《Wet world wonderland.》Chapter: 15 “But if you’re patient, and you hold still, well maybe, just maybe...”
Demi - “Why do *I* have to carry everyone?”
I say, to my Group. Yeah, it turns out a lot more of us wanted to get off the island than we thought there would be, so we’ve departed in different Groups. There’s my Group: Me, Veloura, Lex, Vexalan, Flare, Steriya, Glant, Veyta, Sari, and Lian. So that’s about 10 of us. The Groups are pretty varied from 5 to 20 Kids.
“Come on Demi, nobody else could do this.” Vexalan says, as I feel my body get crushed under the weight of my 9 Siblings.
Demi - “I feel my body being crushed.”
Everyone just looks down at me. “Oh come on, we weigh like, a collective 800 Pounds, if we’re stretching it. That’s nothing to someone like you!” Lex says, as everyone relaxes again. I have my body bowled out, and I can comfortably carry about half of my Total Strength. Since I can put my whole body into it, and I can run around comfortably for as long as I want, lifting them really isn’t a problem… “Sari thinks you’re doing great, Demi!” Sari says, throwing her fist into the air, while everyone giggles. Everyone around us is staring, since they’ve never really seen a creature like me.
And on that note, let’s look around. This place is covered in a massive protective Force Field named The Barrier, there’s Skyscrapers everywhere, and pathways interconnecting them. At the center of Neotopia is The Citadel, a massive tower that stretches straight into the sky and way past the cloud layer. The Citadel is what’s producing The Barrier, it sits about a mile or two up, well above the height of any building. The Barrier connects to a massive wall that has tons of entrances. The Skyscrapers take on many different shapes and sizes, and there’s tons of Robots all working super hard. I don’t think I’ve seen one impoverished person here, it’s all done by Robots and Machines.
Steriya is mesmerized by all of the technological wonders, since she wants to upgrade her parts. We’re actually on our way to meet one of The World Powers, Liyoxis, Lian told us we should meet up with them as soon as possible.
Demi - “So, who is this Liyoxis, anyways?”
No response. “Lian fell asleep again…” Vexalan says, as she sits next to her, they’ve been getting pretty close. “Sari has noticed that you spend a lot of time with Lian, Vexalan.” Sari says, as everyone stares at the sleeping girl. “She told me to take care of her, since she tends to fall asleep at random.” Vexalan says kindly, as we make our way to The Citadel. “Ah~ Of course, Vexalan is ever so kind!” Sari says, as Vexalan looks away. After a while we make a pitstop at a Restaurant, and Demistar appears. “Hey everyone, I came to guide you through the City!” She says, as the citizens gawk at her. “Ah- Thank you- But who are you?” Flare says, as the bystanders stare at us. “I’m Demistar, sorry if it took a while, I was preoccupied with other things, but I can guide you to The Citadel now.” She says, as everyone looks at the restaurant. “We were just about to go eat though…” Veyta says with a saddening expression, pointing her thumb at the Restaurant. “Oh, well you don’t have any money so- I’ll pay for it!” She trailed off until she excitedly decided to pay for everyone’s food. Everyone thanks Demistar as I approach.
Demi - “Can I go in too? Or am I too big?”
Everyone looks at me, which is then followed by Demistar. “Oh- Uh- Demitallis is asking if she can go in too.” Steriya says, stuttering on the first part again. “Oh, of course she can. There’s multiple entrances, you guys just go in through the Front, I’ll take Demitallis here through one of the Larger Entrances.” Everyone thanks her again, and starts to enter, I can see them catching the gaze of multiple people, who were mostly just surprised to see so many children enter at once. “Come on now, the Entrance is this way.” She says, as I carry Lian. “Right, you’re a Pond Kid I believe, you can’t shrink in size though, because you’re carrying that Girl.” Yep, that’s it. We finally get into the Building, and everyone stares at us. “I’ll be paying for the Group that just came in!” Demistar says, as we make our way to my Group. They’ve reserved a large area for me. “What does Demi plan to get?” Sari says, as she taps away on this round pad on the Table, I guess this is how they order food here.
