《Wet world wonderland.》Chapter: 4 "Victory in patience, once you understand yourself, you can understand them."
You told me to come up with a Name.
Oh, that’s… An interesting Name.
It’s not much weirder than our other Names.
Oh yeah, I guess they would be our new Name.
Yes, a: ‘Together Name’
How wonderful!
It’s been a little while, and Mother has already left and gone into the other Room, most likely deciding which Name would be the best for Us, or I guess Me.
We ARE the same person, but I think you should use ‘Us’ when referring to you and me, it’ll make talking easier.
Oh right, are you able to take control of my Body?
I cannot, I would have asked for permission to do so already otherwise.
That’s gotta’ suck.
It’s not the best, but I DO get better access to your Memories.
How does that work?
Well, it’s kind of hard to put into words, aside from observing multiple at the same time, I can also focus on them better. Also, I can run simulations for you, and tell you how it goes.
I see… What if I were to fight Calvin?
Well, let’s see… Alright, if you were to bolt out of your Bird Bath, your Siblings would intervene long enough for Mother to return, and break us away from Calvin, before we could pierce his Scales. In an Arena setting, he would fly into the Air, and evaporate us with his Breath. Any setting that doesn’t provide outside support is Death. It would take me about a Year of Trial and Error to simulate the perfect fight where we actually Win. So currently: 0% chance of Victory.
Jeez, that’s great to hear. But you’re right, he’s probably our oldest Sibling here, and He’s a Dragon, so he’s undoubtedly been born with even more Power.
Yes, against him, we have no chance.
How about Veloura?
Veloura… 40% chance of Victory, She’s probably not a fighter to begin with, or She wouldn’t have been hit so easily.
So why’s it only 40%?
We’re still a Baby, She’s like, a Preteen, you do the Math.
Oh yeah…
Tbh, our Species is surprisingly strong, we actually shot a Hole right through Her Body, it’s just, we have too many Vulnerabilities.
So we’re a Glass Cannon?
Yeah, there you go!
I see, well, it’s been nice talking to you, but I think I’m a bit tired of talking.
Yes, I’ve been meaning to get back to sorting all of our stuff, and going through some more Memories, get a better grasp on your Emotions.
Don’t you mean OUR Emotions?
I don’t have access to our Emotions, they would get in my way, I can however understand them through viewing your Memories.
I see, that doesn’t sound much fun, but alright then, let’s talk some more later, Chamber.
Bye for now, Charlotte. It’s been nice.
I realize how focused I’ve been getting with Chamber, and look around to find Veloura leaning against my Bird Bath, just staring at me. Maybe She’s expecting me to do something again. We sat like this for a moment, until I decided to spray some water at Her. Yeah, it was kind of pointless, and I had to give up some of my Mass to do so, but it was also really funny. Veloura stands there, with Her Face and Shirt covered in Water, until She darts away. Most likely afraid I might strike Her again, until She realizes I’m not spiking out, and I’ve returned to my normal state. After She had calmed down, and realized some of our Siblings were actually laughing, She began to realize I just sprayed Her for Fun, and approached me, saying: “Is this how you have Fun?” I really need to develop a way to speak to my Siblings.
2 of our Siblings start fighting, Veloura, almost like a Machine, locks on, and runs over shouting: “Guys, guys, what’s wrong?!” It’s 2 of the younger Siblings, they must be toddlers. Turns out it was 2 of our Sisters, they’re Fairies like Flare actually, but one of them is wearing green, and the other is wearing a mostly pink, but colorful Dress. Green explains that Pink won’t leave Green Alone, but Pink just looks away, and folds her arms, refusing to speak. Veloura looks at them for a moment, and says: “Have you tried to just play together, instead of bothering each other?” The 2 Fairy Girls share a Glance, and their eyes Widen. The 2 gives an audible “Oh yeah…” and flies away. Flare was watching, and said: “Uh oh.”
Veloura walks over to Flare, and asks what’s wrong, Flare responding with: “That was Talliopy and Aribora, right?” Veloura raises an Eyebrow and says: “Yeah, that’s them, what about it?” Flare continues, saying: “Well, Talliopy was born from a Family of Tricksters, that’s why Her dress in particular has so many bright colors, She really likes Attention.” Calvin cuts in with a lazy: “Oh boy…” Veloura’s eyes widen, and she looks around, trying to find the 2 Fairies. When She notices them, Talliopy starts giggling, while Aribora just looks at Her curiously. The 2 disappear behind some Trees, and Veloura hides behind Flare, saying: “Oh god, protect me Flare!” With Flare being like, 1/20th of Veloura’s Size it looks a little ridiculous, but Flare just smiles, and says: “Don’t worry Veloura, I won’t let them get you.” Veloura gives Flare a bear hug, squeezing Her, until She responds with: “V-Veloura, I can’t protect you if you crush Me.” Veloura releases the Fairy, and says: “Oh, sorry Flare…” The 2 start giggling while leaning against Calvin, who seems undisturbed.
