《Freedom in the New World》Unexpected World end trigger event
James woke in his bed, greeted by the sound one of his bodyguards sitting off to the side in a chair, playing games on his phone. The last thing he remembered was getting into the car to go home. James sat up in bed alerting the bodyguard that he was awake. The bodyguard immediately stowed his phone and walked over to the bedside.
“Sir I am glad to see you are awake. After you fell asleep on your ride him, we reported your condition to Mr. Takahashi who told us to give you a message. “Don’t work yourself to death, take three days off.” We were also told to stay with you for the duration of your time off to help in your recovery.”
James looked at this man who was one of his bodyguards, and for the first time really looked at him. He was a bald Asian, slightly pudgy man, somewhere in his late 30’s early 40’s, with a face that was unremarkable. “Alright. Let us see if I can walk.” James’ bodyguard backed up a few steps but not too far in case he was needed. James threw off his covers still in his office clothes. A long sleeve, light red, button up shirt.
James began to run through his little mental check list. Toes can wiggle, check. Ankles can move, check. James put his legs over the side of the bed and attempted to stand. His legs were a bit shaky but the lasted only a moment because he fell backwards. His nameless bodyguard was right there asking, “Are you alright sir?” “Yes, I am. It just seems I am going to need time to get my legs back under me. Help me to the kitchen.” James said holding out his right arm. The bodyguard immediately leaned down to help James up, assisting him on his way to the kitchen downstairs.
On their way out of the room James asked a question he should have asked a two weeks ago. “I never did ask, what is your name?” “My name is Fu.” James could not help but smile. “Has anyone told you that in America, Fu is an insult and so is F U.” “This has been mentioned to me several time, though often my name is mistaken for an insult.” “Good to know.”
James and Fu arrived in the kitchen after a tedious trip down the stairs. James sat down in a chair at the dining table to see his other three bodyguards. The one who appeared to be American seemed to be making scrambled eggs, and bacon. While the other two were sighting at the table each reading the paper.
The American man said, “Hey Fu you want some?” Hearing the footsteps into the kitchen. He turned to see Fu standing then noticing James at the table. “Guys look live, he’s here!” The papers immediately hit the table, as they finally noticed James’ presence.
“Sir it is good to see you are awake.” Said the Japanese man with a sharp military style haircut on the opposite side of the table from him next to the window. “Yes, very good.” Said the other Japanese man to his right, James’ left. He seemed to be a head taller than most of the other Japanese people he had seen with a darker complexion.
James took their panic in stride. “It’s alright guys, don’t panic.” James turned to the American saying, “Hey that smells great, mind making some for me?” The American was stunned for a moment before jumping into action and responding. “Sure, would you like bacon, eggs?” “Bacon and eggs sounds fine, an omelet with the bacon pieces inside.” “Sure, coming right up.”
James and his bodyguards had some pleasant back and forth banter, each of them slowly relaxing as James spoke and treated them as the people they were, something rare in this country nowadays. When he was done with his breakfast and the bodyguard’s anxieties were put at ease, he had Fu take him to his gaming rig so he could play Yggdrasil. After so long without playing he deserved it.
James logged into Yggdrasil greeted by an unexpected sight. He found himself outside the inn he had logged off in. He was confused for a moment before what had happened dawned on him. “I only paid for a day, so when I logged back in, I got placed out her.” Such is life.
James looked through his belongings to make sure he had everything, then he spotted the chest he had not opened in his haste to get to the party. James promptly walked back into the inn and booked a room for 12 hours, the shortest duration the inn NPC would except. The room he had rented was in a word dull, with a single bed and window, a nightstand which appeared empty, and blank walls.
The room was more than enough for his purposes, however. James quickly pulled the chest from his inventory and set it down. Giddy with excitement he flipped the lid of the chest open. He was greeted by something he had not expected to find so soon in the game, and something new altogether.
What he found in the chest were four horns. Three he recognized as Horns of the Goblin General, score! The last horn was much larger, appearing to be made from a hollowed-out fang from the wolf he had killed to get it. The horn had salt and pepper fur towards the base where you would blow into it. James checked its description.
Horn of Fenrir (Divine Artifact): Once- Call forth a legion of wolves to defend you, and hunt down your foes. Also calls all nearby non-hostile wolf type monsters to your aid.