Demi - “It doesn’t really matter to me, just get me whatever.”
I say softly, I’ll just try to avoid the fact that I have no sense of taste. We look at the different dishes, they all look really good, now I’m jealous… Once everyone has ordered, Demistar tries to pay for everything, but the owners said it was on the House. Demistar simply said okay and returned to us. Glant looks over at her. “So… You’re pretty famous, huh?” Glant says, as everyone continues to stare. “I admit I’m a little famous. Sorry about the stares, maybe I should do something about it…” She says, as the people start to return to their food. Once our food gets here, Demistar thanks the waitresses. Everyone finally eats their food, they’re really enjoying it since the Boarbora Meat doesn’t taste very well in comparison, it’s good to see them enjoying this. The Chefs on the island aren’t the worst, but they don’t have many ingredients or spices to work with really. Anyways, I just crush mine in my mass, and I sit and wait for everyone to finish.
After about an Hour, everyone has finished, Veyta and Glant ate the most out of everyone, I guess all of that training needs more food. “Alright, let’s get going!” Demistar says, as we stand outside of the restaurant. Everyone climbs onto my Back, Demistar included. “Has everyone been enjoying their time here?” Demistar says, staring at Lian, as we make our way to the Citadel. Everyone agrees that it’s been enjoyable seeing everything.
After a while of guiding, we finally arrived at one of The Citadel’s many ground floor entrances. “Here we are, this is my Home, The Citadel!” Demistar shows off her super tall Home, and a large Door opens behind her. As we walk in, a Hologram appears in front of us. “Liyoxis, it’s me, Demistar!” She says excitedly, she’s like a kid showing off their first artwork to their parents proudly. Liyoxis appears on the Hologram, he looks over. “Oh, good, are they there?” Demistar nods, and they beam with excitement. “Well, what are you waiting for?! Bring them, bring them- Oh, crap, I have to take this, it’s Arig-” He looks at everyone and pauses. “It’s someone I know, just get them up here quickly.” He says as he disconnects from the Hologram…
“He was definitely about to say Arigold…” Sari says, as she tries to hide under her hoody. “H-He’s not here, he’s just been looking for all of you, Liyoxis has been going behind his back to keep you all safe!” Demistar is doing her best to reassure everyone, but they’re all super uneasy, and I feel the same way… “How can we trust you?” Glant says, trying to be tough. “You wouldn’t even be here, if it weren’t for us.. I promise, we won’t let him hurt you again.” She says reassuringly, as everyone stares at her. There’s no helping with how they feel, but they’ve calmed down. “Let’s get going now, we’ve kept Liyoxis waiting long enough as it is.” She says calmly, as she guides us to an Elevator.
We reach the top floor, it’s just one massive room with a Glass Dome. “Listen~ Listen~ I’m not fucking you man-” We hear Liyoxis shout into a Hologram, while holding his Index Finger to a little machine on his Ear, his other fingers outstretched. “Liyoxis, if I find out you’re fucking me, I WILL have to deal with you myself.” That’s him, it’s Arigold… “I’m not- Oh, gotta’ go, love you~!” He says vibrantly, as he removes his index finger from his device. “Hello everyone, welcome to The Citadel, please take a look out the window!” He says, as he gestures to the-
Oh my god… It’s mesmerizing... We’re in space! We’re covered by a massive Glass Dome with a Hexagon Pattern because why not! The room is absolutely massive as we stare into the endless void of Space, we run to one of the sides of the room and- HOH MY GOD- “You are exactly 300 Miles above the ground!” We hear, as everyone looks over. “Please try not to dwell on it too much though, you might gain a fear of heights.” He says, as everyone walks over.
