《Wet world wonderland.》Chapter: 16. “Welcome to The Citadel’s Grand Reception! The Hero finally appears!”
I find myself in one of the thousands of prepared Dressing Rooms, getting myself ready for the Reception. I consume massive amounts of my Body, now I’m about 1/5th of my Size. “Oh my, Miss Demitallis, you’ve shrunk!” The kind Maid lady says, as I begin reshaping my Body. It’s basically Humanoid, right down to the Fingers and Toes. I’m using my old body as a base of course, since my nerves and skin are still carved deep into my Psyche. I HAVE only been here for less than a Month.. Wow I’m young.
“Oh my, Miss Demitallis, you almost look like a Human!” She likes to say ‘Oh my’ a lot, I think it’s kind of cute. I look over at her.
Demi - “What do you think?”
She looks at me a little nervously, and pulls out an absolutely massive dresser. “Well… I mean… This is all we have for you…” She opens it, and I stare at Clothing meant for my 1 minute ago Body.
Demi - “I just did the workout of a lifetime for you people, but fine…”
I morph back to my old shape, and she helps me get dressed.
About an hour later, I find myself with everyone else in a massive room, it’s been amazingly decorated, There’s all kinds of People here, they must be friends of Liyoxis and Lian. Looking around and- There they are! It’s the main group. Veloura’s wearing a beautiful Velvet Dress, Lex has a nice gray suit, Calvin is wearing a silly looking tie that hangs from his neck, and Flare is wearing a similar dress to her usual one. Vexalan hasn’t changed much either, mostly just a more decorated dress, Veyta is wearing a black dress that only extends to her Knees, she said the skirt is this thing called a 'Combat Skirt', and Glant has a similar Suit to his usual one, just even less colors. Steriya's dress looks drop dead gorgeous, it would make the world jealous, it’s one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen… And I have no idea how to describe it. Steriya what the hell?!
Demi - “Wow Steriya… How come we didn’t get such gorgeous looking clothes?”
Steriya looks at me in surprise, and grins. “Oh, I made it myself, it’s just something I quickly put together overnight.” She says, as she shows it off. “Wow, Steriya made it herself?!” Sari says, wearing her own very colorful dress. “It’s not that amazing, besides, just wait until you see how Celestibelle looks, she asked me to make her one too.” Celestibelle, she’s a Nine Tails, and an Actor! Her Magical Power is comparable to Glant’s, it’s just not as combat centric.
Looking around, I can see Steinbelle hanging out with Calbdin and Tenztore, they’re all wearing some nice Suits too. The people around Tenztore are amazed by his natural height, yet young age. I think they’re starting to annoy him…
Celestibelle has finally exited the dressing room! One of her natural abilities is to change her form. Currently she’s 6’5 and looks like a full grown Woman. “Hey, Celest, over here!” Steriya calls her over, she changes back to her usual demi-human form, and walks over. She isn't actually a Demi-Human she's a full blown Kitsune, I guess she decided on the Human Form, since she has such a nice Dress. She’s about 4’6 now, and you can see her ears and 9 tails. “Hello Steriya.” She says relaxedly. “The Dress is great. Did you see all of the people staring at me?” Celest’s expression is super calm and relaxed. The only thing that’s not relaxed about her is that constant grin, she only ever drops it when she’s in character. She likes to put on plays for everyone. “Yeah, they really thought you were a full grown Woman.” Steriya says, laughing, as Celest starts rummaging around in her Dress. “Yeah, I guess you could say I had them… Pooled.” Celest pulls out a Pool Cue… Wut? Everyone just stares at her. “Get it? Pooled, and I got a Pool Cue… Hehe...” She tosses it away, and one of the Maids catches it. The maid that caught it just stares at an oblivious Celest dissapointedly and unimpressed. The Maid walks off to put it back, and everyone giggles at the sight. Celest gets a little happier. “Oh hey, I knew you guys would get it.” She says pointing finger guns at us, misinterpreting the laughter.
Everyone looks over as microphone taps play over the sound system. “Am- Am I doing it right? Sorry, I haven’t ever used one of th- What’s that noise?” Everyone finds Liyoxis looking around the room, while messing with a Floating Microphone. Lian is giggling to herself, while Demistar is trying to help him. Thank god Lian is finally out of that straight jacket. “S-Sir- Oh uh-” Demistar looks around and backs up. “Who is that- Oh, it’s me?” He says, as he looks at Demistar, who is currently whispering to him. “Oh, hmhmhm, how silly of me- Sorry about this everyone.” Everyone laughs to themselves as he continues. “Thank you all for coming today, to celebrate the return of Lianlovloragram, please step forward Honey.” Liyoxis steps to the side, motioning Lian forward with his arms.
