《An Unusual Town》Crypts are Ment to Stay Shut


Crypts are Ment to Stay Shut

The council quickly gathered volunteers to lure the Dead .... 'Zombies' into the crypt. It was a rather simple plan.

First make a lot of noise drawing the Dea... 'Zombies' towards them. Then run to the crypt opening the door and somehow shoving the De... 'Zombies' in. Lastly, shut the crypt door trapping the .... 'Zombies' inside. Hopefully the "Resident" will take care of the rest.

I shook my head as I watched the deathly pale women explain the plan to the volunteers. [ This is not going to end well. ]

She finished her explanation with a flourish. The volunteers cheered in determination as the walked outside. I walked up to the roof of the building to get a bird's view.


"Terry? Why are you up here?" Terry was standing at the edge of the roof.

"The same reason you are, I guess." He walked over to me. "I don't know what that group of people are doing, but it's sure to be entertaining."

"Yes, it will be interesting to see. They plan to drag the 'Zombies' to the crypt and have the 'Resident' take care on them." I walked to the edge of the building to see the volunteers.

"Ho... Does the 'Resident' know? " Terry walked up next to me.


"What? You didn't tell it?"

"No, I thought that it would be more fun to just watch what happens. "

"..." Terry turned back to look down at the group of people on the ground. "That's evil. What do you think the 'Resident' will do?"

"I don't know." I smiled as I watched the people call all the 'Zombies' in town to them. Then take off running.

Terry shook his head. "They are crazy. "


"I agree. Come on we are losing site of them." I jumped to another roof. Terry was following closely behind.

We stopped on the last roof before the graveyard. The volunteers were run through the gate headed for the open crypt door.

"The 'Resident' won't notice that the door is open?" Terry asked.

"No it won't. It in the middle of the day right now so it won't notice unless someone stabs it." I confirmed while watching them beat the 'Zombies' into the crypt. One of the volunteers got grabbed and dragged in.

"Ahhh! Nooooo!"

"That was a little heartless." Terry said, watching them shut the door on the volunteer once he was all the way in trapping him inside.

"Yeah, but now they have doomed themselves." The remaining volunteers looked sadly at the door.

"What do you mean?" Banging noises could be heard from the crypt, causing the volunteers to run as hard as they could away.

"Now the 'Resident' can find out exactly who is responsible for disturbing Its sleep." No one was left anywhere near the area. "Shall we go?"

Terry looked at me strangely then glanced back at the crypt. "Yeah, ok."


Sitting at my desk I reviewed some papers. Earlier today I found out that the band for Saxophone Day had been brutally eaten by the 'Zombies'. This ment that we didn't have a band for tomorrow's event.

It was good that the 'Zombies' were taken care of before the actual day preventing the work required for rescheduling.

"But couldn't they have left the band alone. Sigh...." I mumbled. At this point even if it wasn't to late to get a new one the new wall prevented it.

A soft knock came from the door. I looked out the window and noticed that night had fallen. [ Guess it is time. ]


"Come in." A shadowy figure walked? levitated? to in front of my desk.

"Good evening Kaz. How has you day been?" The voice was quite and low.

"Good evening. My day has been fine. What brings you here tonight 'Resident'?"

"Oh, I'm sure you know why. However I also know that it was not you who did it. Would you mind announcing this tomorrow over the radio?"

I frowned as I took the paper that was passed to me."You could announce it yourself."

"No it is alright. The threat is good enough without me announcing it. But I am serious about taking the one responsible for disturbing my slumber."

I looked at the note it handed me. "Sigh... Do you mind raining in your rain of terror to only when its dark out?"

"... No.... I can do that. Why?"

"If not you will interfere with Saxophone Day tomorrow."

The "Resident" just stood there quickly for a moment. "Are you serious?"

"Yes I am. Do you know how much paper work is involved with planing events? A lot. And if you go around terrorizing people in the day, the event will have to be rescheduled."

"Hahaha" the "Resident" clutched at Its stomach. "I understand. I will only do it at night. I didn't realize you were so concerned about paper work."

I glared at it. "If it weren't for you I would still be traveling around the world."

"Nonsense. You were tired of traveling anyway. You should thank me. Now you have a town you can rest in."

"If you mean doing endless amounts of paper work, and randomly appeasing people then yes. I have had plenty of 'rest'."

"It's good to try different things." I could sense a smile on that hidden face. "I have to go now. I'll come see you again."

"See you. Bring me a gift next time."

The "Resident" left laughing quickly closing the door behind it. [ Now then. ] I packed up my documents and shut off the lights. It was definitely time to go home and get some restful sleep tonight.


Kaz - Mayor of Shadow Wood

Terry - Necromancer

'Resident' - Lives in a crypt and a friend of Kaz's

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