“Lianlovloragram wake up, it’s me, Liyoxislovloragram!” Lian’s eyes snap open, and she jumps off of my Body! I thought she couldn’t- “I missed you so much!” He says as she runs over. The Glass Helmet protecting Lian destroys itself, and she leaps into Liyoxis’s embrace, spinning together… They stare at each other, until they close their eyes and share a kiss. It felt like an eternity of emotion had passed when they finally released each other. “I’m finally home, my love…” Lian says as tears stream from her eyes, I wasn’t even sure she was capable of this kind of emotional complexity until now…
“But Lian, didn’t you-” Vexalan says as she stands up, leaning against my body. The two looked over at us with surprise, completely forgetting we were here. Lian smiles softly at Vexalan, as Liyoxis looks back at her with wonder. He’s still holding her. “Of course I knew, but knowing could never compare to truly being there for it, thank you so much Vexalan-Genesis!” She says, as Vexalan stares at her, and sits back down. She smiles back. “R-Right, no problem Lianlovloragram…” She says with a melancholic glee. Liyoxis places Lian on the Ground, and Demistar guides Lian to a Chair next to Liyoxis’s Desk. Liyoxis falls, and another Demistar appears from the first one, and catches him. “Ah- I got you sir!” She says, as she guides him back to his Chair. “Thank you, Demi…” So they ARE weak, they must have been overflowing with Emotion… Liyoxis sighs as Lian looks at him. He looks back at her and smiles too. “I won’t let him take you from me ever again Lian-” Lian motions him to look over at us with her eyes and head. “O-Oh, right-” He says, as he looks at us. “I owe all of you so much for getting my wife out of there… How can I ever repay you?” Everyone looks at each other, as we think.
Demi - “What do you guys think?”
I ask them, through Telepathy. Everyone looks at Steriya, and she sits up and looks over. “If it’s not too much to ask, could you build us a new Home on our Floating Island?” She says, as Liyoxis nods his head. “Oh, and upgrades to my parts, I’m an Earth Elemental!” She says, before he could respond. “Right, Better Home, and specially upgraded parts. You got it. Does anyone want anything else?” Everyone thinks to themselves, and starts responding with requests.
Demi - “How come I can’t connect to Demistar?”
Everyone stops, and Steriya translates. “Demitallis just asked why she’s unable to connect to Demistar.” Liyoxis looks directly at my semi squashed body… “Right, the Pond Kid… You really ARE intelligent. Yeah, you see, Demistar is a Robot.” Everyone’s surprised, she walks and talks just like a Human- “Wait, really?” Steriya says, staring at her. “Yes, Demistar is one of my most advanced Robots, the first of four others. If you would, everyone-” He says as he looks to the side. 4 other Robots appear from thin air. A boy with Pale Skin, Orange Eyes, Orange Sleeks in his hair, and a sort of thrown on look, he’s waving nervously. A Girl with a hawaiien aesthetic, her hair has Sleeks of green with ponytails that are held in place by large metal bearings, she’s bowing respectfully. A Butler with a sort of edge to him, he has bright red sleeks in his hair, with a red accented black suit, he’s looking away with his arms folded. And finally: A Girl with purple sleeks in her hair, she’s wearing a coat over a nice blouse and skirt, and has a sort of punk look to her.
“Please introduce yourselves now.” Liyoxis says, as they finally speak up. “I am Demistar, and the General of the Air Force!” Demistar Salutes, as the Dark Butler begins. “I am Sebas-tian-antiquate, and the General of the Army.” Sebas salutes, refusing to drop the serious expression. The Orange Boy speaks up. “Maximillien, Naval Fleet Admiral. It is nice to meet you.” He says quickly as he salutes, sparking the Green Girl to speak up. “Head of the Medical Department, Alicen-silk.” She salutes quickly, and finally the last one begins. “Robinette, Orbital Fleet Admiral!” Ships warp into position around the Citadel, causing everyone to look on in awe at the orbiting war ships! “Amazing!” Steriya says, as one of the Ships docks at the Citadel. “We should move quickly, Arigold is already on his way here, he’ll probably be looking for a flight, so Demistar and the other 4 will take him on.” He says, standing up with Lian, as everyone begins to panic. “Wait, HERE here?!” Veloura says, as I move everyone over to the Spaceship, no way