“How sweet.” The group looks at Celest as she sips from a Glass of, uh… What IS she drinking?
Back to Lian- everyone is clapping, they’re all smiling, they seem genuinely happy to see her. The clapping ceases and she begins. “You have all waited over 200 Years-”
“-for my return. And I cannot express how much it means to me, that you have stayed loyal all of this time, and that you have come out for this celebration. Thank you so much-...” Everyone claps once Lian has finished, as she falls backwards, and Demistar catches her. “Classic Lian everyone, sleepy at the best times!” Demistar says into the Mic, making everyone laugh as she walks away carrying Lian.
So she DOES just randomly fall asleep.
“Lian is very sleepy.” Sari says, as the group watches Demistar carry her across the stage.
“That was Lianlovloragram everyone, now for a Special Thanks to the entire Genesis Family for bringing her Home.” Lights glow on all of the Genesis Groups, and people begin to realize how many of us there are. The light is glowing on everyone, but… Where’s Vexala- Oh right…
“And my deepest gratitude to the young Vexalan-Genesis, without her, none of us would be here today. Please, go ahead.” Everyone claps as Vexalan appears on the Stage, you can see her blushing under her hat, but she’s super happy to be there. “I-I have never been on a s-stage like this before, I am just very happy to be here today.” Vexalan stutters on her words a little, but continues. “It means a lot to see so many people, and I am mostly just honored to have had the chance to help such an amazing person.” Vexalan finishes with this, takes a step backwards, and topples from the stress while everyone claps once more. Demistar obviously catches her too. “Classic Vexalan-Genesis everyone, sleeping at the best times!” You have got to- Everyone laughs more than last time, as Demistar guides Vexalan away from the Stage. Liyoxis steps back up to the front. “Funny as always, Demistar. Now that everything is over with, please, enjoy the rest of the Reception, at The Citadel’s Grand Ballroom!” He calmly finishes, and disappears in a puff of smoke. Everyone cheers and the party really begins.
Where did he- Oh, he's sitting at a table… With Vexalan... Alone... What is he doing?
… Well, she SEEMS to be enjoying their conversation… So I guess it’s okay?…
Fear, keep an eye on them for me…
You got it, but I won’t be able to handle all of the Skills in your Telepathy Skill, unless you want me to stop regulating your shape.
Right… I guess I can regulate the Shape. We need more Consciousnesses!
I guess it would be useful, since we’re expanding our facilities… But we can’t just Will another one into existence.
That’s a good point, and besides… Wouldn’t another one of us get a little annoying? I mean, it might be annoying with 3 already..
I see… What if they stayed silent? But yeah, I have no idea how we would make them happen.
Wouldn’t it be kind of unfair though? It also kind of feels rude to talk about them behind their back.. Even if they don’t exist…
Let’s think about this later, we don’t have the time.
Chamber can’t control the Body, only Me and Fear can, and I can overrule Fear unless he’s got IDM active. I’m not sure how IDM just lets him take over, but it does...
Anyways, the way my Vision works is kind of weird, I don’t have eyes, so I can just choose a spot on my Body to look through, and I can expand the coverage, it’s a lot like how the pupil takes in light. Now that I have Fear, he can open another pupil for me, and send me the information. Of course, now I’m actively holding myself together, it’s not too tough… I wish I could talk to my Subconscious… Don’t know how that would work though.. What would she even say?
“Demitallis, how are you enjoying the party? It’s amazing to see a fully conscious Pond Kid, I can’t believe the guys down at Genesis Haven actually managed to do it.” The Group turns around to see Demistar. Now that I can see her better, she’s wearing a different dress…
It’s kind of.. Provocative.
I guess that’s kind of rude though, she’s not revealing too much, just her legs, arms, midriff… I mean, the dress still just about goes down to her knees… And it’s not THAT much… But still…
Everyone’s staring at her questioningly. “What is a Pond Kid?” Sari says, as Demistar looks at her.. OH boy... “The Pond Kid is the Third Stage of a Puddle Kid’s Life. Their first and final stages are what they’re most commonly referred to though.” Everyone nods in acknowldegement and curiosity.
