《Wet world wonderland.》Chapter: 17 “Everywhere you turn there are stories, you just need to find them!”
I landed on the ground, shaking everyone that and everything around me. My Siblings quickly look around and fall asleep again- Man that was awesome! The Island sits super far above the ground, and I landed like a boss! Anyways, let’s enter the City-
People are staring at me, because well, I’m absolutely massive, and they’ve never seen anything like me. They’ve also noticed my Siblings of course, I’m worried they might be thinking that they’re dead, since they’re all sleeping. One of them sits up and looks around, it’s Kassinkamble.
-Description on Kassinkamble, it’s a bit long, so feel free to skip it-
We usually just call her Kass, she’s a Megalodon Demi-Human. Kass is about 4’5 and weighs about 66 pounds, she’s also still at her 1st Stage! Her Hair flows behind her back and down to her feet with some of it being braided into nice cords. She likes to wear a sort of Onesie Swimming Suit that has Sleeves that reach a bit past her shoulders, they have a white faded color, with golden trims. it also has a skirt that reaches below her thighs, and it has a few openings for her Fins and Gills of course. The Swimsuit is sky blue and covered in Colorful Flower Drawings. The Skirt's color is a faded white with golden trims, just like the sleeves. Her Skin is covered in these super tiny scales, so it’s weirdly rough but smooth at the same time. Her Hands end in thick claws instead of normal hand digits. Lastly, she has a large powerful looking tail, the Tailfins are the same shape as a Megalodon’s, so that’s how I realized she was part Megalodon… I… I used to really like Sharks...
She has tons of Fins, on her head are 2 Fins that connect from the end of her Zygomatic to the bottom of her Mandible’s Ramus, and it stretches a little past her Ears. On her Shoulders are 2 Fins, and on her back is her largest fin. On her Upper Arms are Massive Fins that connect from her Greater Tubercle to her Capitulum, the Fins are about as long as the Humeruses they’re connected to, they’re stretchy and sharp, and she can fold them away. On her Forearms, connecting from the Radius and Ulna Bones are another 4 Sharp Fins, they’re shorter than the ones on the Upper Arm, but they’re just as sharp, she can also fold these 4 Fins for safety too. Her Hands are webbed up to the second joints, and they have Fins that connect from the back of her hand and cover about half of her forearms. Where the Hips connect to the Torso is 2 Fin Like Skirts, they reach down to about 1/3rd of the actual skirt and only cover her back. On her Calves are another 2 Fins, they specifically connect from the Patellar Groove to the end of the Calcaneus. The Fins curve across the actual Calves and well past the Heels, and stretch into a long powerful looking blade. The Blade alone is about Two and a Half Feet, and of course they can fold, she can also retract the blade into the Fin so it doesn’t cut the back of her upper leg when she’s crouching. And finally, the last set of Fins. Her feet are webbed like her hands, and have 2 fins that protrude from the sides of her feet, they stick out like that to make swimming easier, and they can even bend when she’s pulling her legs forward. When on land she keeps all of the foldable fins down, but she’ll flare them out when she’s feeling threatened.
In front of every Fin is an Opening, and somewhere around the Fin is a set of Gills, I can only assume this is to take in more air from the water when swimming, since she has to breathe like a Fish when breathing under water, and a Warm Blooded Body like hers would naturally need more air than a Fish’s. She said that if even one of them is covered, she feels like she’s suffocating.
-Description finally finished, continue from here if you don’t care about the descriptions!-
Kassinkamble speaks up. “Oh, we’re visiting the City again?” She says, as she crawls across my surface past her siblings, and jumps down from me.
Demi - “Oh, are you done sleeping?”
She looks at me, as I speak to her with Telepathy. “Yes, I think I will just hang out with you for a while, Demi.” She says as she stretches on the ground, and against my Body as she wakes up. “So, what are we doing?”
Demi - “Oh, you know… Just seeing the sights, visiting nice Establishments, checking out cool places..”
I speak as I start moving forward, making Kass lose her balance for a second. “Oh, yes, that sounds fun. Where should we go first?” Kass walks with me, as we continue to talk.
Demi - “I’m not really aware of anything here, so I’m just kind of walking around.”
Kass nods, and looks around. She notices something and points at it. “We should go check that out! It looks like a Statue!” She shouts with a minor air of excitement.