While you are in possession of this horn wolf type enemies will see you as a friend but will still attack you should you threaten them.
Wolf type monsters will see you as an ally and will defend you if able, even if they were not summoned by this horn.
Even when this horn is used it does not disappear, while it loses the ability to summon wolves, it remains as a gift from Fenrir.
Once horn is used, blowing this horn further will simply result in all nearby non-hostile wolf type monsters to rush to your aid.
To blow this horn is to know the voice of Fenrir. -Unknown
“Holy Shit! That is an item I’m definitely taking to the New World!” James exclaimed in utter glee unconcerned about being heard as his room was a small zone onto itself. No one could hear what he said here.
As soon as James had lifted the last horn, the Horn of Fenrir, from the chest it disappeared. He wondered what would happen if he brought one of these chests to the new world. He waved that thought away, another time perhaps. It was then that James noticed a small inscription on the horn around where the fur on the horn stopped. Seeing it James had an idea, so he rubbed the horn. Nothing happened, “So this isn’t a genie’s lamp situation, disappointing.” James looked again at the inscription. It was not a language he understood if it was even a language.
James spent some time trying to solve the riddle that was this horn. The only clue it proved seeming to be the inscription on the outside. Wait, the outside. James summoned a small mote of light, a racial ability he was very glad for, moving the mote of light into the horn and then holding the horn up to his face. The light immediately went out.
Instantly the world was consumed by darkness and the walls of the room disappeared, even the floor was replaced. The scene that greeted him was rocky walls on all sides open to the sky and a gargantuan wolf in front of him seemingly bound by thin red ribbon.
James immediately thought, “OH I FUCKED UP!” The great wolf moved his eyes to him but did not snarl. James looked at the horn still in his hands, noticing the wolf shifting its gaze from it to him and back. The great wolf was not only bound, but had a sword driven through the bridge of its nose, piercing into the rock beneath it. James slowly advanced the great wolf constantly moving its gaze between him and the horn he held.
“I can’t believe this!” He said kneeling in front of the nose of the great bound wolf. He looked the wolf in the eye’s, and he saw more than a monster, or data, he saw a soul starring back at him. “Do you want me to pull this out?” he asked not expecting a reply and was greeted a whine coming from the great wolf. Somewhat shock he said, “I’ll take that as a yes.” He reached for the sword, unremarkable in its design. Greeted by even greater whines from the beast. He held the sword with both hand, “Ready? This is going to hurt.” another whine escaped the beast’s mouth.
Taking it as confirmation, James pulled the sword with all his might. Slowly, inch by inch the sword rose. He heard the ribbon groan as the great beast strained against them trying desperately to lift its head. He felt the sword give, and then he felt himself impact the wall. He could see his health was in the red. “Ouch.” He slowly pulled himself from the wall, dropping a foot or two to the ground, managing to land on his feet.
James looked, there in his hand the sword coated in blood, some long dried, most was quite fresh. James turned to the great wolf, seeing the wound had already closed. The great wolf howled to the moon directly above them, the sound was deafening.
James was then greeted by an unexpected and deep voice, “You have my thanks little angel.” The great wolf lifted its lips in a wolf version of a smile, it was terrifying. “So you an angel who hails from Asgard, home of my jailers, has slain one of my children and taken his fang as a prize? You have freed me from that torment?” Came a voice clearly from the wolf, though his mouth moved naught.
James was blown away; this was certainly not something he had expected. Were these lines prerecorded or was this some sort of limited A.I. James just stood there unable to find the words. “What’s the matter little angel, cat have your tongue?” James laughed, heartily to. It had to be prerecorded, no A.I. would make a joke.
“So, you found that little joke amusing did you.” The great wolf turned his head in the dog version of a questioning head tilt. The wolf’s head straitened before its great maw opened as he too gave a hearty laugh. “I do miss this. I have not had conversations like this in a very long time. Not since…” The great wolf was suddenly silent.
This was the moment, “Are you Fenrir?” The great wolf was shaken from his thoughts by the question. “I am, who other would I be?” James was officially scared. Fenrir the wolf who brings about Ragnarök. This item was probably one of the possible triggers for an end of world event. Why was it in the starter area!
