《An Unusual Town》What Could Possible Go Wrong?


What Could Possible Go Wrong?

Dark clouds started gathering in the sky around noon blocking out the sun. By 12:30 it was pouring rain. I watched as the rain put out any of the remaining fires from last night.

At 7 o-clock I had announced to the town that the "Zombies" were attracted to noise. So it was for the best if they all went about their business quietly as the 'Zombies' were still wondering around town.

The wall was finished at 8 o-clock like Terry said. It effectively cut off our town with the rest of the world. Not that it would really change anything about Shadow Wood. It just made some things more complicated then before. But as for food and water we're fine.

9 o-clock I decided to take a walk around the town to see the extant of the damage. As I walked, I meet Chief who told me 5 buildings had burned down. Luckily they weren't major buildings so it was fine. I had walked back to the City Hall around 12 to due some paper work before the meeting.

Now however I was headed to the meeting room to consult them about the remaining 'Zombies'. I stopped outside the door and sighed. You could hear voices arguing on the other side. Straightening I opened the door.

"Good afternoon." I said pleasantly, talking a seat. "What seems to be the problem? "

The argument halted to look at me. The one with shaggy brown hair and yellow eyes spoke first.

"Someone is responsible for giving the Necromancer information on mass resurrection and I want to know who!" He growled angrily while glaring at the girl across the table. She had gold fluffy hair and blue eyes.

"I told you I don't know. It was not us who started this dance of the dead." She whispered harshly. Her hair got a twinge of pink and her eyes were going red.


[That's right I forgot how secretive Necromancers are about the extent of there ability.] "Don't lie. You Fae are the only ones who could do something like this." Growled the brown haired man.

"How dare you! You mutts wouldn't even know the culprit even if it smacked you in the muzzle!" The Fae's hair was now entirely pink and her eyes a blood red.

The brown haired man gripped the table hard enough to crack it. [ sigh ].

"Calm down. If it's about the Necromancer I will find out who gave him such information." Everyone turned their attention to me. "As for punishment I have taken care of it. There is a more pressing matter than this we must discus."

"What punishment did he receive?" The brown haired man asked.

"He is my new assistant. If anyone has a problem with that talk to me after the meeting." I looked at them each in turn. "Now we still have some dead bodies wondering around. We needed to come up with a plan to get rid of them. Any suggests?"

The Fae spoke up. "Do you mean Zombies? " [ Seriously, does everyone know about Zombies? ]

"...Yes I did."

"Can't we just hit them really hard in the head?" asked a figure covered from head to toe in black.

"No. You can't. The 'Zombies' are completely unfazed by this."

"So their not Zombies? " asked a silver hair and eyed child sitting next to the Fae.

"Well that's hard to say. They are the walking dead, but so far we haven't found anything that kills them."

"I see..." said the gargoyle in the corner. "How about we lure them into the crypt and let the 'Resident' handle it."


"Yeah we should let the mysterious destroyed each other." agreed the goblin next to the brown haired man.


"Lets do that." said the deathly pale women drinking a glass of red liquid.

"...Fine, but I'm not involved in what happens afterwards."

"Of course." she smiled faintly "I would never dream of causing you trouble Kaz."

I glared at her. "Make sure of it." sweeping my eyes around the room I ended the meeting.

Back at my desk I started the general news announcement. Normally there would be at most one announcement a day, but two in one day was very unusual. Luckily the citizens were trained to have a radio tuned into the local station at all times in case something like this happened.

" Dear citizens the wall that circles Shadow Wood has been built. They worked hard and fast to complete the wall early. I had received news earlier that some of the Zombies had escaped the town last night and attacked the construction workers. This made the workers more motivated to complete the wall.

Now we are trapped in our small town with the Zombies. However I have some good news. We have discovered a new way to get rid of the horde. Our Council has suggested that we lure the Zombies to the crypt and lock them in there. We hope that the local “resident” in the crypt will take care of them for us.

On that note we are now looking for Volunteers to act as Zombie bait at the graveyard. If you would like to act as bait, please come to the town hall for more information. We are serving drinks and snacks to those who wish to participate. Please come at 4pm for briefing and planing. If all goes well we may even be able to have Saxophone Day on the 7th.

Your Local Leader,


I ended the announcement and looked out the window with a smile. [Now how will this play out? Hehehe]


Authors Note....

As the characters will start to increase drastically after this chapter I'm going to start putting the Name and what they are down at the bottom of each chapter. If you would like me to add more info at the bottom just ask.

Kaz - Shadow Woods's Mayor

Terry - Necromancer

'resident' - lives in a crypt =p

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