I’m NOT getting on that thing. “H-Hey, Demi-” Veloura says to me, causing Demistar to look over, but Liyoxis cuts in while helping Lian over to the ship. “There’s no time, we must get going, I have a Robot Clone read to take my place and try and talk with Arigold.” Liyoxis says, as everyone finally enters the Ship. “Get us out of sight, and I want everyone’s sight, and view of my Room.” The Ship warps away, and we’re guided by Robots into a Room full of Monitors. The Monitors light up, and we can see the Room everyone is, and their perspectives. Demistar looks at the Camera and waves, still smiling. She looks forward, and the Glass Dome is shattered and Arigold appears. “Liyoxis… Did you fuck me?” He says with a stupid level of seriousness. “No, of course I haven’t!” The Liyoxis Robot says, as he walks over. “Don’t make me kill you, Liyoxis.” Arigold walks up, pointing his repaired Lixza’s Curse at The Robot. “Come on Arigold, we’re friends, you know I wouldn’t try anything!” Arigold’s eyes squint… “Where are they? I know you would have captured them by now.” Arigold walks up to the Android. “If we’re really partners… Why would you hide from me with this Robot?” Arigold swings his Arm and decapitates the Robot. The Head flies through the Air and disappears, followed by the Body. It didn’t go invisible, it’s just.. Gone…
He spins around and throws a Kick into the Air, it collides with Demistar’s Leg. “It seems discussions have broken down!” She says, as they back away from each other! “Yes… It seems so.” He says as he equips a Mechanical Weapon. “Ah, yes... Karmi’s Deity… I wonder how Karmi’s doing right now…” Liyoxis sits back in his Chair with Lian, what he said caught everyone’s attention for a split second.
Arigold takes a strike at Demistar with Karmi’s Deity. She actually guarded the Strike! Electricity flows into her body, but it has no effect! “Activate Function 2.” He says, causing Karmi’s Deity to transform around his hand, it’s now a Gauntlet Sword! He still has full functionality in his wrist, the Prongs have separated into six, and halfs themselves into 2 prongs that sit on opposite ends of the Guard. A Projectile forms between the Prongs, and they begin to spin rapidly. Demistar’s hand has turned into a Large Energy Blade. Sebas’s hands are covered in powerful looking Gauntlets, he tries to take a strike at Arigold’s back, but it’s blocked by another Weapon. It’s Lixza’s curse! Sebas stares at it for a moment, before his body starts to glow and he tears the damn thing apart! Arigold stares at the poor state of his weapon, and looks back at Sebas. “I just got it fixed…” He says, as he picks it back up. “You shouldn’t bring your toys to a fight!” Sebas says as he tries to hit Arigold, but his fist falls off in an instant. “Damnit!” He shouts as the hand disappears and reappears on his hand. Arigold finishes storing the weapon away, and pulls out another one, it’s another Lance Weapon, but this one is way thicker, and not weirdly shaped. Max holds a massive shoulder mounted cannon at Arigold, and the beam bounces off of a Force Field Arigold made, Alicen swings an absolutely massive hammer at him, but he uses the new Weapon to guard against it too. Demistar tries to run him through, but he traps her blade inbetween Karmi’s Deity, Sebas tries to throw another Punch at him, but he fires powerful looking Magic Projectiles at both of his hands. They actually have him pinned!
Arigold’s eyes widen slightly, and he knocks everyone away. He quickly strikes a Bullet out of the air with the new Weapon, and he looks over to see Robin holding a Sniper Rifle. She giggles a little, as Arigold’s weapon begins to fall apart. He looks at the Handle, and throws it at Sebas. Sebas knocks it away, and Demistar’s other hand grows into a long powerful looking Gun. She fires multiple lasers from it, all of which are deflected by a Sword Arigold has equipped.
“Right, the Weapon that Robinette just destroyed… That was Scarlegmaine’s Purity, it was made by a Man named Scarlegmaine, he was the founder of The Golden Kingdom Marigold. He changed his name to Talligold. That weapon was passed down through hundreds of years, and pretty bulky. It was tough, but low tech, so it wasn’t particularly hard for someone to destroy. Robinette's Rifle is called Decade Miles, it can enchant bullets with Decay Magic.” Everyone stares at the Screen as the five robots fight Arigold with surprising effectiveness.
