《An Unusual Town》Refuges Have Arrived


Refuges Have Arrived

Saxophone Day was in full swing when I made my way to the western wall. The citizens of the town were still safe even after making so much noise proving that the unorthodox plan to get rid of the 'Zombies' had worked. Well at least in this town.

Outside the wall you could probably safety assume a full on Zombie Apocalypse was happening. As evidence a note from Redroad stated it.

As we are now even more cut off than before it was impossible to tell what the situation was like and frankly I didn't care.However Redroad was different. Redroad's Mayor David Baker had helped our town out quite a few times. If a letter requesting help came it was only right we did everything we could.

However a problem still existed. The survivors, if any, were normal people who had no contact with the supernatural. In fact the 'Zombies' were their first contact. [ Sigh... not much I can do about that. ]

I spotted Ali Baba in the distance. Looking at Ali Baba you wouldn't be able to tell that she was a wicked witch that used tp eat children.

She had long blonde, almost white, hair with dark brown eyes that were almost black. However she looked to only be in her early thirties.

"Kaz," said Ali Baba with a smile "its been to long really. What three, four years?"

I walked up to Ali Baba and hugged her. "Ali it has been to long. How are the kids?"

"Hehehe, the kids are doing great. Inta has gone off to help the Fae in their realm, and Usor is spending his days researching new magic."

"That's good to hear. I'm sorry to have to drag the subject to work, but is the portal complete? "

"Yes, and to your orders. One entrance on the wall, and the other entrance in the middle of the forest. Nothing dead can get through the portal though. I think the Vampires will have a hissy fit over this."

"Let them. It's for the safety of the town that dead can't get through. Plus they don't need a portal to leave the town."

"Hehehe, that's true."


Turning around I saw Jasmine with three men behind her.

"Hey Jasmine, are they the rescue team?"

"Yep. Since I'm asking them to go out into a dangerous area I chose three silkies. They should be able to handle it."

"Good, I'll go explain the mission." I walked to the men who had stopped out of ear shot of us. As I walked I heard Ali Baba and Jasmine start talking.


"Master Kaz, what can we do for you?" The one in the middle asked.

I handed him the letter I received from Redroad. "Your mission is to go to Redroad and search for any survivors. If any are found bring them back to town. You can access the town by going through that portal. It's two ways and no dead can get through. Remember this is a rescue mission. There is no need for you to fight the Zombies head on. Get as saviors out and bring them into town. "

The three read the letter in silence as I spoke. At the end they all spoke in unison. "Understood."

The three silkies went through the portal and began their mission.

"I hope they stay safe." muttered Ali Baba.

"Nothing we can do now. Lisa, can you have one of your familiars stay here an tell us when the silkies come back?"

Lisa who had been standing quietly to the side until now spoke up. "Yes I can. Do you have a specific one you want to stay? "

"No that's fine. Any will do."

"Understood." Lisa summoned a crow to watch the portal.

"Thank you Lisa. Well Ali and Jasmine I will have to bid you fare well. Lisa and I still have work to do."

"Good bye Kaz, Lisa. "

"Fare Thee Well Lisa, Kaz. "

I turned and walked away with Lisa right on my heals as we headed back to City Hall.


It was now dusk and Saxophone Day was over. Originally there had been night events planed, but with the "Resident" out stocking they had been cancelled. I still needed to do a broadcast to inform the citizens about the 'Resident'.

"Citizens, It has been a long and enjoyable Saxophone Day. For those of you wandering why all the prizes were hidden around the town, that is because the local gremlin children decided that it would be a good prank. I have already spoken to their parents and they promised to explain how pranks should be conducted in the future.

On another note we have received a letter from our neighboring town requesting help. It seems that the Zombies, that escaped the wall while it was being built, have gone and turned most of the countries residents into Zombies. The remaining people are in a panic.

Lastly yesterday 10 people volunteered to act as bait, and successfully lure the Zombie into the Crypt. Unfortunately one of the volunteers got trapped behind the Crypt door and was eaten by the Zombies. Lets pause and have a moment of silence for John. He was a brave soul and we all hope that he did not get turned into a Zombie.

