《An Unusual Town》How I Wish For a Slow Day...


How I Wish For a Slow Day....

I stood on top of a building looking out at the neon lights. It had been a while since I had last been here. Everything is different now.

Last time it had been carriages and gas lamps, but now there were cars and light bulbs. However that was long ago. Nothing stays the same.

I watched as a party across the way reached its peak. Sirens cried in the distance. [ It's about time I go. ] I started walking down the stairs to the street. However a figure blocked the way down.

"Nice night is it not." the voice was quite and deep.

"...Yes it is..." the figure shifted a little with the breeze.

"...I saw you and thought I should say hello." said the figure as it walked closer. "I have seen you around the past couple of days. You don't seem to follow the habits of humans."

I watched the figure cautiously. "..."

"Oh, no need to be so cautious. I don't plan to do anything. I can tell that you are something outside of time, just like I."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, acutely I have a proposal to make. How would you like to run a town?"

I raised my eyebrow. "Now why would you offer such a thing? This is the first time we have meet."

"That is true. It is the first time we meet. However I have been watching you. You are able to blend in and understand the ways of humans." the figure looked up at the moon. "Also I need a place where I can rest without being hunted by humans."

"This has nothing to do with me. If you are tired the go rest."

"It is just as you say. However I am not the only one who is tired . It is also getting harder to hide from the humans. Many supernatural creatures are having hard times these days."

"Even if that is so. There is nothing I can do about that."


"That is why I said run a town. If we have our own town then we can rest without having to worry about the humans."

I looked out into the city and considered this. "Even if we have our own town.... We still need to fit in. At least on the surface."

"For that we needed someone with knowledge of humans. We already have land to use. We just need someone to run it. Someone who has knowledge and enough power to lead us."

"Is that so... It might be interesting to try.... beep...beep...beep...beep...

I smashed the alarm. [ ... ] Getting up I looked around the room. Small with a window on one side and a door on the other. Stretching I got out of bed.

Today was Saxophone Day. A holiday demanded by some of the populous and rejected by others. [ Ha.. the traditionalists want it and the modernists don't. ]

I walked out into the street to be greeted by the sound of saxophones and talking.

Slowly but surely I walked through the crowd to make it to the City Hall. There were stands set up for carnival games, drinks, food, and music.

I finally made it into the building only to be greeted by my secretary.

"Good morning Kaz. I have a letter for you from the town next to us."

"Good morning Lisa. How did that letter even get here."

"Carrier pigeon." Lisa handed me the letter.

'Mayor Kaz,

Please provide sanctuary to the people of Redroad. The situation has turned dire. There are Zombies everywhere. No where is safe here and hope that your town would be willing to take in at least some people from Redroad.

Mayor David Baker'

[ Sigh... Really now. ] I folded up the paper and walked to the front desk.

"Lisa, can you ask Ali Baba to make a permanent two way portal on the west side of town? Make it from the wall to the middle of the forest. Also make sure that only living things can go through."


"Will do. Anything else?"

"No, thank you and good luck with Ali Baba."

I walked into my office. [To let normal people into this town. This will be tricky. ] Dialing the phone I called Jasmine a leader of the water Fae.

"Hi Jasmine this is Kaz. Can you do something for me? I need three people to go to Redroad and bring survivors into town."

"Hmmm... Does this need to be done today?"

"Yes, if possible I would like it to happen by 2 pm."

"I understand. I can chose anyone that I want, correct? "

"Yeah that's fine. I'm having Ali Baba make a portal at the west wall."

"Alright. I'll have a group ready by 2."

"Thank you. Bye."


Just as I set the phone down the power cut off. [ For gods sakes! ] Standing up I headed for the town power plant.


I walked to the power plant on the south side of town. The power plant was why the town still has power after being cut off. Occasionally the town would lose power for one reason or another, but it worked most of the time.

I walked into the power plant only to be greeted by yelling.

"What are you doing!"


"No, I don't have an extra!"


"Where is the other one!"


"What do you mean you don't know?! You.... he was just next to you!"

"Grah raaagh."

[ Sigh.... ] I followed the sounds up to the second floor. "Hey Van. What is the problem."

Van and a solidified dirt doll turned to look at me. "Hi Kaz, how is your day going?" asked Van as she smiled presently.

"Actually so far not to bad when compared to the rest of the week."

"That's to bad." she looked comically sad for a moment the brightened up. "At least today is better. Why don't you come to the office and we'll have some tea. Oi! Dirk! Go find that wrench to fix the pipe."


"No, it's in the tool box!" Van smacked Dirk in the back of the head. The Dirt Doll wondered off in what I assume was the direction of the tool box. "Find that other one too!"


"Well shall we head to the office. I have this wonderful new raspberry tea."

"That would be nice." We walked to a small coroner room that was.... comfortably furnished. [ Her taste is as strange as always. ]

We each sat on a chair that showed the internal organs of humans. Van on the male one and me on the female one. We faced each other as she poured the tea.

"So what caused the electricity to go out this time?"

"Oh~ just the usual♡. One of the Golems slipped and fell three stories destroying wiring and pipes on his way down. Then a couple of the Golems tried to catch him only to destroy the walkway in various places."

"I see... How long do you think it will take to get the electricity back online?"

"Not long at all♡. Maybe~ tonight. Bwahahaha!" Van laughed crazily causing her body to shake violently.

"Good. I'll tell the town about it." Looking at the time I saw that it was 11am and I still had other things to do. "Thank you for the tea but I must go now."

Van nodded and walked me to the door. "Good luck and see you." She closed the door and from the other side you could here, "Oi! What the hell are you doing! Don't touch that!" Crash!

[ Sigh... ] I headed back to my office. [ Now how shall I tell the town..... ]


Kaz - Mayor of Shadow Wood

Terry - Necromancer/Kaz's Assistant

'Resident' - Lives in a crypt/ Kaz's friend

Lisa - Kaz's secretary

Jasmine - Water Fae Leader

Ali Baba - Witch

Van - In charge of the Electrical Plant

Dirk - Golem employees of the Electrical Plant (all Golems are called Dirk)

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