《An Unusual Town》Introduction


A figure sat alone at a desk looking out the window. It was night, but you could still see the chaos going on outside. However the chaos did not seem to effect the figure as he sat quietly at his desk. He just watched with a bored look.

It's not that he did not care about the events going on outside, it's just that he didn't want to deal with it. He turned back to the paper on the desk with a sigh.

[ Kaz please look into the missing bodies from the graveyard.

- Undertaker ]

Just this single line was on the paper. Picking up the paper and shoving it into his pocket he walked out into the night.


I walked out onto the street only to be surrounded by the sounds of chaos. There were people screaming, running, slamming doors, crashing cars, and so on. I sighed. Calmly walking down the sidewalk I went through today's events.

The day had started just like any other. I woke up and went to work at the City Hall. Reviewed the preparations that needed to be done for saxophone day. Then went back to the office to fill out reports and look into changes that needed to be made to the town. However the peaceful day was shattered when my secretary came to the office with a request from the Undertaker.

Now here I was at the cemetery to investigate the cause of the empty graves. I looked at the elegantly done metal gate and fence. Some might question why there was a cemetery in this new and relatively small town, well they obviously have never been here.

A small thin man with gray hair came walking to the gate.

"Thank you for coming Kaz. I have been worried all day about what to do." said the man in a sacred and grateful voice. His hands fidget nervously as he continued. "Could you please come this way. I want to show you the graves as quickly as possible." The chaotic noises from the town started to fade a little as we walked further into the cemetery. "I'm not sure what caused it, but it looks like the dead climbed out of the graves. Except for this one."


We stopped in front of a grave in the middle of the cemetery. It had obviously been dug up from the the outside. A pile of dirt sat by the grave and the coffin at the bottom was flipped open. On a closer inspection there was a smell like sulfur emitting from the grave.

"Did you ask the "Resident" if anyone had come over last night?"

The Undertaker opened his eyes wide in surprise. "N..N..No. I did not. I thought it would be better not to disturb the "Resident" with such a trivial matter."

I raised an eyebrow. [ The disappearance of the entire graveyard was a trivial matter? ] I walked over to the only crypt in the graveyard and knocked on the door. The Undertaker followed behind me nervously.

The crypt door opened slowly revealing a tall dark shadowy figure. It was wearing a long black cloak hiding its features. "Yes?"

The Undertaker took a slow measured step back. Repressing the urge to roll my eyes I spoke to the "Resident". "Did you see anything last night or today around the graves?"

The "Resident" tilted it's head in an animal like fashion as it thought about the question. "...No, I do not believe I did. The graves were quite and nothing has felt wrong. However it feels quite different now.... Why is that?"

"So even you don't know." I sighed "The reason why it feels different is because the graves are empty. "

"I see... If you are wondering were the bodies are, they seem to be wondering around the town?" the "Resident" looked a bit confused as it said this.

"Unfortunately we know where they are we just don't know the cause. Thank you for your help." I turned and walked back towards the town that....[ is that a fire? Did they light something on fire?! What are the police doing? ! ]

I quickened my pace leaving the "Resident" and Undertaker behind. [They better not have set my town on fire! ]

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