Demi - “Alright, sounds good!”
We find ourselves standing in front of the Statue. It’s a Golden Statue of a Saluting Man with 3 Jets flying behind him. He’s wearing an Air Force Uniform, he has 2 Medals, and a 3rd larger one, along with his rank Medal. There’s a Plaque, it says- “In Memory of Captain Valivold-Chain-Severence who gave his life in a blaze of glory that allowed his subordinates to escape, and achieve Victory. Thanks to Valivold’s actions, Neotopia rests eternal. Valivold, for his incredible act of bravery on the Battlefield, has been awarded: ‘The Argent’s Flight Assault Medal’ May this statue in his Honor leave him remembered from now unto forever.” I approach Kass a little, and I look at the Plaque… “That is what it says.“ She continues, as she looks at me.
Demi - “He must have been a war Hero, whatever he did must have been amazing.”
I look back at Kass- “Yes, I guess you are right… What a nice Statue..” Kass stares up at the Statue, taking its details in slowly. “Where to next?” She says as she looks at me from the corner of her eye, then turns her head. I guess it’s my turn to decide-
Demi - “That one, let’s go there, Kass!”
She looks around quickly, as I use some of my water to point at it with a Water Spike I’m certain is big enough to direct her. Man this body is heavy, but if I shrink myself, I’ll drop everyone that’s sleeping on my surface, plus I kind of like the feeling of growth this incredible mass gives me…
We find ourselves at the next Landmark, it’s a bunch of differently shaped sculptures made from different materials, they’re Statues, with Plaques. I can see multiple people working on newermany ones, some are alone, a couple, or with their Kids. I see... It’s a forest of Abstract Art.
“It was made by Arinavosa and the man she had married at the time: Grainberru.” We hear, as we begin to look over. “Oh my, how wonderful! And how about that one, my love?!” The Man points, and she continues. “Oh, that one was made by a happy family, they were of course fighting about it the entire time.” The Man continues to laugh with her, as I approach the two.. They sound like- “Demi?” Kass looks at me, as I get a better look at the couple. It’s Lian and Liyoxis! “Hey, Demi, what’s going on?” Liyoxis and Lian are both surprised, and quickly turn around to see us. “O-Oh, Demitallis, and you must be Kassinkamble!” Liyoxis says, as Lian laughs to herself, releasing Liyoxis from her grip.
Demi - “This is Liyoxis and Lian, we met them at the Citadel, I told you about it.”
Kass gives me an audible ‘Oh..’ sound, and she approaches them with me. “Hi! Demi just told me that your names are Lian and Liyoxis!" She happily says, greeting her new friends. “Yes, it is very nice to meet you, young Kass. And I’m glad to see you too, Demitallis.” Liyoxis looks at me, and at my enormous size. “I can see you’ve gotten to your next stage Demitallis!” Lian says, as she grabs onto Liyoxis’s Arm. It of course takes him by surprise for a moment. “Oh- Right, she’s been a bit clingy lately- 200 years of separation can kind of do that to you- You know how it is-” He speaks quickly to finally give us a chance to respond.
Demi - “Tell them I said ‘Hello’ and ‘it’s good to see you too’ I can’t speak to them through Telepathy, it’s… It’s too loud..”
“Ah- Oh- Um- Demi said Hello, and that she is super happy to see you too.” Kass quickly relays my message. “Don’t worry, our abilities allow us to intercept your Telepathic Transmissions, so we can hear what you’re saying too.” Oh…
Demi - “Really?”
Kass looks at me- “Yes.” -then back at Liyoxis as he responds to my Telepathic Message to Kass. “Well that makes everything a lot easier. So what have you been up to anyways?” Kass says, as Liyoxis looks back at the Statue, then back at us. “Oh, we were just looking at the Statues, Lian knows everything that has and will happen, these Statues are full of experiences- oh- here- here-” He runs over to one of the taller statues while motioning us to follow. “This one was made by a traveling Golemancer! She was an Adventurer!” He excitedly tells us about the different statues Lian herself was just telling him about.
Demi - “Man, these statues are so full of history.”
“Yes, they indeed are. Would you like to make one?” He says as he calms down from his excitement. I guess it might be fun… “Oh! We could make one at home with everyone!” Oh! I like that idea!
Demi - “Good idea, let’s do that later!”