In other news, the crypt “Resident” has sent a message to the town hall. It reads:

"Dear puny humans. How dare you disrupt my peaceful slumber. None shall be safe from my wrath.“


”P.S. I know it was you. John told me.“

On that note. Please lock your doors and windows at night, make sure to put Rowan wood at any openings to the house, and don’t go out at night. I am not sure how long the "Resident” will be angry, but if it was anything like last time, it’s going to be a long winter.

Your Local Leader


A crow tapped on the window of my office just as I finished the news. I stood up and headed outside. Lisa was there with the crow on her shoulder.

"The three silkies have returned with news of the world and survivors." she informed me in a monotone voice.

"Thank you. Would you like to come with me?"

"No, I still have work to do. So I would like to stay here."

"As you wish." I turned and walked to the western wall leaving Lisa and the crow behind.

Reaching the wall I saw at least ten adults and around twenty kids looking around in amazement. I frowned. [ There are far fewer here then I expected. ]

One of the Silkies walked up to me. "We have gathered all the survivors we could find as you have requested. We would like to report to Ceannard."

[ Ceannard? Oh its Gaelic... ] "Ok. Go report to Jasmine." The three silkies walked off.

[ Ok....] "Everyone," the residents of Redroad turned to look at me. "Welcome to Shadow Wood. I am sorry to hear about your homes. However we of Shadow Wood hope to provide sanctuary. If you would all follow me I will show you where you will stay."

A frightened little girl raised her hand. "Ummm... Mister what's your name? "

I smiled "My name is Kaz. I'm Mayor of this town." The little girl nodded. "If there are no more questions please follow me."

Leading the group into the community center we made it just before the sun completely set. I didn't think the "Resident" would attack them with me there, but it was better to still make it before dark.

The group paused once inside. I turned to see why. The Community Center is a bit different from others. The walls had murals depicting different mythological creatures while the the floor was done in black glass found at volcanoes.

Some might say that this was excessive, but the Community center was( jest as the name implied) the center of the community.

"Cough... If you'll follow me please. " The group refocused and followed me down stairs.

The down stairs of the Community Center had been transferred into living quarters. This had been done quite awhile ago when some houses had burned down, and places were needed to sleep.

Now there was a common room. That had a couch, chairs, table, and TV. There were at least twelve bedrooms with a twin bed, chair, and a cot under the bed if needed. There was two rooms with bunks in them. They contained six beds each. Lastly there was a bathroom with five stalls of toilets, five stalls of showers, five sinks, and a hair dryer.

"Please use this area for now. I will try and have places for you to stay at tomorrow, but right now only this is available."

The group stood staring wide eyed at the area. The little kids were the first to regain their thoughts. They ran off opening all the doors.

"This is amazing..." stated one of the adults. "It's finally safe..." whispered another.

"...Please do not leave the building. I will be here tomorrow morning to go over some information you will need. Good night."

I walked up the stairs leaving the group behind.

"Mister Kaz..." called out a quite voice. I turned to see the same little girl who had asked a question earlier.

"What can I do for you?"

"Ummmm... if it's not to much to ask can I stay with you?" the little girl looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"....Why do you want to stay with me. Are your parents down stairs? They'll be worried if you don't go back."

She looked down with tears in her eyes. "My parents are dead....." Tears streamed down her face.

[ sigh Making children cry now, are we. ] "....You can stay with me tonight." The child smiled. "What's your name?"

"My name is Clara."

"Ok Clara come with me." Clara followed behind as we walked back to my house.


Kaz - Mayor of Shadow Wood

Terrry - Necromancer

'Resident' - Lives in a crypt/Friend of Kaz

Lisa - Kaz's secretary

Ali Baba - Witch

Jasmine - Leader of the Water Fae

Van - In control of the Power Plant

Dirk - Employees of Power Plant

David Baker - Mayor of Redroad

Inta - Ali Baba's daughter

Usor - Ali Baba's Son

Clara - Little girl from Redroad

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