Demi - “Tell her that I am enjoying it a lot, and that I would prefer she leaves some details out of the Puddle Kid lesson…”
I say to my group, causing them all to look over at me, then back at Demistar. “Demi said she's enjoying it, and to add ALL of the Details!” Celest says excitedly, as I spray her in the face with water. “Ah-” A high pitched noise comes from Celest, as the others look at her. "My Drink..." She says, as she pulls out a Cartain of Milk. "I guess there's no use crying over Spilled Milk though..." She grins widely. I hit her with a pretty high level of PSI... And she still wants to make those jokes? “Demi said to leave out some of the details.” Veloura says, as Steriya dries off Celest’s face. “Right, yeah, that’s a good idea… Puddle Kids, the largest one that was ever recorded was Growlgaloragrime, he was about 25,000 Cubic Miles in water mass. Aside from the Ancients, he was the largest creature. Also the third largest lake in the world.” Everyone is amazed by the idea of a creature of such magnitude. “Woah- How big COULD they get?!” Sari shouts in curious excitement. Demistar looks up, holds her chin with her hand, and places her oth hand on her hip. “Well, I guess there’s no real limit… Growlgaloragrime died due to starvation, he just couldn’t sustain his immense size, and turned into millions of Puddle Kids.” Everyone looks at me. "That won't happen to Demi... Will it?" Sari says, worriedly.
Demi - “I guess I have some growin’ to do.”
“Nooo~!” She says as she clings to me. Everyone stares at a super worried Sari. "You can't leave Sari! Where will she sleep?!"
Demi - “The Floor. But I guess growin' up can wait…”
The others giggle a little, but Sari just looks at me like she's about to cry. “Okay…” She says, as she climbs onto me. Damnit. My Suit, it goes up to about 4/5th’s of my height, so my upper surface is exposed enough for me to look around. Sari is now lying down on me again. “Demi must never die…” Veyta jumps onto me, and sits next to Sari. “Yeah, I’ve been getting tired of walking around too.”
Demi - “Are you kidding me? We’re at a Party guys…”
They’re ignoring me. “Is it really that comfortable?” Veloura says, as she presses her hand against my surface. “Is there any way Demi could heat herself up? Sari is cold...” I guess I could activate my Thermal Magic.. I begin to warm up, and Demistar places her hand on me. “Oh, you can manipulate your temperature, you’re currently reaching 25 Celsius.” Oh, she can measure temperatures too? “That’s good, Sari sleeps now...” Sari falls asleep, and Veyta simply just sits with her, smiling.
“Anyways, Puddle Kids were known as the Apex Predators of the Ocean, since they had nothing that preyed on them. Great Lake Elders were even known to consume Ocean Kings.” Ah, right, Graddabor mentioned that at one point. “What’s an Ocean King?” Veyta says, staring at Demitallis. “Oh, Ocean Kings are like the Forest Guardian Growlgith. They’re the powerful Guardians of the Ecosystem in their territories. As long as it’s powerful enough, any Creature could become an Ocean King, really.” Everyone just continues to stare, as Demistar continues. “Of course, there was never much they could do against Great Lake Elders. Puddle Kids were known for being completely instinct driven, they never slept, and they actively tried to eat anything they could find. Super dangerous to their Ecosystems, since they didn’t give back nearly as much as they took. All they really did was turn whatever they ate into more Puddle Kids. After a while, the Majority of the Ocean’s Water was actually Puddle Kids.” Everyone audibly conveys their amazement at this. “Wow, how long ago was this?” Veloura says, as she leans against my Suit, with her arms folded. “About 2,300 years ago, I was a lot younger at the time.” Her body changes shape to a much smaller 3’2 instead of the original 5’5. Her costume has also changed, it’s covering up a lot more. “Woah, you shrunk!” Steriya says, amazed by Demistar’s ability. “I can morph my shape at any time, che-” Demistar says, as Celest cuts in. “We know so LITTLE about you!” Everyone stares at Celest with disappointment. “Yes… Anyways, check this out.” Demistar pops off her hand, and holds it. The wrist is well, flat, it’s like she’s a giant dough model, that somebody cut the hand off of, no mechanical parts to speak of... Everyone is amazed that she can disconnect her body parts like this. “You need a hand there?” Everyone stares at Celest again. “Stop…” Veloura says, causing Celest to giggle a little. Demistar places her hand back on her wrist, and continues. “I can disconnect and reshape any part of my Body really. I can also-” Another Demistar appears next to her, and they high five each other. “Copies!” They shout together, amazing everyone. “I can control both Bodies individually.” The first Demistar jumps, and is caught by the second Demistar, Demistar2 holds Demistar1 up, who is posing awesomely. Demistar1 and 2 fuses together back into the Full Demistar. “Wait, who’s keeping an eye on Lian though?” Veloura says, as she looks over to find another Demistar waving. “I wouldn’t just leave her alone like that. Anyways, I’m going to go hang out with some other people now. See ya’ guys.” Everyone waves as Demistar disappears.