It seems Veloura is the one that keeps the Children from fighting.
Yeah, I guess so. How’s things going, Chamber?
Quite well, actually, I’ve been trying to develop a Magic Skill, since we plan to go with that Mage Setup you were talking about.
Oh cool, what kind of Spell is it?
Water Creation, I was hoping we could spend some Mana, and grow in size. I was then gonna’ see if we could develop a Size Manipulation Skill, by spending Mana on making, and connecting to the water, and then when we’re finished, we could consume it again, and hopefully see a full return on the Mana.
Wow, that’s a good idea, we could also use that to do our Bowl Quest. How long do you think it would take for you to develop it?
As you know, we have ‘Mana Organization’, and I’m trying to see if I can develop a new Skill I’m calling: “Mana to Matter Creation”
I see, but since you’re stuck in my Head, you don’t have any Field Information.
Exactly, my Simulation Function can’t simulate something I don’t already know, so I need you to try and see if you can develop this Skill for me.
Alright, I got it Chamber, let’s do this!
Good luck, Charlotte.
Let’s get started then, I start playing with Mana Organization, trying to get a deeper understanding on how my Mana works, and flows. I use Mana Organization, and try to push it out of my Body, a viscous colorful substance begins to flow onto my Surface, and begins evaporating. Flare looks at me, and says: “Hey, um, the Newborn is leaking Mana-” The others look over at me, and Veloura runs over, saying: “What- um, is this how they Bleed, did they hurt themself on something?” Flare floats over, and lands on the ledge of my Bird Bath, saying: “I’m not sure, I’ve never even seen one of these creatures before.”
So that’s what I just did, I shoved the Mana right out of my Body, damn, it’s still not water though.
Flare touches the Mana floating over top of my Body, and it sticks to Her Hand, with a colorful steam coming off of it. Flare continues, saying: “It’s weirdly viscous and wet, usually Mana comes in the form of a Gas.”Veloura continues that thought, saying: “Yeah, they must have been trying to Manipulate the Mana into a different substance.” Flare nods Her Head, pulls the Mana into Her Body Arm, and starts thinking, until she realizes something. Veloura looks at Her, and Flare says: “Maybe they’re trying to make more Water. I’d teach them how to use Creation Magic, if they were smart enough to Learn it.”
And with that, I continue trying to push the Mana out of my Body. Everytime I create it, I absorb it again, getting better at it. Veloura and Flare continue to watch me, until they realize what I’m doing. Flare holds Her hand out, over my Body, and Viscous Mana pours out of it. The Mana is far more dense, and refined than mine is, it’s even keeping its Shape. I absorb the Mana that’s been given to me, and analyze it. Once finished, I get an idea, and start creating a Mana Water around my Body, and use my Mana Organization on it. It works, it’s a part of my Body. Flare notices that I’m using it as part of my Body, and her Eyes widen with fascination. Flare pours Liquid Mana onto me. Instead of absorbing it, I just connect to it, and I consume all of my water. I’m now some sort of Mana Puddle.
Why do we look like a Puddle of Acid?
Oh, hey, I couldn’t really get the Water Creation to work, so I made this instead.
I see. Are we a Puddle of Mana or something?
Yeah, I guess, Mana is surprisingly tough to use, you can get it to do what you want, but not all the way.
Oh good job, well continue testing to see if you can develop that Mana to Matter Creation Skill.
Hey, is there some sort of ‘evolution’ function for Skills?
Oh, let me see, kind of, I don’t know if I would call it Evolution, but you can upgrade Skills into a new Skill, with more varied uses.
Does that mean I could turn ‘Mana Organization’ into: ‘Mana Manipulation’
Not a bad idea, new task: Turn Mana Organization into Mana Manipulation.
Aye aye Captain!
