《An Unusual Town》Chapter 9 - Don't Mess With The Mayor....


Don't Mess With The Mayor.....

Clara and I had been walking the streets as I pointed out different things. Now we were on to the park in the middle of town. For a park in town it was gave the felling of a very dense forest. One that once you entered you could be lost forever. However if you looked at it on a map it only takes up fourteen acres of space. Still quite large but no where near the size of a dense forest. We walked down a rock path that travailed through the Park. About ten steps in Clara stopped and turned around in confusion.

"We've only just entered the Park?"

"Yes we did."

She turned in a little circle then looked at me and smiled brightly. "We only just entered but you can't even see the place we just entered!"

"Ah, I see. This was made for the shifters in town. If you couldn't get lost in it there's no way this would have been enough for them." Clara smiled wider and continued down the path in a happy skip like fashion. "You're not afraid of the forest?"

"No, why would I be?"

I frowned, most children would be afraid of the forest. In fact even most supernatural children were afraid of this forest. "It would be normal to be afraid of it. However you seem to be thrilled." I said watching Clara's reaction.

She froze. "Is that so? I see... children are afraid of the woods." She muttered more to herself than me. Clara turned to look at me with a bit of a sad look in her eyes. "I am not afraid of the forest because I was born in one." Her eyes grew a bit distant. "A forest that was dark and deep. So quite that you could hear the breath of the animals around you."

"Really? I thought you were from Redroad."

Clara bowed her head guiltily. "I... am not from Redroad. I was running from the Zombies when those three men helped me here." [ I give, even children know about Zombies. Maybe I'm just to old for this world. Sigh. ] "Before I knew it I was through that shiny blue swirling air and ended up here... Are you going to send me away?"

"No, I'm not. You don't need to be from Redroad to stay here." Clara looked up in surprise. "However I would like to know where it is you grew up and why you would like to stay with me instead of living with everyone else."

"Are you sure you arn't mad?"

"Not at all. If you would like we can take a seat just there." Clara looked around in surprise finally spotting the bench just to the side of the path.

"Was that there before?" She asked in confusion. I nodded my head as we took a seat. "This Park is more secretive than my woods... I was born to the west of here. In a forest that I guess was a national park? Anyway I lived there until the Zombies came and attacked my family. I... I'm..." She took a deep breath. "I'm a wood elf." Clara whispered.

"So that's why your not afraid of the forest."

"Your not afraid of me?"

"Clara look at this town." She showed a face of understanding. "Now if you would like there are some elves in the town. You can go and live with them."

"No! I want to live with you." Her eyes showed a look of strong determination.


"... Why are you so determined to live with me? I am sure that you would feel more comfortable with the other elves. Especially since your still a child."

"I am not a child. I'm a hundred and twelve years old."

[ Still a child. ] "I see, then all the more reason to live with the elves."

Clara looked like she had just been hit. "Do you really not want me to live with you?"

"Sigh... Why don't you tell me why you want to live with me."

"I'm not sure. You feel safe and comfortable. Like home." She sniffed the air. "You also smell like the forest so much so that I can't even tell that you are here unless I can see you."

[ Ah, that's why. ] "Listen Clara it would not be safe staying with me. If anything it is very dangerous." Clara frowned. "I can understand why you would think that I was safe as you are a wood elf but you should stay with the other elves in..."

"KAZ!!" Foot steps came running down the path. A crow landed in the tree next to the bench. I frowned at it.

"Kaz! I need to talk to you!" Came the shout as a figure separated from the trees.

"Sigh.. What is it Terry, and why do you have Lisa's crow?"

The crow looked at me and then took off back to it's master. "Lisa lent him to me so that I could find you. Anyway Please come with me to the pond. We have a problem. You know the portal well it accidental summoned the Kraken! I mean I thought it was just a myth but the real Kraken showed up right here in town!"

"Terry, please calm down. Lets head to the pond so I can see the situation." Terry nodded. Then saw Clara sitting next to me.

"Is this one of the new people in town?" He asked with shinny eyes. "I've never meet a human before."

