ] I walked tot he conference room and opened the door. The room was very quite.

Taking my seat I begin. "Why has the Council called for a meeting?"

The Fae looked at a deathly pale woman. "Master Kaz, you must be aware why this meeting was called."

"Not at all. Please enlighten me." I smiled at her.

The woman ferruled her eyebrows in agitation. "It is because you have brought Humans into our town." She said in quite anger.

The goblin looked at me with questioning eyes. "Why is it that you brought Humans here? This town was supposed to be a safe haven. Bringing Humans here defeats that purpose."

"Sigh....These Humans that you talk about are from Redroad." Several of the members tensed. "If you don't know Redroad is the town next to us that has helped us many times. I had received a letter from the Mayor of Redroad asking for the evacuation and safety of his people. We are indebted to them and this is something we must do to pay them back."


Everyone was silent a moment. "We do not owe that Human filth!" Shouted the deathly pale woman. "The are nothing but cattle! Food to be consumed! We of the Vampire race refuse to accept such disgusting savages into our town! Send them away! Let them die in their own home instead of dirtying mine!" The vampire's eyes glowed red and a horrible pressure was building up making many of the Council flinch in response.

I waited for the Vampire to stop speaking. "You and your race do not own this town." I said calmly. The Council members closest to me scooted away. "Your race may think that they are food, but several of the others do not. Just because you find it distasteful to live in the same town does not mean it won't happen. Your words carry only the weight of your community and not any other. Unless there is a valid reason not to accept them then please sit down and shut up."

The Vampire sat down with visible anger. "Now is there anyone else with concerns?"

"...I wish to know if our secrets will be kept." said the Council member dressed completely in black.

"Your races will be told to the Redroed citizens, but your identities and your race secrets will be kept. The only way they will find out is through you."

"I see.... But where shall they stay?" asked the gargoyle.

"They will stay over by the Power Plant. The Alchemist is the only other 'Human' in town. All the areas and houses by here are free."

"It is true that the houses by her are free, but that was for safety purposes. There is a high chance that something will explode over there." stated the Fae in concern.

"It should be fine. If anything happens I will take care of it."

".... Then I guess we are done here." said the scruffy brown haired man.

"No one else?" I asked. Everyone was quite. "Then meeting adjured." I turned and left the room. It was now 8am and I needed to make it to the Community Center by 8:15.


I walked into the down stairs area of the Community Center only to be greeted by the sound of a hushed panic. Apparently Lisa had just finished telling the residents of Redroad about our town. Silence fell upon the room when I entered. Everyone there turned to look at me.

"Is it true that you brought us to a monster town?!" One of the adults cried. A couple of children flinched at the sound. Others coward near there parents while they comforted them. I spotted Clara sitting in one of the chairs at the table staring blankly at me.

"Sigh... In a way yes. This town is inhabited by what you call monsters." Fear broke out on there faces and they huddled closer together. "Lisa, how far did you get?"

"Ah.... I am sorry. Not much was explained. I only managed to tell them how this town was inhabited by creatures other than Human."

"Did you at least get to say what creatures?" The crowd watched in silent horror as we had this conversation.

"No, I only got to say one species and they panicked."

"What Species?"


"I see... Well I guess it would be better to start from the beginning again. Shall we?" Lisa bowed her head slightly. The crowed looked at me a little strangle but they all stayed silent and watched. I opened my arms in a sweeping gesture.

"Welcome to Shadow Wood. This will be your new town. However before we settle you in we need to go over some rules and explain this town a bit.... First I should inform you that the residents of this town are mostly not human. However they fear you more than you fear them." [ Most of them anyway... ] "The residents of the town will not harm you. In fact most of them you wont even be able to tell are not human."

Lisa sat down at one of the chairs with a cup of tea listening to my speech. "Now I'm sure you are concerned with what species of supernatural creatures can be found here. Well there are quite a few, but the most abundant are Fea, Vampires, Were - creatures, Shadow demons, and Gargoyles." A couple of people's faces changed from ones of fear to terror as they understood what I was saying.

