《Wet world wonderland.》Chapter: 1√B "The World renowned, he's the strongest."


I am Alimond of the Salderine family, and I am the Leader of Squad 1 in the Arigold Army. As the Leader, I’m the one who takes Orders from Arigold himself.

There are currently 10 Squads under Arigold’s direct command, and each Squad has about 5 Members, with each Squad having its own particular set of Skills that Arigold is too busy to develop himself. After that, there are about 90 more Squads, numbering this Army at 500 Men Strong. We are ranked in order of Best to Worst, the worst Squad being Squad 100, and my Squad being the best at Squad 1.

In battle, Me and my Squadmates are right there in the front lines with Arigold, and we take care of anything he’s either too busy to take care of, or just doesn’t feel like taking care of. As the Leader, I usually relay Orders from Arigold to my Squadmates, and I’m the Jack of All Trades: master of none. I’m not as good at what my Squadmates do, as they are, but I’m close enough to either Assist any of them, or do it for them if they’re too busy with something else. Speaking of Squadmates, let’s move onto them. I have 4 Squadmates: Krueman, Dartlin, Binber, and Celiba. Let’s start with: Krueman. Krueman is an Earth Dragonian, he’s our Tank and boasts the highest defense in our Squad. Next is: Dartlin. Dartlin is our group’s Ranger and Assassin, She has all kinds of Guns, Bows, and Stealth Equipment. Next up: Binber. My best Bro. Our Technician and Strategist. He comes up with our main Strategies, keeps our Equipment working, and gives us Field Information. Next is our Witch: Celiba. Celiba is our main Assault Member, and boasts the highest Kill Count in our Squad. Her and Kruemen have a closer relationship, since Krueman is often tasked with guarding Her. Celiba doesn’t have much Defense.


I am the 3rd highest ranking member in Arigold’s Army, right under his Girlfriend and Assistant: Annestica. Annestica was actually added to the Army quite recently, She and Arigold have only been dating for a Month, but they seem really happy together, and Arigold almost seems happy whenever She’s around. It was me and my Squadmates who really pushed Arigold into going out with Her.

Anyways, let’s move onto Arigold himself. Arigold is the First Son and Prince of King Valigold himself. Arigold is the Eldest Brother to 4 Brothers and 3 Sisters, and one of the most powerful people in the World.

I won’t go too into that though, I’d prefer to show, not tell.

I return to the Camping Area, dragging a Large Boar behind me. I toss Big Boar in front of my Group, and they look at it, then at me. “Alright guys, I brought Dinner. Where’s Binber?” Binber looks up from his new Device he’s been working on and Grins, and speaks up: “Right here Alimond, I’ll cook it when I’m done repairing Dartlin’s Cloaking Device!” Binber’s sitting there grinning without a Care, holding a Screwdriver in his gloved hands. He wears a Thick Coat, Dark Grey Pants, and his Gloves don’t have Fingers, leaving them free to tinker. On his Back is one of his favorite Backpacks, it’s Steel Frame makes it heavy, but it also makes it tough enough to hold all of the Gadgets, and Machines he uses. It also works as a Deployable workshop that he uses to repair anything that breaks while we’re out in the field.

I kick the Boar over to Binber, and he catches it. Krueman grins at the Sight of the Boar, and Arigold finally returns. “I just got done giving Annestica her Orders. We’re going in with the other 9 Squads. You guys will be with Me, Squads 2 through 4 will be distracting at the front, 5 and 6 will be helping us get in, and 7 through 10 will be making sure nobody escapes.” I walk over, and sit down on one of the Logs next to Binber. “So what will we be doing? I heard they have ‘Grandelaver of the Metal River’ in there.” Everyone perks up after hearing that, and Arigold continues. “I’ll be dealing with the Swordswoman, you guys will be taking care of the Guards that come at us, and then we’ll capture the Children and take them back to the Kingdom.” Krueman speaks up, while eyeing the Boar that Binber just started Cooking. “Right, we’re invading Genesis-Haven, that’s the Cloning Facility they’re using to bring back those nearly extinct Species.” Arigold just looks at Krueman, until Binber cuts in: "I heard they have a Solar Dragon in there. Didn’t you hunt that Species to Near Extinction?” Arigold thinks to himself for a moment. “They betrayed us, I was ordered to remove their main fighting force.” Krueman speaks up again. “Well I don’t really care about those Full Dragons personally, so you don’t gotta’ worry about me Bossman.” Arigold nods, until Krueman looks at Binber. “How’s the food comin’ Binber? ‘It finished yet?” Binber finishes cutting up the Boar, and pulls out 5 Ceramic Plates, and a similar looking one that has a Golden Pattern on it. “Just about buddy, let me just prepare everyone’s shares.” Krueman folds his Arms, and Arigold stares at Binber. “You want your food on your favorite plate Boss?” Arigold’s eyes Narrow. “Yes.” Binber laughs a little, and hands a plate with a generous share of food over to Dartlin, who passes it to Arigold. Binber cuts off an even larger chunk and hands it to Me, and I hand it over to Krueman, who licks his Lips at the Sight, until he notices Vegetables and Fruits. Everyone else gets even shares of the Large Boar on their Plates, and Binber packs up the rest of it, but not before tossing a Bag full of the meat over to a VERY happy Dragonian. Binber tosses around some eating Utensils, and I catch mine. Just before we begin eating though, Annestica walks in, and Binber hands her a Plate with some food on it too. She walks over to Arigold and sits next to him, while smiling. Everyone finally digs in.


Chapter 1√B end.

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