"And you still haven't. This is Clara. She is a wood elf."

"Ah, is that why she is with you. That makes since. I mean any normal person would run from you. Hahaha." I shot Terry a glare, but it was to late Clara's eyes shone with curiosity.

"Does that mean that you aren't human?"

"Yep I'm a Bosh." Clara frowned a little at the unfamiliar word. "Ahh, a Bosh is a myth from China. They say that if you take my skin and wear it as a belt then I will resurrect you once." Terry winked "But I wouldn't know since I'm still alive. Plus I think I'm far more useful alive. Hahahaha." Clara paled a little. "But it makes since that you would be with Kaz if you are a wood elf. Thinking of that this is the first time that I meet a wood elf. Nice to meet you I'm Terry the Necromancer."

[ What an annoyingly long winded introduction. ] "Nice to meet you Terry. Why did you say that it made since that I was with Kaz?"

"That's because you are a wood elf and Kaz is.... Something like the embodiment of the wood's spirit. Is that right Kaz?" I glared daggers at him. Terry paled greatly and backed up a couple of steps. "Anyway Kaz we need to go to the pond. The people are in a panic."

Terry grabbed Clara's hand and we headed off in the direction of the pond. Luckily it wasn't that far as it was only at the other end of the park. We reached the pond only to see huge tentacles sticking up out of the pond trying to grab the people that stood just out reach. [ Sigh... Really now. ] I spotted Ali Baba and Baba Yoga arguing at he side of the pond somehow managing to not be hit by the tentacles.


"Ali, Baba what is going on here?" Both witches froze. Ah I should probably explain Baba Yoga is Ali Baba's twin sister. They are both witches and hold very similar powers. In fact they are so similar the the humans made up almost the same mythology for them. The only difference being the location at which they lived. Ali Baba was from Asia and Baba Yoga was from Europe. Now they both lived here.

"Ah, Master Kaz. Well you see my sister here put up the portal wrong." said Baba Yoga.

"It was not wrong. It worked exactly like Kaz asked until you decided to fix it!" Yelled Ali Baba.

"Such a disrespectful way to call Master Kaz. Also it was not my fault that a Kraken came."

"Really? Who was it that connected it to the Chaos dimension? Come tell me."

"Only for a moment. How was I to know that it would come out. Especially since this is nowhere near the coast. At most I thought a Bmola would come out!"

"Oh and how is that any better? Tell me."

"Ok, ok. Ali and Yoga can you please calm down. And tell me what needs to be done to fix this. Also I would like the portal to go back to the way it was."

Ali Baba and Baba Yoga looked away. "Master Kaz the portal is already back to the way it was." said Baba Yoga.

"Ok so how do we get rid of the Kraken?"

"Kaz it's Krakens. Plural. There are three Krakens total in that pond." said Ali Baba.

"... How did three Krakens fit in the pond?"

"So this is really interesting. Apparently a Kraken has spacial magic. So when it came it brought its home with it. Only its home is in a separate closed off dimension that opens up into this pond." said Ali Baba.

"In fact what really happened is when we opened the portal to the chaos dimension we brought the entrance to their home here. We didn't acutely let the Kraken through." Said Baba Yoga.

"So how do we fix it?" I asked yet again.

"We can't." They said together.

"What? So this can't be fixed?"

"Not quite." said a quite voice from behind me. I turned to see a small child with silver hair and silver eyes. "If the Krakens wish to leave than we can send them back. But right now we can not because no one can get them to calm down enough to talk to them. That is why we called you here. However this would not be needed if this had never happened." He turned quite eyes to the sisters.

"I am so sorry Akuji." Said Ali Baba. "If only I had stopped Bayo before she got to the portal."

"No Akuji do not blame Alba she tried to stop me but I wouldn't listen." Pleaded Baba Yoga.

Akuji turned to me and bowed his head. "I am so sorry to request this of you but would you mind going to talk to the Kraken? Despite this being caused by my clan's men I do not posses the power to stop this."

"I understand." I turned to the Kraken that was currently wreaking havoc on the pond shore. "Sigh." I walked slowly and calmly towards the pond edge.

