《Blue mage》Chapter 12: Dragons


As we approached Llyn I slowed down, set Elizabeth down, then shrunk to six feet. Elizabeth didn't say much over the 30 minute run to Llyn. It was mostly stuff about supply chains and means of production. It seemed like she was trying to start a business here. Probably one to provide things from the old world. It didn't matter much to me, I'm pretty happy just hunting monsters.

As we get closer to the village I start to notice some changes, for example, a 20-foot tall wall that is made of solid stone. Elizabeth and I just stare at it. When I look to the left it just keeps going, same for the right. Elizabeth speaks up.

"You said that you guys got here 2 weeks ago?" Elizabeth asks while her face scrunches up in deep thought before mumbling, "Magic, it has to be magic."

I can still only stare dumbly at the wall. It was more of a shock to me as that the last time I was here there was nothing, nada. How did this happen. Was it that village system that Luke and I got? Had to be, I couldn't think of another option.

Shaking my head I turn to Elizabeth, "Should we hop it or find the entrance?" I ask with an unsure tone.

Elizabeth gives a look over before answering, "Have you looked in a mirror lately. You're covered in scales. If you hop that wall they will 100% assume you are a monster." Elizabeth sighs, "The only reason I even trusted you was because of the dungeon." she says while shaking her head and waggling her finger.

I deadpan at her, "You're walking this time." I then turn to the left and start walking at a brisk 10 miles per hour. Elizabeth, undeterred by my walking speed sets out as well. As we walk along the wall I can see marks along it. Claw marks mainly, probably from the steel wolves. There were also burn marks, I paused to study them for a second and to let Elizabeth catch up.

The fire was much weaker than my breath attack but was still able to melt stone to some degree. I added 'ask Luke about the fire monsters' to my list of things to do in town, along with learning how to weave pants. I had tried to make pants with the much more durable web I could produce for free but the pants would either fall apart or just not fit well at all.


Pretty soon a gate had come into sight and forgetting that I looked like a monster even when I was six feet tall just kept on walking. Elizabeth on the other hand quickly grabbed me and I let her pull me to a stop. "Are you an idiot, did you forget what I just told you? You look like a monster. You can't just walk up to armed people and expect it to go well."

I smiled, "One sec." I then started to change all my scales to the finer ones that look like skin. The finer scales were weaker when it came to blunt force but better for slashing attacks. When I looked mostly human I smiled at Elizabeth, "See all human now."

She just looked at me with a tired expression, took a deep breath, and let it out. She then looks me in the eyes and said, "YOU FUCKING MORON, WHAT ABOUT YOUR TEETH?" I could only be surprised. Not by her outburst but the fact that I had forgotten about that. It had only taken me 2 weeks to forget how human teeth should look.

Elizabeth's outburst had gotten the attention of the guards posted at the entrance. Two of the four started to trot over. As they got closer I was shocked by how weak they felt. They couldn't be over level 12 or 13. This was to be expected as the only two people I had really been around since the system was Luke and Elizabeth. Luke was a hero and Elizabeth had been level 25 for at least a year. Seeing how weak normal people were was really off-putting.

Elizabeth quickly changed her posture to a more friendly one as the guards approached. They seemed friendly and kept their spears, or was it a pike, pointed the sky. The older one of the two was the first to speak. "Haven't seen you to before, you from Wolford or Haven?" The younger guard just kept on staring at me. The older one then poked the younger one and he snapped out of it before I felt something intensely stare at me then try to look at my soul. I quickly shut that down, it felt wrong for someone to get a look at my soul.

The younger guard gasped and back-peddled before turning to the older and whispering, "They both blocked my appraisal, what should we do?" The guard was clearly in a panic. When the older one heard this he paled, stuck his hand in his pocket, and then I heard something snap. The guards looked at us in a panic for about 5 seconds before in a flash of light, Luke appeared.


Luke's head snapped around before landing on me and his face softened. He let out a sigh and look the guards in the eyes, "Sorry about this. This," he points towards me, "is Jace, a trusted friend of mine. He's been out on a mission fighting the strongest monsters he could find. Without his help, we would have to deal with a much greater number of high-level monsters."

The guards look confused for a second before bowing and thanking me for my hard work, then doing a 180 and walking at a fast pace back to their post. Luke turns back to me, then looks at Elizabeth. "Who are you?"

Elizabeth just shrugs and says, "I'm not really from around here. Names Elizabeth, level 25 inventor."

Luke's face scrunched up in thought before asking, "How did someone from another continent get here so early?"

Elizabeth's face reddens a bit before she explained what happened. Luke nodded along, "Well if you need a place to stay, as long you use your skills to help the town you can stay here."

We start to walk into town and as soon as we pass the gate I get to see the full scope of the once small village. Over 600 buildings covered the area in an orderly fashion. It was an impressive sight given how it was built in two weeks. After looking around for a second, I turn to Luke. "Hey, where are the weavers? I kinda need some new clothes. "

Luke looks at the state of my waistcloth, nods, and gives me directions to the best weaver in town. I thank him before setting off.


Luke sits down behind his desk as Elizabeth sits across from him. Her face is full of confusion. Knowing that she wants to ask some questions Luke starts a dialog. "Given how you are new to this continent you must be full of questions, ask away."

Elizabeth takes a second to formulate her thoughts before asking, "How did you know I wasn't from this continent?"

Luke smiles an easy smile before answering with a question, "How long was your tutorial?"

Elizabeth frowns a bit before answering, "I don't see how that is relevant, but it was around two weeks long. Why?"

Luke leans forward, "Mine was 10 years long. I was taught how to be a proper hero and with that came knowledge. I know things that no one on this planet should know. I know about how every five years 5% of the previous population of earth will appear on one of three continents in a rotation. So given how I'm part of the second group, you must be the first and therefore from another continent."

Elizabeth was shocked to hear about the existence of another continent. Rather than dwell on that she asked a new question. "What is Jace, he's been here for only 2 weeks yet fights with the power that few can match. How is that possible?"

Luke sighs and leans back, "Jace is a weird subject, as far as I can tell he has a unique class, one that can most likely copy monster skills. He is also on the path of the Dragon."

An awkward pause settles in as Elizabeth refuses to ask what that is.

Luke's face darkens, "The path of the Dragon is one of the few things I would call pure evil. Every time a new universe joins the multiverse a being called the Dragon God picks 1,000 individuals who could walk the path. It then forces the path onto them." Luke's face looks murderous now as he recalls the time when he first learned about it. After a couple of seconds, Luke continues. "As the person walks the path they find the desire to hunt grows. As they increase their strength they evolve to be closer to a dragon. When the day finally comes that they evolve into a dragon they lose all control and seek only one thing, the death of all other dragons. The person can no longer control themself and will kill everything in their path to gain the strength needed to hunt other dragons. After all dragons but one are dead, the last one will evolve into a true dragon and regain its control. The problem with this is that normally the dragons wipe out 10 to 20 percent of the new universe's population in their struggle to kill other dragons. Starting on the world the evolve on."

By this point, Luke is shaking in fury as he trying to control himself, "My goal for Jace is to either find a monster skill that will help him stay in control or," Luke's eyes darken, "When he evolves I will kill him."

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