I start trying to compress my Body, it’s heavy, the Mana is actually heavier. I start absorbing some of the Mana, and it becomes less focused, less Dense, Less Refined. Flare must be amazing, She has so much Mana! As the Mana gets lighter, even more so than my old Body. Flare speaks up: “Oh, their body is more clear, I can actually see the bottom of their Bird Bath now.” Veloura’s eyes narrow, and She places Her Hand on my Surface, and Absorbs some of my Body, and drags it away.
And at this Moment, her Eyes widen as She screams in a painful agony, clenching her Arm, and writhing on the floor, with Her hand stretched out. Flare’s eyes shoot open, and my Body jets out spikes at her, just about missing. My body continues to dart spikes out, trying to reclaim the lost Mana.
Veloura’s Hand starts moving on its own, aiming itself towards me. Flare dodges Mana Water Spikes, and shouts: “Veloura, you need to release the Mana you absorbed, it’s still connected to them!” Veloura’s hand starts pulsating, like something is trying to break free, until She uses her left Hand to readjust her Right Hand, and lobs a puddle of Mana over the ledge of the Bird Bath and my Body catches it, and pulls it back in.
Shit, fuck, okay, I blanked out, what happened?
I’m not sure, Veloura absorbed some of my Mana, and everything went Dark.
O-Oh, hey, you learned Mana Manipulation, good job Charlotte.
I think my Body must have learned it preemptively while I was in Panic Mode.
I see, of course, it must have used Mana Manipulation to make the Liquid Mana Viscous again, and pull back whatever bit of itself it lost.
Of course, that makes sense.
Veloura stands up, a little pale, sweating heavily, and saying: “Oh good lord, I am never doing that again…”
The other Children stare at us, a little worried, until Veloura is on her Feet, and says: “Don’t worry guys, I’m fine!” Flare cuts in saying: “Yes, everything is okay, sorry for the scare everyone!” The Children all start to return to what they were doing.
After everything has calmed down, I return to what I was doing, until suddenly, Lex comes through the Door, carrying a plate of Food. He looks at Flare and Veloura, and says: “Oh, hey, Veloura. How’s your Wound, are you okay?” Veloura and Flare look at him, until Veloura says: “Oh, I’ve been hanging out with our Puddle Sibling here, they’re learning Magic all by themself.” Lex’s Eyebrow raises, and he finally arrives, saying: “So the Puddle is cool now, AND they’re learning Magi-” Lex finally takes a look at me, and continues: “What the hell did you do to them?” Flare answers the Cat Boy, saying: “Oh, they had this Great Idea to turn themself into some sort of Mana Puddle.” Lex takes another glance at me, and continues: “I see. Did anything else happen?” Flare continues saying: “Oh, right, Veloura here had the bright idea and absorbed some of their Mana, and their Arm nearly blew up or something.” Lex looks at Veloura, and back at me, and says: “How would that even, what would happen if you absorbed the entire Body?” Veloura cuts in saying: “Lex, dude, don’t, it was terrible, and agonizing, you do NOT want that.” Lexis stares at me, and says: “So, you guys wanna’ help feed uh, Drippler?”
I am a Girl, not a Guy, you jackass!
For a while, my Siblings have been slowly feeding me Food. Lex speaks up: “So… What did you say their water was made of again?” Veloura replies: “Oh, they’re made from Flare’s Mana, in liquid Form, pretty impressive how it’s keeping its Shape.” Lex drops another slice of Meat into my Body, and says: “I see, and since their Body is made of Mana, you were able to absorb some of it?” Veloura places a slice of Apple into me, and watches it get broken down and dissolved.
Just curious, what would our Chances be against Lex?
Not sure, currently it’s varied between 5 to 20%.
Oh, is anyone else’s Varied like his, and why is it Varied?
For Lex, I’m not quite sure what he can do, and if He even IS a Warrior, or he’s just got natural Cat Like reflexes. Even still, it’s obvious that Veloura isn’t a fighter, or of a Carnivorous species. But Lex is, so he’s bound to be more Vicious, and not just that, Cats are terribly fast, and we’re not, so if it’s the 20% then we could JUST about Win, but it would still be extremely close. And if it’s as bad as 5% then he’d probably take us with him. Unless of course, he doesn’t destroy our Container, and tear us apart.
Yeesh, wow, we really are mega weak.
We’ll get stronger soon, don’t you worry.
Alright, thanks Chamber.
Once they’ve finished Feeding me my food, and the water is left over, Lex’s Right Hand whips out and shoves both Flare and Veloura out of the way, while he places Left Hand into my Body.