"Kaz! What are you doing?" Cried Clara. She tried to rush forward but Terry stopped her.

"Don't worry Clara. Kaz will be fine. Just wait here and watch."

I ignored the two idiots behind me and made it to the pond edge without the Kraken noticing. It more than likely can't tell that I was there at all because I felt just like the forest behind me. Picking up a small rock, I threw it at where I guessed the head was. There was a thud and the Kraken froze.

"Hey Kraken I need to talk to you. Could you please calm down." The Kraken slowly pulled it's tentacles into the water and two eyes popped out of the pond. It looked like the eye stocks on a snail. "Listen. I'm sorry that you are currently trapped in the pond. But if you would like we can send you back. You just have to agree."

The Kraken slowly emerged from the water until all of it's upper body was out of the water. Its mouth opened to show many sharp teeth rowed like a sharks. "Idonotwishtogobacktothatemptyvoidofspace. IshallstayherewithmyfamilyuntilIgetbordofthisplace. Thereisnothingyoucandotostopmeortellmeotherwise."

"Sigh... Akuji can you translate that. It was to fast for me to understand." Akuji nodded.

"I do not wish to go back to that empty void of space. I shall stay here with my family until I get board of this place. There is nothing you can do to stop me."

"I see." I turned back to the Kraken. "It is fine if you wish to stay here but you are not aloud to cause havoc like you have been doing."

"Wahahaha. Doyouthinkthatyoucancomandme? Youaresorrlymastaken. Noonecancontrolme. IwillcausehavocifIwish. Youwillwatchasyourtownisturnedtoashandpeopleeatenbymeandmyfamily."

This time Akuji just translated without me asking. "Wahahaha. Do you think that you can command me? You are sorely mistaken. No one can control me. I will cause havoc if I wish. You will watch as your town is turned to ash and people eaten by me and my family." [ It is seriously disturbing to see Akuji laugh with a strait face and in monotone.... ]

My eyes darkened. "No it is you who does not understand who's town this is." The wind died and the whole area became deathly silent. "If you wish to stay I have no problem with it. However if you wish to cause harm to the town you will have to go through me." The area around us darkened until it looked like the night sky with no stars. The tension rose in the air causing the Kraken to sink low into the water. "This town is one that you can not and will not harm without my permission. If you attempt to do so..." The water rippled slowly in an unnatural movement. It was flowing towards the Kraken making it so that it could not move. "you will have to go through me."

"Iunderstand.Ishallnotcauseharmtothetown." This one I understood perfectly.

"Good." the tension released and everything returned to normal. "If that is so than welcome to Shadow Wood. You may stay as long as you would like. If you ever wish to leave please tell Akuji over there. He will send you back. As for living space... If you do not mind the pond you can have it. This means that everything in the pond is yours to do with as you please. Also anything out of the pond is not something you may harm or attack."


"Good. Now if you would excuse me I need to go get this settled."

"No Kaz, It is ok. I can handle the paperwork." Said Akuji politely.

"Is that so. Then Clara, Terry," Clara and Terry both jumped at their names being called. "Why don't we go get some lunch. I'm starving." Clara relaxed and smiled but Terry stiffened a bit. The three of us walked out of the park and towards a restaurant leaving the silent crowed behind.


Kaz - Mayor of Shadow Wood

Self proclaimed 'Green Spirit'

'Embodiment of woods'

Terrry - Necromancer

Cause of the Zombies

Kaz's Assistant


'Resident' - Lives in a crypt

Friend of Kaz

Lisa - Cat Sidhe

Kaz's secretary

Ali Baba - Witch

Twin Sister to Baba Yoga


Baba Yoga - Witch

Twin Sister to Ali Baba


Jasmine - Leader of the Water Fae

Van - In control of the Power Plant


Dirk - Employees of Power Plant

Golems (created by Van)

David Baker - Mayor of Redroad



Inta - Ali Baba's daughter

Usor - Ali Baba's Son

Clara - Little girl from National Park

Living with Kaz

Wood Elf

Akuji - Wizard

Head of Magic clan

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