“She’s pretty weird.” Veyta says, still sitting next to the sleeping Sari.
Demi - “I enjoyed the little lesson on my Species.”
“Right, how big DO you plan to get, Demi?” Flare says, causing the group to look at me.
Demi - “I guess whatever size let’s me defeat Arigold, the sooner we get rid of him, the better.”
The others nod in agreement. “Yeah, but that will take forever…” Lex says, folding his arms. “Where do we plan to go next anyways?” Right, the next destination… That’s a good point.
Demi - “Not sure, I figured we’d just hang out here for a while, since our Island is being refitted with Neotopia’s best technology.”
“We should probably find the World Power that uses Life or Doom, I would like to get a better grasp on my Powers.” Glant finally speaks up. “Right, that’s a good point, that way you could control the destructive force of your Doom Magic better.” Veyta says, as she jumps off of my Body. “I wish I could fight somebody though, I’m getting really bored…” Yeah, I like that idea, we won’t have to fear Glant’s Mana Reserves anymore.
Demi - “It sucks that you couldn’t learn Space Magic, Steriya.”
Steriya looks at me, and replies quickly. “Yep…” She looks away and leans against a Pillar. “It would have been nice, but I guess I’ll just have to learn Space Magic some other time.” We hear the tapping of a Cane on the floor behind us, and everyone notices an Old Man walking over to us. “E-Excuse me, but I couldn’t help overhearing your Conversation about Space Magic.” Everyone stares at him inquisitively, as he continues. “I am Varifold-Crafted-Robolt, and I am actually a practitioner of the art you were just speaking about. I already know Space Magic, if you like I could teach you how to achieve it.” Everyone is surprised, but then Steriya’s eyes narrow. “Oh really… Prove it.” She says, and Varifold takes off his hat, and rummages through it. “Ah- here it is.” He pulls out what looks like an Orb, until everyone gets a closer look at it and… Oh my god. “Is that a Planet?!” Steriya shouts, as she stares at it. “Quite astute, Young Miss. I just simply plucked him out of his Orbit, I’ll return him later.” He floats the Planet back into his hat, and places it back on his head. “Is this proof enough?” Everyone nods quickly. “Yeah, but no, I’ll learn it soon enough on my own. I already have Dimensional Magic anyways.” He places his hand on his chin, and nods. “That’s very impressive. How old are you? Can you show me it?” He looks around weirdly, but his eyes seem to land where Steriya's going to appear, before she even gets there. She finally appears next to him. “I’m only at the 2nd stage of my life.” Varifold is visibly impressed- “You really HAVE learned Dimension Magic, and at such a young age. You've really gone and shown me, little Miss. Well, I think you’ve proven to me that you’ll learn it on your own in quick enough. I’ll be leaving now, come visit me in Gloribelle City, it's just west of Heavallia!” He says, as he walks away waving.
“He was nice.” Glant says, as he sips a drink that he got while we were talking to Varifold. “We probably shouldn’t tell anyone about his Ability, Liyoxis told me that Arigold would destroy anyone with Space Magic, and any records of it.” Wait, for real? Everyone looks at Steriya with shock and anxiety.
Demi - “I see, then this stays between us.”
Everyone nods in agreement. Still though, it’s pretty weird to see her turn down an offer like that, I thought it was the only thing she was really interested in...
The party goes on for a few more Hours, A lot of the guests here were really interested in me, they kept asking if I was really a Puddle Kid, and when I spoke to them with Telepathy, they were really surprised. Then they were super impressed when I told them how old I was, they’ve been calling me a Super Genius, but… No, I’m no Genius, I’m just lucky… But they don't know that!
Anyways, everyone decided to return home, the Party was fun, but we’re all pretty tired. Well, I don’t get tired anymore, but I can tell everyone else is. So now I’m carrying them all home, I expanded my Body to hold everyone that is currently sleeping.
