《An Unusual Town》The Culprit of the Undead Infestation


The Culprit of the Undead Infestation

Hurrying to the town I saw that many of the central buildings were on fire. Moaning limping figures wondered around the streets after panic stricken citizens. I walked swiftly to the head of the police trying to keep moaning corpses at bay while letting the living pass.

"Chief, can you tell me what is going on?" I asked as soon as I was in front of her. She turned her bright blue eyes to me and smiled a thin tight smile.

"Well there really isn't much to tell. Its basically what you see before you. The moaning corpses from the cemetery are chasing the living trying to eat them. Some people have been unlucky and have been.... eaten by them. We tried to kill a couple but they just keep coming. They don't even follow traditional Zombie rules and die when shot in the head." She frustratingly said.

"What are Zombies?"

Chief looked at me confused and asked in a disbelieving voice, "How do you not know what zombies are? No, wait, never mind. Zombies are the walking dead. If you are bit, you turn into one. You are supposed to be able to kill one by dealing significant damage to the brain but these do not die."

I nodded my head and began to ask another question when an officer ran up to us.

"Chief, Kaz. There is something you should see."

Chief and I followed the officer to the edge of town. Once there we saw a flood of lights and tons of people doing construction. I frowned and walked up to one of the workers, with Chief following closely behind.

"Hey, what are you doing to my town? !" The worker eyed us cautiously.

"We were paid to build a wall around this town in at least two days or sooner. "



"The Zombies of course! The government haired us to do it so that we arn't attacked by the zombies too." With that he turned and went back to work. building a wall as quickly as possible.

I turned to Chief with a tiered look. "Do not tell anyone about the wall. Also try to help as many people you can make it back to their homes as possible. Tell them to turn on the town radio station and wait for more information. The houses in town should be able to withstand the Zombie attacks."

"Understood. " With that the Chief was off to carry out the orders. The officer standing to the side looked torn for a moment before heading off after his superior.

I watched the work being done for a few more minutes before heading back to the City Hall through the continuing chaos. [ If this doesn't clear up soon saxophone day will have to be cancelled, sigh.]

I opened the door to my office only to find a teen sitting at my desk. He looked to be about 19 years old, with chalky brown hair, and silver eyes. I sighed internally, [ What could the Necromancer possible want? ]

I shut the door loudly making him jump. "Well hello there Necromancer. What brings you here on such a wonderful night?"

"Oh come on Kaz. We're closer than that. Just call me Terry." He said with a pleasant smile. I frowned, [Terry my ass. ]

"I see, Terry. What brings you here tonight. Would it have something to do with the living dead outside? Or maybe you have information on the desecrated grave?" I stared hard at Terry as he fidgeted.

"Hahaha, you got me." he said with a bit of guilt. "In all fairness I did not mean to affect the whole graveyard. I had just meant for only one grave to be affected by the spell."


I pressed my head in an attempt to get rid of the headache I felt coming on. "Can you please, tell me why the corpses are moving?"

He looked at me sheepishly "Well....I was testing a spell for immortality. Before you ask why corpses. Their already dead, so it doesn't matter if they dead again, right. Hehehe. But the spell didn't work..."

An explosion happened outside shaking the windows. I glared at Terry. "Well apparently it worked. The dead are now walking and they don't seem to go back down."

"Did you try shooting them in the head?"

[ Does everyone know about Zombies? ] "Yes we did, but they continue on like nothing happened. It is incredibly frustrating. "

Joy was plastered all over Terry's face when I said this. I glared at him. "You do realize that what you did was a clear violation of the rules. You will have to be punished."


I watched silently until he was done. "One, entry into the graveyard without permission." he flinched "Two, unauthorized experimentation on the dead." Terry shrunk down in the chair. "Three, causing fires in town."

"That ones not fair, I didn't start the fires."

"No, but you caused the fires to happen by unleashing a dead horde onto the town." Terry started pouting. [What a child.] "Since there are only three counts.... I guess I can reduce the punishment. You can be my assistant until I get a new one."

Terry paled "Ummm.... Kaz.... I think I would rather take the normal punishment. ....."

"Nonsense, this is way better than the normal punishment."


"You'll be fine. You can't die anyway. "


"Stop being such a whiner. The others only died due to ignorance. You just have to be smarter. With that, the first thing you are to do is to find out more about these Undead. Then tomorrow come here with a report about what you've learned. Now off with you."

Terry got up and slowly walked to the door. "As you wish Master Kaz." Then left. [ Finely all by my self. ] I sat in my chair and leaned back. All that was left was to wait for the report. Slowly I drifted off to sleep lulled by the sound of screaming and fire.

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