《Original Wolf - (The Originals)》4 Cult



His ears twitched after hearing the word, turning his head away from her trying to hide the embarrassment. He quickly took off towards the nearest water source to rinse out his mouth.

They all met up later at the meadow, Aurelia had her pack gathered around in a circle to discuss the recent events when a giant black wolf came running in. Everyone except Aurelia jumped back in fear, eyes wide with a bit of shaking here and there.

Nevan completely forgetting he was still in wolf form after all this is his first form, his most comfortable, looking at Aurelia asking "What the hell was that thing you were fighting and those men you killed?"

"It can talk!" someone shouted.

"What the hell are you all talking about....oh," Nevan said as he realized he was still in wolf form. With a wolf grin, he looks at them and barked like a dog "Rawf!" Everyone was gobsmacked at this.

This time it was Aurelia eyes who went wide before they started twinkling with a new light. Out of character ran up and hugged Nevan's head and started patting it.

"That's right I forgot to introduce you all to my new dog." she said before turning to Nevan and saying with a never before seen silly grin "Good boy."

Nevan unable to take it anymore decided to just transform back saying "Hey." as if it was no big deal. Aurelia pouting off to the side at the lack of expression from Nevan from being hugged and petted by her.

Cora had the biggest reaction to his transformation back "What the what....you....you...your just like my mother." of course minus the giant size, she thought.

Nevan- "Yeah about that, that's one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you earlier." giving her a sideways glance, "When you can manage that is." while also thinking 'It seems Aurelia hasn't shown her transformations to them yet.'


Cora clenched her fist in frustration as she nodded.

Gabriela- "Wait wait wait....you can turn into a giant frikin wolf!" and turning towards Cora "And you said your mother can!"

As the talking took away the initial scare the rest ran up and started bombarding him with questions.

Altair- "So cool how can I do it? please teach me, master!"

Vinicius nodding at that- "Yes, you must teach us."

A couple of them still stayed in the back to nervous to speak, along with Ramiro who only snorted at them.

Nevan- "Alright, alright, calm down, first I need to speak to Aurelia about what happened."

Aurelia- "Actually I gathered everyone together to tell them what's happening if you don't mind my lord."

Nevan- "Proceed."

Aurelia nodded looking at everyone- "It started a few years back when Cora first arrived. You all remember the guerrilla camp I took out back then, well let's just say they weren't exactly your typical guerrilla's. A cult group has been secretly spreading around the area trying to gain influence. At first, this wasn't anything important till they started to doing secret rituals in some of the hidden tombs around here. My lord the creature I was fighting was a result of some of their rituals, but that's not the worst part, while those creatures are strong, they are mindless things that can't do anything on their own. The worst is when I saw them interacting and creating werejaguars and they can control the mindless creatures."

Nevan instantly turned gloomy hearing about werejaguars. Back when they were a pack the jaguars were some of the most elusive and hard to kill enemies they faced. He can only imagine what their descendants, these werejaguars are like.

Aurelia- "My lord, I was preparing to wipe them out at the earliest convenience, but as you saw me fighting one of those berserkers as they're called, it was to difficult on my own. Around their base, they keep more than half a dozen on guard duty. A couple of years back they weren't this strong, but the only way you can kill them is the head, back then I took out a dozen of them easily getting past their swings and crushing their heads. These new ones, however, have been upgraded to be able to burst with extreme speed and suicide together with the one who's capable of attacking their heads, as you saw my lord."


Nevan- "Suicide together you say? It sounds like you were able to do some damage, but they were able to compensate and developed these new ones to take you out."

Aurelia- "Yes after that time I took out a dozen, they kept improving slowly, this last one was by far the strongest and was capable."

Nevan trying to act serious with a big silly grin on his face nodding- "Yes, yes, this is concerning, we'll have to do something about this now before it gets worst."

Cora squinting at him- "Why do you seem so happy."

Nevan grinning while taking a glance at Aurelia- "Well you have to look to the bright side of things, be positive. I don't know how she's been recently with all of you, but for me, this is the first time I've heard Aurelia speak so much at one time and she has such a nice soothing voice to listen to."

Aurelia for the first time in her life blushed hard, turning around as fast as she can running away. This left Nevan laughing at her antics this time, 'revenge is sweet, how dare you make me feel embarrassed.' He thought back to earlier when that disgusting ash leftover from the creature was in his mouth, eliciting a shiver from him as his face turned pale a little remembering the taste.

Nevan snapping out of it clapped his hands to get everyone's attention, they were still staring off in the direction of their leader thinking 'Did she just blush?'.

"Ok folks its been a long time lets rest up and speak again tomorrow." Turning to Cora, "Cora if you're ready." he said while sticking his hand out inviting her to follow along as he left to a more private area to talk.

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