Sebas strikes Arigold in the head, shouting: “KING RIFLE!” His eyes are filled with rage. Arigold is sent flying, the first attack to break through his defense. Arigold kicks the air, and activates his Space Magic, seemingly destroying reality. A fissure opens up behind Sebas, and Arigold decapitates Sebas with his Sword. Alicen slams her Hammer into Arigold’s back, sending him into the Glass Dome. Sebas’s head returns to its original spot above his shoulders. Max fires another powerful laser at Arigold who is beginning to stand up. Arigold blocks it with another Force Field, but you can see it visibly faltering. Arigold realizes his Force Field is failing, and steps to the side. He hits another Decay bullet with his Sword, and it begins to rust. He throws it at Demistar, and appears behind her. He rips her head off, and runs it through the Sword. Her head disappears from his hand, and Sebas slams his Leg into the top of Arigold’s head, shouting: “KING HAMMER!” Arigold’s body buckles under the Strength, but he grabs the leg, and sends Sebas through the floor. Alicen tries for another swing while he’s distracted, but he punches the Hammer, completely destroying it. The Hammer disappears, and Alicen backs up, pulling out a new one. Robin appears behind him, with her hand transformed into a thin but extremely long energy blade. He equips another Sword, and the blades collide against each other. Demistar tries to hit him with her Sword, but he grabs it again with Karmi’s Deity. Arigold’s eyes widen again, and he kicks Robin away, then pulls Demistar into the spot he was in. A Massive Hammer completely cruses her, and everyone’s eyes widen. “D-Demistar!” Alicen shouts, as Demistar reforms. “I’m fine!” She shouts, as they continue.
“Demistar, help me out!” Robin shouts, as she takes a strike at Arigold again. Demistar appears on his other side again, and takes a slash at him. Karmi’s Deity has been returned to its First Function, and Arigold blocks the attacks. It’s a flurry of attacks from both Demistar and Robin, keeping Arigold on the defensive. He finally finds an opening and kicks both of them away. “KING GATLING!” Sebas shouts, as he starts repeatedly striking Arigold as fast as he can. After a while, you can’t even see his Arms anymore, as he continues to break through Arigold’s Defenses. Another bullet flies through the Air, and Sebas’s head morphs around it- What?! “You almost hit me, Robin!” He shouts, as he continues to attack. “Sorry Sebas!” She shouts, as another 2 Massive Laser Beams comes from Max’s Cannons. The Beams were distraction enough to finally let Sebas’s Punches break through. And break through they did, as he repeatedly pounds on Arigold’s toso. Arigold equips a thin blade, and starts to glow. He appears behind Sebas, and swings the blade at amazing speed. Sebas is minced to pieces, and disappears, reappearing elsewhere. “Damn, I was too slow…” He says, as Alicen covers him a green light. “Don’t worry.” She says, as they stand up again. “You ready?” Sebas says, as Alicen equips the massive hammers in both hands. “Yep.” They run over to Arigold, who is struggling to fend off Demistar’s Attacks, and not get hit by Robin’s bullets. Demistar backs up, and starts to glow. “Guys, let’s finish this!” She says, as Arigold stands there, slightly exhausted. The other 4 nod and their bodies glow their respective colors. Arigold stands in a defensive position, while everyone backs up to the ends of the Room. Demistar throws a slash at Arigold, he tries to deflect it, but it disappears and he feels Alicen’s hammer as she runs it into his back, and through Max’s Laser Cannon. When the beam finishes, she finally sends him flying and into Sebas’s Fist. “WARLORD RIFLE” He shouts, striking Arigold in his gut with a massive gauntlet, completely stopping him. Arigold is sent flying again, right into Demistar’s blade. The Blade breaks against his body, and he takes a Decay Bullet to Chest. Everyone has finished Glowing, and Arigold stands up. He pierces his own chest with his hand, and tears the Bullet out, throwing it on the floor. “You finished yet, Arigold?!” Demistar shouts, as Arigold’s chest gushes blood. Arigold’s body heals itself, and he walks up to the 5 Robots. They fly at him, weapons readied, but he knocks them away with a massive Magic Attack. “You know this isn’t going anywhere, Arigold! Liyoxis is busy!” Demistar shouts, as he continues to walk towards them. “Then bring him to me.” They really are fighting him. “I know he’s here somewhere, and I know you would have captured the Children by now, so tell me where they are.” The other 4 disappear, and Demistar approaches Arigold. “I’m sorry Arigold, but we really don’t have them, and attacking us won’t change that. So please search elsewhere.” Arigold stares at Demistar, and puts away his weapon. “Fine, but I expect to have my weapons returned in their original condition. And tell Liyoxis I want his Army searching for them.” Demistar nods, as Arigold throws his fist to the side. The Air shatters, and he walks through the opening. They watch as the air repairs itself. Everyone sighs with relief.