“So, you’re a Megalodon Demi-Human, Kass. What’s it like? The species died out a few years before I was born, so I’ve never seen one before.” Wait, for real? Kass walks over and looks at her Fins. “Oh, well I guess… The only real difference is the Tail, Scales, Fins, Gills, and my Mouth though.” She flares up all of her Fins to show them off, showing off the massive Leg Fins last so they don’t rip up the ground. She folds up her Fins again, and shows off her Mouth. It opens wide with multiple rows of sharp teeth, and a spike tongue, it most likely evolved that way to better avoid the Teeth. She shows off all of her Gills, and explains the multiple openings in her body for them. She unfolds a Bladed Fin and uses it to cut off a few of her Scales, wincing in pain, and catching them with her Tail. “These are my Scales, they are super tiny as you can see.” She hands him a few of the Tiny Scales, he observes them closely.
“Amazing, these Scales are razor sharp, you’re completely covered in Weapons. It makes sense for the Reignited Apex of the Shark Demi-Humans-” He looks back at her. “You know, Shark Demi-Humans have evolved quite a lot overtime, but even Great White Demi-Humans don’t have as many natural blades as the Megalodon Demi-Humans did, you’re the reborn Apex of the Shark Species.”
Liyoxis pockets the Scales, and pulls out a weird gadget. It looks like some sort of Syringe. He gets close, and Kass backs up. “Ah- Uh..” She says, as she begins to back away. Liyoxis grabs her Arm, he stabs the needle into the area with removed scales, and presses a button that injects it into her. “There you go.” He removes the Needle, and the scales and skin grow back quickly. She stares at it and looks back at him. “Th-Thanks…” She says as she stares at her Arm.
Demi - “That was weird… Anyways, we saw this Statue of this Valivold guy. Who was he?”
“Ah- Valivold, he was a Captain in the Air Force, he was a friend of Demistar’s. He died around 3,600 years ago, he was distracting his enemies so his subordinates could escape with the Artifact he was originally ordered to capture. The Artifact is an Ancient and Powerful Machine that is currently in my care.” Ah… I see..
Demi - “So he IS a War Hero, he sounds like he must have been an amazing man!”
I say excitedly, as Liyoxis continues. “Yes, he was a very caring and kind man.” He says as he looks away, at the Statue in the distance. “I think it’s about time we got going, Me and Lian were just taking a break.” Lian simply giggles to herself some more, as an airship lands behind them. “Bye bye!” Lian says waving, as they enter the ship, and we watch as they fly off.
Demi - “That was nice.. Where should we go next, Kass?”
Kass looks around for a while. Another one of our Siblings wake up, it’s Flare. She stretches on my surface, her wings flick back and forth rapidly under the stimulation. She yawns and tries to stand up, of course she falls and instead picks herself up with her wings. “Ah… Where are we?..” She says as she looks around, at the different statues. “Wuh…”
Demi - “Hi Flare.”
Kass looks over at my surface and notices Flare floating above me. “Hi Flare!” She shouts as she waves her hand, catching Flare’s attention. “Oh, Kassie! How’s it going?!” She shouts excitedly, as she waves her own hand, floating down to greet her. “It has been very nice, Flare! We have been looking at different Landmarks! Would you like to join?” Kass says as Flare floats in front of her. “Yeah, sure, it sounds fun.”
Demi - “So, any idea where we should go next?”
Flare thinks to herself for a moment, then flies into the Sky, and looks around. She finds something and points into the distance. “Over there guys!” Flare descends and guides us to the next area.
We visited a few more areas, nothing more exciting than the last 2. After that we decided to visit a Restaurant. We were given a card that’ll pay for just about anything we want, since we’re guests here.
Problem is… I can’t go in there..
Yes, that IS a problem…
Use our Mana Reserves to make a Skill that fixes this?
Use our Mana Reserves to make a Skill that fixes this.
Bitchin’, On it.
I feel IDM activate, I can feel my Mana draining incredibly fast, this lasts for about 5 minutes.
Nice. What-we-got?
I created an ability that lets us separate our Essence without our Subconscious going into meltdown. So now you can separate from the larger Body, you can take about as much as you like with you.
I see, and I’m guessing you’ll be taking control of the Primary Body?
Yeah. The problem now is that you’ll have to work Telepathy, and keep your Body together on your own.
Could we create Semi-Consciousnesses that can do this for us?
