《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Chapter 24


Here's chapter 24. Sorry for it being a bit shorter.

I know that a few things seem a bit too easy/Sear seems a bit too powerful, but that will all be explained next episode/fixed next episode.

P.S:forgot to put this here. my other Book: Ley World: pliz Read



“I’m here to hire you.”

Silence spread as the mercenaries listened to what he said.

“Hire…us? HAH! Don’t joke kid. Nobody hires us. We go around seeing if people want us, we don’t care if you need us…” The mercenary leader laughed while talking but quickly shut up when Sear showed the bag full of divine coins.

“Ummm, well we may be able to make a deal with this.” The man sat up straight and Sear could see a thin layer of glistening sweat beginning to form along his head.

“Well yes. I came here prepared.” Sitting down, Sear leaned forward showing that he wanted to begin negotiations.

“Well, how much money are you willing to spend?” The mercenary spoke first.

“I am willing to spend all 20 of these divine coins. I want to hire your men for 10 years. You will probably all die by the end, but you are mercenaries. As for your terms, those are different. I am hiring you guys to act as city guards. You will all listen to my every word, and you will be trained to increase your strength.” Sear sat back and let the man think.

“Well, I am sure that all of the mercenaries will agree. Though I doubt they will listen to your orders and train under you, as they are well, mercenaries.”

“That’s alright. A few examples won’t be that bad.”

“Oh, ok then. Well, I think everyone in the camp will agree to these terms, so I accept. Give us a few hours to prepare and we will follow.”


“Very well.” Standing up, Sear left the tent and walked towards the road. There, he created a simple chair and sat, waiting.


3 Hours later…

As the leader said, the men were all ready. Behind him he could see hundreds of horses and mules carrying tons worth of weapons and food.

All in all, he now had control over a very sizable force. Smiling, he looked towards he approaching leader.

“We are all set up and ready to move on your orders. On a side note, could you care to share the name of the city we are being hired to protect.”

“Well yes, the city is called… uhm…”

DAMNIT! I’ve forgotten the city name! How can I do something that damn stupid! God!

“I’ve…well… forgotten the city name…” Sear watched as the men who heard him either began laughing their asses off, or giving him concerned looks.

“Well then, that’s awkward. Well either way, shall we begin moving now?”

“Yes we shall.” Mounting his horse, Sear began to slowly move back towards the city under the moon’s bright shine.


At dawn…

“We’ve arrived!” Behind Sear hundreds of men began getting off of their horses and began to set up a camp outside the southernmost wall of the kingdom.

During the travel, a few men had been sent around to explain what was going to happen during the first day.

First of all, they would build their camp outside the walls. They would then be split into 12 groups. Each group would have 50 men and then 1 leader. Those 12 leaders were then to report to the mercenary leader, whose name was Gut.

After that was done, Sear would give a bit of “discipline” and then begin to teach them all. Hopefully, he would only need to make a few examples, but with so many mercenaries he doubted it.

As Sear began to walk back to inform the city council of this, Gut came behind him.


“So Sear, how should we split the groups up?” Sear turned and realized he hadn’t even thought of that.

“Well… pick 12 of the stronger/more trustworthy individuals in the group and make them leaders. Then make sure each group has the same amount of strength. If there are 50 extremely powerful people, put 7 or 8 into each group and so on.”

As he began to walk away he could hear Gut begin to shout instructions.

I’ll leave him with his group. For now he knows them better, so everything will be much easier to control.

Once inside, he could see large groups of men putting bodies onto trailers to be brought outside and burned. Of course, only the enemies were burnt that way.

The citizens and the guards were put in a different area, so that they could be later buried inside the catacombs Sear had created underneath the city. They would most likely need a large expansion.

Maybe I can create a large side-connection that will house all of the people who died during this attack… a large mini-catacomb to put their bodies. Yes, that will do.

Currently, there were 200ish people buried in the catacombs, but with this he was sure it would skyrocket to over 1000 bodies.

It was mainly split into 3 parts. One part was for the common folk, the second part was for the merchants and various peoples of the crafts, and the last was for people and families of the guards. Though not much of the spaces were taken up, with this he would need to make many more tombs.

Continuing to walk, he noticed that the closer to the innermost sector he got, the better the streets looked. At the border of the second and third sector, most of the blood and bodies were already taken away, and repairs had begun on the buildings that were damaged.

Smiling inwardly, he continued on until he reached the council.

They were currently staring at a large sheet of paper. As he approached he began to hear some of what they were saying.

“…of people who died is at least 60% of the city. 30% of those were normal citizens, 15% were guards, 10% were crafters and the last 5% were merchants. It will take a good 2-5 years to get back to where we were.”

Turning around a few of them noticed Sear. “Ah Sear. How has it gone?”

“Well. There are over 600 of them, and I’m currently having them set up outside the city and split into groups. By tomorrow their training will begin. I don’t expect many problems so it will be quite easy to train them.”

“Ah, well that’s quite nice. Will give us protection. Well, I think you overheard us talking about the casualties. Can you, you know, increase the catacombs?” The man looked away while saying this, but Sear payed it no mind.

Putting his hand of the ground, the first thing he did was rebuild the wall. Since it had few details, it would be quite easy. Once that was done, he moved on to the catacombs. In a matter of seconds all of the passageways and rooms were dug out. Now placing his other hand on the floor, he slowly began to add details to the area, making it look like it was built out of tiles.

Finally, he used fire and earth magic to create an extremely hot sphere that would be used to light torches and placed it along the corridors.

Standing back up, he began to walk away. “Done.”

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