"I will repeat that none of the creatures in town will harm you. There are other humans here in town so not all the people here are supernatural. For instance there is a Woman that runs the power plant. She is human. In fact the places where you will live in town will be over by her." The crowed shifted uneasily.

"Does that mean that she is not human?" asked a woman pointing at Lisa who was sitting next to Clara. Clara glanced at Lisa in curiosity.

"That is correct Lisa is not human." A murmur ran through the crowed. It was understandable. She looked just like any other person here. Clara looked at Lina with glowing eyes. I frowned slightly. [ Something is off about that child.... ]

"Now before I know where you will be staying there are a couple of rules to go over. First, do not go out the night before or during the full moon. If you do not have a lunar calendar, you can get one from Lisa. Second, do not enter the graveyard. That is a forbidden area. If you go there you are on your own. No one will come to help you." I looked at all of them in turn making sure that they understood.

"Lastly, the town has its own radio station. It is written on the bored over there." The adults turned to look a it. "That station is were all the town announcements and emergency warnings will come from. If for some reason you miss the announcements just ask your neighbor. They might know. Other wise your on your own. Now if you would all gather anything that is yours and meet back here in five minutes, Lisa will show you where you will be living in town."

The people stood there for a moment, then slowly walked to the rooms to gather whatever they had managed to take with them. Lisa and Clara walked up to me. I glanced at Clara trying to figure out why she wasn't scared.

"That was a wonderful speech Kaz. There was no way I could have kept them quite that long." She smiled and continued to drink her tea.

Clara looked like she was about to burst. "Lisa, what are you if your not human?" She asked with shiny eyes.

"I am a Cat Sidhe." She said with a sad smile.

"What's that?"

"It is... Umm... Basically I can transform into a large black cat."

"That's so cool! But Kaz didn't mention you in the list of creatures." Clara said a bit confused.

"Ah, that's because I only mentioned the creatures that there were several of. Lisa is the only Cat Sidhe in town."

"Is that so... So there are many different creatures here?"

"Yes there are. For instance Kaz is.." I shot Lisa a sharp glare stopping her in her tracks.

"Kaz isn't human?" Clara asked with a slight tilt of the head.

"No, No... Umm... Kaz is...."

"No I am not human."

"So what are you? Were you one of the creatures mentioned in your list?"

"No I'm not. I am something...." [ What can I use to describe it? Damn you Lisa! ] "Something like a Green Spirit?"

"Whats a green spirit?"

"Pffft.... Ok, Clara lets talk about this latter." Suggested Lisa. "We have to show you were you'll be staying from now on."

"But I don't want to. Can I stay with you Kaz? Please..." Clara looked at me with pleading eyes.

[ Sigh... Why is she so attached to me? ] "I don't think that's such a bad idea Kaz." said Lisa.

I looked between Clara and Lisa. ".....Fine. Clara can stay with me for as long as she likes. However you are not aloud to disobey me when I tell you to do something." I looked Clara strait in the eye. [ I am giving you so much work to do today Lisa! ]

"Ok! Thank you so much!" She smiled so brightly is hurt. [ Great..... ]

I turned to look at the group of people who had regrouped. "Ok if you could all follow Lisa she will show you where you will be staying from now on." The group glanced nervously at Lisa but didn't object. She led them out and everyone left. Everyone except Clara. [ Sigh... ]

"Well Clara how about you come with me. I'll give you a tour of the town, and at lunch time we can talk about you staying with me. How does that sound?"

"Ok!" We walked up the stairs to go and have a tour of the town.


Kaz - Mayor of Shadow Wood

Self proclaimed 'Green Spirit'

Terrry - Necromancer

Cause of the Zombies

Kaz's Assistant

'Resident' - Lives in a crypt

Friend of Kaz

Lisa - Cat Sidhe

Kaz's secretary

Ali Baba - Witch

Jasmine - Leader of the Water Fae

Van - In control of the Power Plant


Dirk - Employees of Power Plant

Golems (created by Van)

David Baker - Mayor of Redroad



Inta - Ali Baba's daughter

Usor - Ali Baba's Son

Clara - Little girl from Redroad

Living with Kaz

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