Shit, that’s a good idea.
Welp, ‘guess I gotta’ go do that.
Good luck!
I feel the same process repeat, until~
Good job!
So what’s this one do?
It activates Telepathy’s Sub Skills for you.
Yes! Now we don’t have to worry about this anymore!
Thank you Semi-Consciousnesses!
I disconnect from the Primary Body, I can no longer feel Fear OR Chamber’s presence… I can feel the new guy though.. It’s like they.. Barely exist… They’re just there.
Anyways, I now have the same amount of Essence that I did when I was a Greater Puddle Kid, but I still have my Skills, and since Fear and Chamber knows everything that I know, they have the Skills too. So we don’t have to worry about my Reserves.
I enter the Restaurant, causing Kass and Flare to take a double take of my sudden smallness. I move over to my Siblings.
Demi - “Hey guys!”
“H-Hey Demi… How come you’re so small?...” Flare says, as she sits at a Tiny Table on a Tiny Chair, that sits on top of an Actual Table.
Demi - “I’m using this Skill I made to separate from the Major Body. It’s currently sitting outside of the Building. Sadly though, I’m currently 1/10,000th of my original Power.”
I say, even though I still have more surface area than a Normal Man. “How do you… Usually measure your Power Demi?” Kass says, as I move onto one off the Wider Chairs.
Demi - “Right… Well, I tend to use Statistics as Measurements, a Strength Stat of 100 is about enough to exert 150 Pounds of Force. My Total Strength at the moment is 5,600,000-
-Flare and Kass’s eyes widen slowly at the realization of my strength-
-But my Body weighs about 8,300,000 Pounds, so I only really get access to about 100K of my Strength. The only reason my strength is so high though, is because I can control every particle of Water in my Body. My Essence is what gives it Action.”
They nod with wide eyes in Acknowledgement of my Immense Strength and understanding of said Strength. “Demi… In your Nest… How much crushing force could you exert on something?” Oh right… I guess when I’m in my nest, I don’t actually have to use all of that Strength to hold myself up…
Demi - “Well, yeah, I guess I could… Holy shit...”
“Amazing, Puddle Kids really WERE the Apex of the Ocean Predators…” Flare says, remembering what Demistar said.. A Waitress places some food on the Table, then looks at me. I connect to her.
Demi - "I don't need anything."
Before she can respond, Flare quickly informs her of the Telepathy Skill, and she nods. I disconnect from the nice Lady, and I continue talking to Flare and Kassie.
Demi - “So, have you guys been enjoying the Sight Seeing?”
Flar - “I’ve never really cared about this sort of thing, but it’s been fun.”
Flare says through Telepathy, as she looks away, and runs a hand through her silky golden hair.
Kass - “I have also been very much enjoying this, I cannot wait to build that Statue with everyone!”
Kass says, as she grabs the entire plate, and pours the food into her Maw from above, shredding it with her teeth, and savoring its flavor with the taste buds on her tongue. “Delicious!” She says as she sloppily consumes the food, leaving a less than delicious sight for the eyes.
Demi - “I’m just glad you’re enjoying it. I really didn’t think you’d both be willing to hang out with me.”
Flar - “Well, I haven’t been doing too much as of late anyways, now that I have all of this free time.”
Kass stares at the Plate dripping with the leftovers of her food, then shrugs, and drops the plate in her Mouth. Flare slowly turns to look at her, as she speaks through Telepathy.
“Ya’ finished eatin’ mah’ damn plate?” We stare at the Man who just caused Kass to quickly turn around- “Ah-Uh...” She says slowly, as he leans away from her Chair, causing her to stab the Table with her massive back Fin as she backs away. “Oh, so now yer’ tearin’ up my table too?” He says with an indifferent expression. Me and Flare have already backed up, as Kass’s panic causes her Fins to flare out and tear up the table further. “I- Ah- Sorreh-” Slimy Ceramic Crumbles fall from her mouth, as she fails her words and the man backs away. “Alright- Alright- Just come here-” Kass was facing the table, trying not to cut it, until the man responded and she quickly turned to look at him again, and further destroyed the Table. “Alright, stop movin’ god damnit!” He shouts, which causes her to stop moving. He quickly moves the pieces of wrecked furniture away from her, and a Waiter holds a tough looking Trash Bag in front of her. “Here, Miss.” The waiter says, as Kass releases the remains of the plate into the Bowl. “Thank you, ma'am.” He says coldly, as he carries the small bag away. “Alright, now you’re paying for Damages.” Flare pulls out the Card, but he waves her away. “No, I don’t want your Money, ya' need a lesson, y’all are cleanin’ dishes ya’ hear.” Me and Flare make our way to the Door, as we feel him staring at our backs. “I know yer’ with her, get’cher ass in there with her.” He says as he points a Thumb at the Kitchen.
