《Original Wolf - (The Originals)》5 Shifter agent


Nevan looking back to make sure she was following- "So tell me about yourself Cora."

Cora looking shy as she stared at the ground started to tell him about her past- "Well I use to live in Beacon Hills California with my family, me, my mom, dad, brother, and sister as well as our extended family, it was pretty good..." She paused clenching her fists, eyes watering a little. "...And then 3 years ago when I was 11, I was out one night practicing my transformation when I saw a huge fire coming from where we lived. I rushed back in time to see the whole house burning...." Tears streaming now "...I could hear some of them screaming, I wanted to help but there was this circle around the house I couldn't cross and when I saw the men with guns...My instincts took over, I had to survive, I had to get revenge, Have to get revenge!" she growled the out the last part eyes glowing.

Nevan- "My condolences, no one should have to go through that. Tell me something, what were the names of your parents."

Cora wiping her tears looked up at him asking- "My dad was Calvin Hale and my mother was called Talia Hale, she was the greatest werewolf I've ever seen and was well respected and listened to by the other supernaturals around our territory...How do you turn into a wolf? My mother could do it too, but yours is much bigger, What are you?"

Nevan frowned- "Was your mother really Talia?" Talia was one of his smarter pack members, it's hard to believe she got taken out in a fire, but after looking at Cora he realized maybe she grew complacent with having a family and kids.


"Yes the legendary Talia Hale was my mother, I am her daughter Cora Hale," said Cora proudly thinking its understandable to doubt that she had such a great mother.

"Men with guns huh, hunters these days sure are getting bold," said Nevan with glowing orange eyes, releasing a bit of pressure which in turn sent Cora to the ground cowering.

Nevan releasing the pressure apologizing- "Whoops sorry about that."

Cora extremely flustered got up and looked warily at him- "What the hell was that I felt like if I didn't submit I'd die."

Nevan waved his hand at her- "Don't worry about it, anyway we'll talk about this later, its time to get some rest." He yawned as he walked away ignoring her.

Core- "Hey you! I'm not done talking to you...get back here!"


To get the best sleep he possible could he went to sleep in his wolf form under the tree in the middle of the meadow, now that they all knew he could turn into a wolf.

Waking up however wasn't so nice, everyone was standing around him watching.

Nevan- "What do you brats want, never seen a wolf sleeping before."

They all rolled their eyes at that 'Sleeping wolf your mother, who's seen a giant wolf sleeping before.'

Cora- "How do you transform into a wolf? my mother never said anything about it."

Nevan saw Aurelia walking over grinning at his predicament, this didn't sit well with him so, like the petty person he is, he decided to deflect them towards her. Aurelia looking at Nevan noticed this and quickly lost her grin. "Oh did Aurelia never teach you how to turn into a wolf, that's a shame."

All glares now directed at Aurelia, she started sweating a little, quickly turning right around going the other way. They chased after yelling at her.


"Hey, you stop right there!"

"Leader! you can turn into a wolf too?"

"How come you hid this?"

"Leader!" "Leader!" "Leader! get back here."

Cora didn't follow them, she had way more questions for Nevan that she didn't get to ask the other day, but when she turned around he was gone. "Bastard! how dare you leave." cursing at him.

Absent from all this, however, was Ramiro and the two girls who have yet to introduce themselves to Nevan.


Nevan meanwhile was running in his wolf form towards one of the hidden tombs nearby to check it out. He was already spending way more time here then he first planned, all he wanted was to get Aurelia's number and then move on to the next one. Now their's Cora, a kid from another of his pack members, who might have died and some cult, building what could be a very dangerous army if left unchecked.

'Shouldn't those stupid shit hunters be dealing with this, instead of killing peaceful families.' he thought to himself as he arrived at the edge of the woods, right before the tomb.

Crouching down he prowled closer to see what was going on ahead. Two berserkers were stationed at the entrance of the tomb, off to the side they had a small camp set up. He only saw a few men talking and hanging out in the camp, dressed in forest camo.

His ears moved to the side as he heard people coming from the distance. He went over to check them out since they were still a ways away.

They were wearing black cloaks with masks, 'How original, wait for a second, I've actually never done a spy mission before.' he thought as his eyes twinkled towards his newfound prey.

He waited in an ambush on top of a tree in his human form so he wouldn't damage the clothes. They were walking in pairs, so he let them walk by except the last two which he quietly jumped behind before moving up to snap the neck of one and grab the others trying to decide what to do with him.

'Its times like this where it would be nice to be a vampire.' he thought as he held the man waiting for his comrades to get a little more out of site first before deciding. He clicked his tongue in annoyance at his plan being ruined because of their dumb pair arrangements.

If you thought this was going to stop him from trying though you were dead wrong.

He couldn't risk the man yelling so he killed him then moved to remove the mask. Once the mask was being pulled away it all erupted into flames.

'Shit these little magical bastards'

Again if you thought this was going to stop him you were dead wrong. One thing to be noted by Nevan was that he loved spy thrillers, covert agents. Nothing was going to stop him from trying when he was allowed to be covert.

He went to the other one he had taken out but this time he stripped the robe before extending a claw on one of his fingers to skin the face with the mask still attached. He paused briefly when he thought, 'If I put this on and the magic activates, would I burn?' but as stated earlier nothing was going to stop him so he continued.

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