James reminded himself had to remain calm and think this through. “I saw you bound, and I wanted to help you, to make you free within my means.” James spoke from his heart; thought he knew not what the response would be. “You would see me set free, you a child of those retched gods?!” This gave James some ideas. “I am no child of theirs, I would have never allowed for you to be treated this way. They feared what you could become, and in so doing sealed their fates.”
Fenrir was silent for a moment, seeming to furrow his brow. James noticed the movement of Fenrir’s face; had they been working on facial animations for some of the NPC’s. “Sealed their fates what do you mean?” James was stunned, it could not be prerecorded. “After you were bound, a prophecy was made, that you would break free, eat the moon, devour Odin, and be…”
James paused uncertain whether he should continue, “And be what!?” Fenrir demanded; this was the most advanced A.I. he had ever seen in an NPC. “You are supposed to be slain by Odin’s son.” James said with regret in his voice. Fenrir gave no reply, he simply looked up to the moon. James had to keep reminding himself it was just an NPC, it was not real, but he could be. That though dawned on James, if he played his cards right, he could make a him real.
“I will set you free you have my oath.” His fist impacting hard into his chest, in a show of the oath he had just made. Fenrir turned to him, and then the world stood still. “Greetings, I am an administrator for Yggdrasil, I was watching you converse with the A.I. here, and I have heard your oath. This is exactly what we were looking for here.” James was taken aback but the voice in his ears, but quickly regained composure.
“What does that mean for me?” “Well, it means you have two choices, you can hold to the oath, or you can recant, and we will go from there.” James looked at Fenrir the wolf bound by fearful gods, he knew he could help and refused to accept any other way. “I will not go back on my word; I have given an oath I will see through to the end.” He could hear the smile on the mans face. He was then greeted by several notifications.
You have leveled up x5
You have maxed out the Hidden class Fenrir’s Chosen
You have acquired the Legendary title, “Harbinger of Ragnarök”
Warning the gods have taken notice of your actions, followers of the gods have been given a quest to kill you. They will hunt you no matter where you tread.
You have been banned from most cities on Asgard.
James was joyous at the levels and upon reading further utterly terrified. The admins voice returned, “You have stumbled upon something, you probably should have left alone kid.” “Your telling me!” “Anyway, I see you were moved from a room you rented at an inn in the starter town on Asgard, touch break. Ill just refund you that money for the room. Do you have any further questions or concerns?”
James was speechless, to think something like this would happen to him so fast. It was only his second day playing! His earlier thought resurfaced “Is there anyway to have Fenrir as say an NPC at my base?”
There was no immediate reply all that greeted his ears was the sound of typing and some clicks. “It doesn’t say that you have a guild base. Normally I would have to tell you that I cannot give you that information. However, being as you are who you are, yes James I know who you are I have your file pulled up, and considering what you have accomplished I believe I can bend the rules just a bit. However I’m going to tell you now, if you were any other person and I didn’t have several higher ups staring me down and saying not to, I would have a team dedicated to watching you.” The line went silent for a moment. Then a new voice came on, Takeda’s. “Hey James, sorry about this guy was giving you trouble, but you have to understand how suspicious this looks.”
Quick as a whip, “No problem, I was honestly surprised to find the item, and even more so to find that secret.” “Yes, there are more than a few people here trying to make the argument that since you are one of the developers you have abused your position to get ahead. But you and I both know you have not had contact with any of the people who helped with this area or the item. Nor have you been granted access to any information that could be used that way. We know this because we already have a small team watching you to help prevent just that, sorry James.”
James was only a little shocked, he had actually expected this. He thought for a moment and found takeda was right. He had been careful, he wanted to play Yggdrasil and doing any of that would jeopardize his ability to play. Little did they know he did have some inside knowledge just not from the source they thought. The voice of the original man came back on.
“Anyway James to answer your earlier question the only way we can allow you to have that is if you complete the end world event, help bring about Ragnarök, and prevent the final bit of the prophecy from coming true. Now are you still certain this is the road you wish to take?” James said nothing instead he walked a few steps to look Fenrir in the eyes.
James spoke with a wide smile, “I already told you, I won’t go back on my word!” James could hear dozens of people cheering and clapping through the mic.
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