Everyone gathers around, and Steriya teleports us to the Island. We’re standing on a Large Pad that is surrounded by multiple pillars that holds up a dome. “Welcome home everyone.” It’s Alicen, she’s waving at us. “Sorry Demistar couldn’t be here, she’s busy with other things.” Everyone waves back at her, and she approaches. “The upgrades to the island are almost done, I’m here to give you all the grand tour of your new home. When you’re ready of course.” Everyone nods, and Alicen guides all of us to our Sleeping Quarters. We get to the final Kid, and they go to bed. “Puddle Kids don’t sleep, so we didn’t prepare anything for you.” I stare at her, and before I can do anything, she continues. “Right, I should mention, this Body is Biomechanical, so you can actually speak to me via telepathy.” I try connecting to her, but I hear nothing.
Demi - “Are you there?”
“Yes, I’m here, you just can’t hear my Synthetic Brain back at The Citadel, I’ll just reply to you with my voice.” Alicen smiles with her eyes closed, as she holds her hands behind her back.
Demi - “I see, I’m glad I can talk to you. Not being able to talk to Demistar was really annoying.”
Alicen nods gently and continues. “Yes, having a Biomechanical Body like this is very useful. I have another fully Mechanical Body like Demistar and the others, but I’m using this one to communicate with you.”
Demi - “Well, it has been nice, but I was planning to go hunting, I wanted to get to my next stage as soon as possible. I believe I’m about halfway there.”
Alicen nods and replies. “Well, we still have all of those Boarboras, you could go eat them if you like. There were about 46,000 Boarboras living on this island, and about 24 billion currently living in the wild across the world.” Alicen points me to where the Boarboras are.
Demi - “That’s really kind of you. But how did you know I grow in power from simply eating?”
“Oh, I was around when Puddle Kids were infesting the planet, that was the only recorded way they could become bigger and more powerful.” Me and Alicen move over to where the Pens are, and we look at the Boarboras… “Even if you don’t kill them, they’ll be killed anyways, they’re a very parasitic species, and there’s already too many of them to begin with.” Well, it sucks to have to do this to you guys, but oh well! I jump into the first Pit, and I crush about 3 Boarboras together. The other ones try to escape, but they’re stuck in here with me. I begin to build up my mass until there’s nowhere for them to run, and they’re trapped in my Body. They try to swim out, but there’s no escape for them. I try crushing the Boarboras in my Body, but there’s too many. After a few minutes of trying to crush them, I notice they’ve stopped moving. “You suffocated them…” I begin consuming the bodies. “It’s truly a gruesome way to die… I’ll… I’ll go kill the rest painlessly for you…” Alicen does not look happy at all with this. It’s easy to tell that she does care about life, even these guys. After I’m finished, I jump out of the cage, and into the next one. They’re already dead, god be damned if she doesn’t work quickly…
I finish the final Boarbora and Alicen bows to the Cage and Me. “May you find peace...” It’s weird having that said to me, but I think I’m at level 1,000 now.
Yes, yes you are. We’re ready for Metamorphosis, let’s go ahead and do that.
I’ve been curious…
Yes, you can continue to grow past 1,000, it’s just better this way, because after you hit that first mark, it kind of gets slower.
I see… Thanks Chamber.
Demi - “I’m gonna’ enter Metamorphosis now. Do you know where my nest is?”
Alicen nods and begins guiding me to my nest. I sit in my nest, and I release my body. It feels really nice to not hold it like that. I’ve actually already built the muscle memory for it, so I can do it without thinking. I think my Species learned to do it instinctively..
Anyways, let’s get this over with. I fall asleep and begin Metamorphosis.
Chamber, are you there?
Yes, I am here, Fear. These past few days have been weird. Have they not?
Yes, they have, but it has also been very fun.
Indeed. Did you come up with a way to create another Consciousness?
Yes, but I decided we would need the larger body, because the old one couldn’t generate enough energy for more than 3 of us. If I wasn’t here, we wouldn’t even need Super Mana Regeneration, just Greater Mana Regeneration. The new one would honestly just be more trouble than it’s worth, so I’ve decided that it isn’t necessary.
I see, thank you for your efforts then, Fear.
Your welcome, Chamber.
I wake up, and look around, I can see that I’ve been moved, I’m in a much larger Nest, and it’s morning. “I had to move you to a new location, sorry about that, you were just growing far bigger than what your original nest could handle.” Alicen says, looking almost exhausted.
Demi - “Thank you, Alicen, I had no idea. But wait, are you actually exhausted?”
"This body requires refueling in a way that I'm not used to, and I had to use up a ton of it's energy..." I move out of my Pond, and I can tell that I’m many many times larger than I was. “You are exactly 3,785 Cubic Meters in size Demitallis! You’re a full fledged Pond King!” She shouts, as I look down at her. She’s so small…
Demi - “Oh my god, you’re so small!”
