《An Unusual Town》I'm Sorry


I'm Sorry

The wind blew harshly scattering sparks and carrying away the screams of pain and suffering. This wasn't an unusual sight, but no matter how many times you saw it one would still shutter in horror.

The burning of witches started in Europe then made it's way to the U.S. A natural but uncalled for fear of the unknown was spread all along the western world.

I had seen this type of thing before but on a smaller scale. Restricted to a single town or village. However this was aloud to spread so quickly and far due to the current wide spread religious belief that condemned anything mystic.

I had even come close to being on that stake, but managed to escape in the dead of night.

I watched has a poor girl was drug up to the stake and tied up. The mother watched in horror and screamed for her daughter's release. She pleaded and struggled but to no avail. Her husband held her back as he cried while whispering to her.

The mob lead by a priest piled hay and wood at the bottom of the stake. One of the condemners lit a torch. The girl had just been staring out at the crowd, probably in shock, but as soon as the torch was lit she started crying in terror.

Her sins were read off as the crowd stood around and listened. At the end the signal was given to light the fire. Her mother collapsed sobbing as her daughter was engulfed in flames.

They always try to solve their problems with fire no matter how much time passes. I pulled the hood on my cloak further over my face and walked away hoping the next town would be more peaceful. knock....knock....knock.

I awoke in my office to the sound of knocking on my door. The sun was shining through the window, and it was much quieter outside.


"Come in." I rubbed my [ A dream? ]

"Master Kaz, I have come with the report as you have asked." Terry said as he entered. He stood in front of the desk looking perfectly healthy. [ See I knew you would be fine. ]


"Most of the citizens have made it back to their homes unharmed. A few that were bitten we have quarantined to monitor. As for the Zombies, at around 5 this morning they ran to the edge of town.

As to why, it seems like they are attracted to sound. The town was relatively quite by then so the most noise was coming from the construction at the wall. Should I tell you how many were bitten and attacked at the wall?"

"No, it's fine. I'm not in-charge of those people. They have to figure out how to handle that on their own."

Terry smiled brightly at my comment. "I see, that makes it easier to say this then. I used some of the workers as bait to try and get as many Zombies out of town as possible."

"Is that why it's so quite now? Well anyway did you find out how to kill them?"

"No," Terry frowned slightly. "they seem to be immune to anything I've tried. It's quite troubling. Especially since I couldn't get rid of all of them, and after the attack the efforts on the wall tripled. They should finish it by 8 am."

"Hmmm... Thank you. We'll let them finish the wall. As for the remaining Dead lets hold a meeting to discus plans to deal with them. Lets say around....1. That should give the counsel enough time to gather. You can go home for today. "

"Good day Kaz. See you at night." Terry walked out closing the door silently behind him. I pulled my mic and radio out to make the usual morning announcement to the town.


"Good morning Shadow Wood. I have noticed that an infection has been spreading among the local populous, and many have come to me with concern about it. In response I have done my best to find some answers to your questions. If you follow my guide lines everything should be fine.

I’m sure you have noticed the graves in the local cemetery are empty. Do not be alarmed as this is to be expected. It would appear that we have a Zombie out brake on our hands. Now what are Zombies, will they harm us, why are they here? These are the questions I have been asked and have been asking myself. As we have received no instruction from the government about them I have taken it upon myself to find out.

First, what are Zombies? Well from what I can tell it is the dead come back to life. They seem to be roaming around the town moaning. My assistant went out to find out more about them and we discovered that they can not talk. They also seem to be attracted to sound. This brings us to the next question.

Will they harm us? Well as my assistant was immediately attacked once the Zombies noticed he was there, I am going to say yes. It seems that they will start attacking you in packs, like wild dogs. So I suggest that we stay well away from the Zombies. Though I do believe that it is OK to go about your every day activates if you are quite about it. Think of it as if you are playing the quite game. Only if you make noise you wont lose, you will die.

Alright this leaves the last question. Why are they here? Well we now know why the Zombies came to be and why it started in our town. For this explanation we have a letter from the Necromancer.

“Dear future dead, I apologies for the recent out break of Zombies. It was an experiment that got a little out of hand. As to why I have not addressed the problem, well I don’t know how to stop them. I have spent this time trying to figure out how and nothing seems to work. However I have learned many things about them.

First they are attracted to noise. So please be as quite as posable if you see one. Second they seem to enjoy music. For some reason they all seem to dance the shuffle if you play LMFAO’s ‘Party Rock’. I do not know why but it is great if you need to walk around, and don’t want to be attacked. Lastly they look to be immortal. I know it sounds absurd but so far its true. Everything I have tried has not even made one slow its pace.

With this I hope you will forgive me,

- Necromancer

P.S. It seems that the Zombie I was experimenting on has escaped. If you see her please contact me. Her name is Sasha and she is a scaredy cat.”

Now we know who caused it, and since he has apologized I say we forgive him. Also if you see Sasha you can contact the Necromancer by going to the building called Undertaker. He works there.

On another note the government of this country has decided to build a wall around our peaceful community. I was told that it was to protect the rest of the world from the 'Zombie' out brake. However this plan was foiled by a horde of 'Zombies' attacking the workers like a pack of wild dogs on a fresh kill. Alright now remember if you see a disfigured moaning figure do not approach it. Good luck and I wish you luck the quite game.

Your local leader,


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