《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Chapter 22


Another short chapter :( Sorry.

My other Book: Ley World- Sci-Fi/Fantasy VRMMO Story



Early In the Morning…

Back in the dark room, all of the figures met to prepare to begin their operation. The only difference is that they now all donned battle gear.

Some wore leather armor to increase their movement, some had chainmail, one even wore plate. Their weapons ranged from bows to war hammers capable of striking down the largest of walls.

At once, they all stood up and walked in sync, towards the large metal door.

Back in the city…

The sun still hadn’t gone up and few people were about and moving. Smiths were preparing to work, merchants were setting up their stalls, and farmers went out into the fields to grow their crops.

As the first signs of light slipped past the horizon, the attack commenced.

In the outermost layer of the city, a large explosion was heard before a multitude of shops and work areas were burst aflame.

From the southern wall came over a hundred warriors that would strike down any guards nearby. Any citizens that attempted to fight were slaughtered. Soon, the outermost part of the city was in panic. With almost a tenth of the area aflame, people struggled to put down the fires while at the same time fighting against the enemies.

Minutes passed before the city guard had gotten to the outermost layer, but by then it was too late. Along the entirety of the outermost layer blood-curling screams could heard as people were killed, buildings set aflame.

The guards, not believing what they were seeing, could do nothing but watch a large portion of the city being subsided and burned.

Foolishly, some rushed in attempting to control the attacks, but that only served to give openings for the enemies to rush in and overwhelm the guards. In minutes, the second layer had also been taken.


The only safe area was the third layer, where most of the officials and richer merchants hid behind their soldiers.

As the attackers attempted to fight against the guards, outcry broke out inside of the inner sector. Looking to the side, the merchants and officials noticed a hundred, if not more of the enemy soldiers coming out of one of the buildings.

Behind that large group, stood a man 7 feet tall. With arms the size of tree trunks and legs the length of a horse, everyone understood who it was.

In front of them was Gebron Von Diesel. Out of everyone in the city, he was the richest. He owned several of the largest buildings, along with rumors of him having a personal army. As the men came closer, those rumors were solidified.

By now, all of the guards had been taken down, and the merchants and officials had been surrounded.

Soon, Von Diesel began to speak.

“Hello all of you. As you already know who I am, I won’t waste time with what I want to say. As the new ruler of this great city of Riverhelm, I sentence you all to death.” Smiling, we watched as everyone began to cry out and protest before continuing.

“Since you all seem so happy with this, I will make it quick. Guards, tie them all up and throw them into a pit.”

Minutes passed as a pit in the center of the village was dug and the men were shackled. Soon, they had all been thrown in the pit.

“Ah good, I was beginning to get bored. Now then,” He held a torch up, “I will let you all die nice and slowly!” As he began to drop his torch, he stopped.

“You there! Why are you not worried? I, the great Von Diesel is about to kill you, and you don’t even have the respect to look at me?” As people moved out of the way, people realized he was pointing to a young adult with a muscular frame and pitch black hair.



Lifting his head up, he noticed the man pointing at him. “Hmmm? Are you talking about me?” Tilting his head to the side, he continued to look undisturbed.

“What, how dare you! Guards, pull him out of the pit, I will personally kill him!” At his command, people moved over and picked the man up and dragged him towards Von Diesel.

Dropping him in front of him, they moved back and waited.

“This is your fault! For not caring about me, I will personally kill you with my Great Sword, Wind Cutter!” Picking his blade up, he swung it downwards towards the man, striking right between the shoulder blade and neck…

But nothing happened. Instead, a large metallic ring came out. Taken back, Diesel tried again, and again, and again. Soon, he was leaning with his sword on the ground, breathing heavily.

“You…huh… how can you…huh… not be hurt…huh!” Pointing at the man once again he waited.

After what seemed like a very long 10 seconds the man responded. “Because I don’t care.” Standing up, the man spread his arms apart, breaking the shackles. Seeing this, hundreds of guards rushed in, only to be slaughtered like pigs.

All around him men fell and bodies piled up, but the man hadn’t moved an inch. Smiling, he continued talking. “I thought you idiots would to know better than to attack a city with someone as powerful as me in it. I mean c’mon, I literally created this town.” Smiling, he looked an Von Diesel.

“No way… the rumors were actually true?! G…guards!” Taking a few steps back, he watched as no guards came. “What are you guys doing?!” Looking around, he found that most of them were either dead or on the floor, having both pissed and shit themselves with fear.

“Huh. You sure they will do anything?” Smiling, Sear moved forwards. Every step he took small craters would form in the ground and sparks would move along his body. As he got closer and closer, Von finally took action.

Picking his sword up once again, he twisted it at full force before letting go of it and launching it at Sear.

Surprised by the amount of force, Sear lifted up his hands, and caught it. Grabbing its handle with his other hand, he bent it till it snapped and threw the pieces away.

“Not bad Vonny. You threw that with enough force that I may have actually felt that if I let it hit me. Oh well.” Swiping his hand to the side, hundreds of small rocks were lifted off the ground and projected towards Von Diesel at speeds so high that the sound barrier broke when they began moving.

Not being able to dodge, Diesel just stood there while being pummeled by rocks. Though most of it hit his plate, it hit with such force that the area behind that hit would either bruise or the bones would even break.

Hearing crunches and snaps coming from Von Diesel, Sear turned around before snapping his fingers. Suddenly, all of the other prisoners shackles were cut, and the entire enemy force was swept away by gale winds created by him.

Soon, most of the city was calm, except for the still burning outer area and blood that covered a large portion of the city.

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