My Body panics as I wasn’t prepared, and spikes start erupting, but before anything can hit him, He absorbs my Body into his. Veloura and Flare get back up, and stare at him. Some of the other Children were staring too, but most of them had already left for their Rooms.
Calvin sits up, and says: “Lexis-Cordial-Genesis, what have you done to our Sibling?” Lexis sits there for a minute, staring at his Hand, as he feels my Mana course through him, and he says: “I took a Bet.” Veloura screams at Lex: “Lex, you better have not killed them!” Flare cuts in right after Veloura: “Lex, you shove too hard…” Lex stares at the Bird Bath for a Moment, and cups his hand over it, showing his Palms to the open space where I once was. My Body is released back into the Bird Bath, and the others stare at me. I compress my Body, and make a Whip, twirling it a little to show them I’m alive, and not some Regular Mana Puddle.
Lex continues: “Well, that was interesting, I wonder if you could take over someone’s Body. Aside from that, this could also be a good way to move you around, instead of just using your Bowl. Oh right.” Lex pours my Water into my Bowl, and I start to absorb my Mana, and connect to my Water. I connect to my Mana Body, and it slowly begins to transform into Water.
Good job, Charlotte, you just learned Mana Conversion.
Did you name it yourself?
I deserve some things.
Haha. Anyways, we have Mana Manipulation, and Mana Conversion now, right?
Yes, Mana Conversion lets you transform Mana into other Substances, and combining it with Mana Manipulation, you can now create Water.
I start spending some Mana and it turns into Water, thanks to Flare I’ve got more than enough now. I pull in my Bowl, and crush it down, and consume it.
When I finish, an Item appears before me. It’s a Ring with a White Gemstone embedded inside of it. It falls into My Body, and I hold it in place. Flare speaks up: “Oh my, how did that happen?” Lex chimes in: “It looks like Drippilina here had a Quest to eat their Bowl, for some odd reason.” Veloura joins in: “I wonder what their new Item does, ‘pretty amazing they’re even taking Quests at this Age.” Flare’s eyes widen, and she says: “Actually, yeah, now that you mention it, how are they even learning about Magic? It took until I was at least 4 before I could even start comprehending it.” Lex joins in again: “Maybe they’re smarter than we had thought?”
Hey, Chamber, what’s up with this Item, does it have any cool Magic?
It can create a Force Field whenever something is about to hit you. You can keep it inside of us, or you could consume it and learn it’s ability.
While having a Force Field to protect me would be helpful, I would much prefer to have one I can just make with my own Mana.
I increase the pressure in my Body, but the Ring won’t break, it’s friggin’ tough. As I continue to up the PSI, the Ring flings out my Body and hits Lex square in the face...
Lex gets back up and shouts at me, while the other 2 are laughing. The Ring lands on Veloura’s head, and she picks it up, saying: “Maybe they were trying to eat it?” Lex calms down and looks at Veloura, saying: “That’s stupid, maybe they’re not as smart as we think.” Flare however cuts in, and says: “Well now, actually, I think that Crystal might be a Spell Crystal, they might have been trying to absorb the Crystal to learn it’s spell.” Veloura tosses it over to Flare, who catches it, and looks at it. Lex crosses his Arms and says: “So, what’s the Spell on it Flare?” Flare stares at it for a little bit longer, and responds with: “It’s a type of weak warding Spell, it’s actually really useful for someone like them, since they have like, no defensive attributes. This could really save their life.” Flare holds her hand out, and the Ring floats in front of it. Flare holds her other hand the same way, and then, the end you would wear it from faces towards her Left Hand, while the side with the Gemstone faces her Right Hand. Flare begins to Clench Her Hands, until the Crystal separates from the Ring, and She’s holding both in Her Hands. Flare tosses the Crystal into my Body, and I just about stop my Body from going into Panic Mode.
I absorb the Crystal, and I learn it’s ability. I create a Force Field, and Flare tosses the Ring at it. The Ring plinks off of it, and Lex catches it with lightning fast reflexes.
Lex asks if Flare wants the Ring, but She declines, saying she has a bunch of better ones, and Veloura offers to take it instead.
I’m not particularly bothered with them taking my Ring like that, Flare did just help me eat it’s Crystal, and Veloura seems to kind of like it.
That’s very nice of you Charlotte.
I know right? I’m just so great.
Chapter 4: “Victory in patience, once you understand yourself, you can understand them.”
Thanks for reading!
Please have a wonderful day.
Thank you for reading.
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