And that’s what we did for the next hour, thanks to Water Purification, I was great at it! We exit the restaurant and the Door shuts behind us. Kass’s cheek lightly molds around Flare’s Fairy Punch, but there’s no acknowledgement of it. “Sorry.” She says as I reconnect with the rest of my Body.
Demi - “It’s fine, I’m just happy to be out.”
We’re just happy to have you back.
It got boring waiting out here for you.
You’re aware you can do whatever you like now, right?
Yes, there’s a problem with that though.
And what could that be?
We don’t have any desires, aside from the ones YOU have.
Oh.. Yeah, now that I think about it… I guess you wouldn’t, huh?
Don’t feel for us, we were born to serve you, if we had desires of our own, we would get in your way, which would be getting in our own way… So it’s redundant.
Well… Alright then..
“Flare, I said I’m sorry…” Kass says, as I finally finish discussing with my other Consciousnesses. Flare is sitting on her shoulder, looking away from her.
Demi - “Are you still unhappy about the dish cleaning duty, Flare?”
“Yes.” She finally says, as we get moving again. “Flare…” Kass says, as Flare CONTINUES to Pout. This continues until we return home, and I connect to Steriya.
Demi - “Yo Sterstur, we need a Teleportin'.”
Ster - “That’s not how- Whatever.”
I feel myself teleporting, she didn’t even have to grab any of us this time. We find ourselves on the Teleport Pad, next to Steriya. “I guess you guys have been having fun.” She says as she looks at us.
Demi - “Yes, it was fun until Kass here ate a plate.”
“I was hungry!” Kass shouts quickly, as Flare flies away, still unhappy.
“Mm. Anyways, I’ve been working on the Teleport Pad, you just have to link up with it, and you can teleport home whenever. It’ll also teleport you back to where you were, when you step back on it, of course.” Steriya quickly rattles off the functions of the Teleport Pad. I move over to a Tree and teleport back to the Pad. Then back to the Tree, then back to the Pad, then the Tree, then the Pad, The Tree, The Pad, Tree, Pad- “Stop that-” Steriya says, with a less than happy expression. “You’re wasting the Mana.” Steriya says, as I refill it with my massive Mana Reserves.
Demi - “So, Steriya... How have the new Parts been going?”
I say to her, as I step off the pad with Kass, and everyone else that’s sleeping on my surface. Steriya smiles with excitement- “I’m glad you asked!” Laser Blasters, Guns, blades, rocket boots, it’s all there! But the most improved part is her face. It no longer has those Seams, or that sliding noise whenever she speaks. She shows off hundreds of different tools that her body has. “I’m a Porcelain Earth Elemental, so of course I can’t actually control the Metal, but I CAN activate it using Porcelain parts next to the buttons, that was Liyoxis’s idea! He really is a Genius!” She says, as she puts all of her weapons away, returning to her original dainty form. “It’s really cool, I even have a Force Field that uses my Mana, so I don’t have to worry about my parts.” I fire a Jet of Water at her, and it bounces right off of the Force Field.
Demi - “You’re right, it really is tough!”
She continues to show off her awesome new abilities. “Anyways, everything is finished, Alicen has been waiting all day to give you the tour!” Ah, that makes sense. I connect to everyone.
Demi - “Wake up guys, we gotta’ take the Tour!”
Everyone wakes up slowly, and Flare finally returns, smiling like she wasn’t Angry just five minutes ago. “Really?!” She shouts in excitement!
Demi - “Yeah, totally!”
Alicen appears in front of everyone. “I will be giving all of you the Grand Tour of Neo-Genesis-Haven!” She shouts with a small sense of excitement.
End of Chapter: 17 “Everywhere you turn there are stories, you just need to find them!”
Thank you for reading.
“Thank you ever so much for reading! Did I do it right? I hope I don't look too scary...”
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