“How did Liyoxis know Arigold would even be here?” Sari says, as everyone looks at her. “I’m one of the 12 World Powers, me and Lian are masters of Mind Magic. Lian knows everything that Has, and Will happen. While I know anything that Could, and make it happen. I’m the only person Lian can’t predict.” Lian nods as she hugs Liyoxis’s arm while smiling. “Let’s get back to the Meeting Room, the Dome should already have been repaired.”
After a little while, we find ourselves back at the top of The Citadel again. “Sorry about the bother everyone, he’s really been looking for all of you, I’ll try and help you all avoid him, of course.” Right, of course he has been… “And of course, as a reward for bringing home Lian to me, I will of course be fulfilling all of your Requests, please feel free stay in Neotopia as long as you all like, while we fix up your Island for you.” Everyone thanks him, but Steriya speaks up. “H-Hey, this place has records of the 12 Pure Elements, right? Do you have anything on Space?” Steriya says, with a sense of desperation, yet still relaxed and understanding. Liyoxis drops his smile, and looks around worriedly. “We do not sadly, Arigold wouldn’t let me keep records of any of the Pure Elements. Come visit me tomorrow though, I have something else you might like though.” He says, as Steriya looks a little Crestfallen yet intrigued. Steriya thanks him anyways, and agrees to meet him later.
It’s been a few Hours now, we decided to rest up at home, they’ve already sent Drones to reconstruct our Island. Of course I already told everyone what’s going on. The Drones are building homes for everyone, and even bringing in more Floating Islands to expand our area for more housing for everyone. Everyone’s been really excited to have their own places to stay, since we had to sleep outside close together, everyone was getting annoyed with each other.
Everyone’s been visiting the City, just touring, buying souvenirs, and just enjoying their time in the City. They’ve even been editing the Ecosystem, so now it looks way better, and it’s even more Healthy. Turns out those Boarboras were an Invasive Species, we were told that they must have been brought in by the civilization before us.
I’ve also gotten a little bit stronger, nothing too much, just a little extra power. Thinking about it, I wonder how big I’ll be when I can defeat Arigold, I mean, I HAVE to get rid of Arigold someday, he’s too much of a threat to everyone. Who knows who he might kill…
Would I come back again?
Who knows what might happen to me, I could get reincarnated again, in another world… What if it’s worse than this one? What if it’s better? What if I’m just dead, and I cease to exist? That doesn’t matter though, I should feel lucky enough to have had it happen even once.
You know, I never really think about it much, I’m already trying to deal with my fear of Arigold, so I don’t even know how I could deal with my own death…
Well, I don’t really want to think about that anyways… So let’s just move on..
Not much work has been done, it’s only been a few Hours, but god be damned if these things don’t work fast.
The entire Genesis Family was invited to a Party celebrating the return of Lian, it’s happening tomorrow, and everyone’s super excited. Liyoxis said that he would make sure everything is prepared for us, all we have to do is show up. He’ll probably make sure everything goes perfectly. I’ve never been to a big party like this, so I’m really excited to see what it’s like.
End of Chapter: 15 “But if you’re patient, and you hold still, well maybe, just maybe...”
Thank you for reading.
"Th-Thank you."
"Screw off, but thanks anyways..."
"Thank you so much!"
"Thanks bitches!
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