《Blue mage》Chapter 11: A new friend


I was in a pretty good mood as I left the first dungeon I had entered. After I had gotten my new skill, waves of knowledge crashed against my brain, which soaked it up like a sponge. After the first ten minutes of not being able to move from the influx of new knowledge, I was able to parse it out.

For example, I was able to generate webs from any point of my scales, and thanks to Scales of the Chimera Dragon(Legendary) starting as a monster skill I learned how to control the color, either purple or tan right now, and size of my scales. Of course, I covered my arms up to my shoulders in the larger, darker scales and my legs up to the waist the same.

Another great addition was learning how to use my claws right, which was stab or rake with your claws. Not really groundbreaking but it was in the small details where it counted. Then right as I exited the dungeon, appearing right where I had left, a small woman also appeared right beside me. She whipped her head around taking in the environment she was now in. Then her eyes locked on to my eyes and she smiled.


Elizbeth was in an entirely different location than when she went into the dungeon. She entered the dungeon in a leveled city, now she was in a gorgeous forest the likes of which she had never seen. The trees were at least 200 feet tall and the grass was a deep comfy green. After getting over the shock of this new forest she found her target, the scaled man.

His scales had somewhat receded, now only his torso and head were not covered in the larger ones. she snapped her head to look into his eyes. She had never gotten a good look at them when was a prisoner but now that she looks, they were surprisingly normal. Just two regular human eyes colored blue, it was kinda off-putting from a man that could grow up to over 30 feet in height but who was she to complain.


Taking a deep breath she readied her pitch, she looks into his eyes again and opened her mouth, "Hello, my name is Elizabeth and I would like to be your personal Inventor." Clean and simple. She then added her qualification and that she was level 25. Only a fool would not even think about it. The only reason she hadn't done this before was that she didn't need to. At level 25 she could provide almost any tech any group would need, for a small price that is. But the opportunity to figure out what kinda tech this behemoth was using was too tempting. She could make a fortune if she managed to figure it out before the original creator published it.

Then the man opened his mouth.


"Why would I need an Inventor, I don't really need anything right now." I then thought for a second and a lightbulb flicked on in my head. "But I know someone who does. His name is Luke and I'm pretty sure I know the way to his village."

The lady, as I now know as Elizabeth, looks blankly at me before dumbly asking, "Village? Not city?"

This was when I realized that she was not from here. We had only been here for about 2ish weeks so how could there already be a city. As I pondered this it seemed like Elizabeth did the same now really wondering where she was. A look of horror donned on her face before asking me, "What is the continent called?"

I shrugged and said, "It doesn't really have a name yet as far as I know, but I'm kinda a hermit so I wouldn't know."

Elizabeth then plopped herself onto the ground and started to hyperventilate while whispering things under her breath. "I'm on the new continent. The high emperor told us about it. How did this happen? Why of all the dungeons to double link here why was it the one I was stuck in." Her rambling continued but it made less and less sense as it went on, like about how she had the system for 5 years.


I did start to piece some of it together as I sat down next to her. She was from another continent and had the system for 5 years. I also figured out that her class was a si-fi one rather than a fantasy one. Everyone had a Si-Fi class where she came from. Trying to be helpful I stayed quiet while she worked through what she was going through.

Once she had calmed down some, I cleared my throat getting her to look at me. "if you need a place to stay that friend I mentioned could probably help you out." I felt kinda bad for accidentally ripping her out of her home and wanted to help. Even if she could do nothing Luke still owed me from helping him with killing that baby and would probably accept her.

She looks at me before asking, "Is that even tech, your scales I mean?" I shake my head and rather and look disappointed she lights up a bit. "Does anyone use tech here?" I shake my head again still not following why she would be happy about that.

She whispers under her breath, "That means I'm the only one. Think of the money Elizabeth, think of the money!" She then slaps her cheeks then looks back at me. "Is the offer for the village still on the table?" I nod still confuddled.

She stands up and says in a commanding tone, "Then what are we waiting for let's go!" she says in an excited tone, rocking on the balls of her feet as if unable to completely stemmy her excitement.

I then look at her and ask one question, "Fast or slow?" she looks confused for a second before saying fast in a careful tone. I expand to my full-size scoop her up in my right hand, she lets out a small yelp, before taking off in the direction I'm pretty sure that Llyn is in.

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