She just stares at me and backs up. “WOAH- DEMI- IS THAT YOU?!” I look over at Veloura, she’s even tinier! She’s also mega frightened. “H-How did you get so big?!” She’s completely shocked with my size.
How’d that happen anyways?
Well, you can manipulate our size, this is our absolute maximum at this stage. Something I should mention though, is that the heavier we are, the more our strength grows, so technically we have around 5 Million Strength, but since we’re so unbelievably heavy, we can only use about 150,000 of it for other things. Oh right, our Strength is at 150,000 now.
Holy shit! We’re so strong now!
Yes, we’re 4 times stronger than we were during the party.
“D-Demi, are you there?” Veloura says, as she begins to back up from the fear.
Demi - “Yo, Veloura, I’m like, 5 times as powerful as I used to be! I’m mega strong now!”
Veloura laughs nervously. “O-Oh, that’s amazing Demi!”
Demi - “Yeah, I’m powerful enough to actually fight too now!”
Veloura cheers with me, and I notice Sari approaching, rubbing her eyes with her sleeve. “What’s Veloura shouting about?” She looks up at Veloura, who points at me. “Oh…” She drowsily looks at me, she begins to get a scale of my Body and her eyes widen with fear. “w-W-WHAT THE-” She screams, as I approach them.
Demi - “Heya Sari!”
Sari laughs nervously just like Veloura did. “I-Is that really Demi?!” She shouts, as she backs away from me. “Yeah, it really is, she’s so huge!” Veloura shouts, causing Sari to begin to calm down and approach me. “How does Sari climb to the top of Demi though?” Oh, huh...
Demi - “Well I guess you just can’t! Hahaha!”
Sari crouches and falls to her side… “Oh, okay…” Veloura looks at her, and back at me.
Demi - “Come on, don’t be that way guys…”
“I could carry you up!” Alicen says, walking up to Sari. “Yeah, that would be nice... But how about when Alicen is not here?” Alicen picks Sari up, and thinks for a moment. “I guess you could learn to fly, or ask one of your Siblings for help.” She says, as I move overtop of Her and Sari, and use my body to bring them to the to. “Woah, Sari and Alicen are at the top now! Hurray!” She cheers with excitement, then lies down and falls back to sleep. “Now Sari sleeps.”
Alicen jumps down from me, and lands next to Veloura. “So what’s the plan now, Demi?” Veloura says, as she looks up at me.
Demi - “I guess just visit Neotopia for a while, I feel like there’s still a ton of things left for us to do here. And besides, I want to see everything this place has to offer!”
Now that I’m finally stronger than the Everyday Human, I can actually be a Hero! Well… I doubt I could defeat any real threats… But my size should help with overwhelming my opponents anyways!
I roam around the island, saying hello and horrifying all of my Siblings, making sure they’re used to my new mass. I’ve also gathered a ton of the sleepy ones on top of me… Because I guess being a giant mass of water suddenly makes me a stupid ass Water Bed. Anyways, now that I've gotten my New Sleepy Posse together, I guess it’s time to go explore Neotopia!
End of Chapter: 16. “Welcome to The Citadel’s Grand Reception! The Hero finally appears!”
Thank you for reading.
“Thanks a lotte!”
“Thank you ever so much…”
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8 87 - In Serial76 Chapters
Reiss of the Eternal
On the northernmost part of the continent, in the humanist kingdom of Ostara’s most faraway region, on a small, quaint fishing town lives Edwin Raanan the youngest son of Hillside's Guardian, a retired adventurer with double marital problems.He is the weakest and most untalented of his siblings, whatever he can do, his older " grumpier" half-brother and "Unique" half-sister can surely do better. He may have been chosen to succeed the village head one day, but that was chosen before he had even been born, but Ran wishes to go against his predestined path, to brave the wide and dangerous world and become a legendary adventurer, to carve his name in history and travel all around the world. But that will prove difficult for a seven-year-old weak child whose sword skills are mediocre at best.Now with the recent arrival of a mage in town Ran has been given an opportunity, a chance that will change his life forever as outside forces play in the background.He will give it his all to travel the path of magic while learning about the people in his life.Sadly, things hardly go the way we want them to. Update: Every Sunday
8 206 - In Serial5 Chapters
Jondami week 2019 {Damijon!} ~One-shots~
Just a bunch of one shots, my submissions for Jondami week 2019 based on the prompts per day.I also forgot who the art belongs to, if you know or are the artist please tell me so I can give credit.
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