《Wet world wonderland.》Chapter: 5 "Where one shall fall, another shall Rise. Welcome to Eden."
Mother enters the Room once again, and walks up to me.
It seems mother is here to give us our Name.
Yeah, are you excited?
As excited as I can be.
Haha, I’m glad, I can’t wait for our Together Name.
The other Children watch as Mother walks up to us, and She calls them over. “Alright everyone, I’ve decided on a name for your Sibling here”
The Children all look on in anticipation. “I’ve decided on Demitalis, that is the Name of your Sibling.”
Some of the Children who liked the Name cheered while the rest gave an audible groan.
*Happy Voice Noises*
Don’t be too down, I think it sounds nice.
Yeah, I guess. I wanted to be a Fairy though…
We can just give ourselves the Name if you want.
Oh. Yeah, I guess we could.
Alright, the Names Demitalis, and Verosaban have been added to our Name List. And Genesis has been added to our Surname List.
Oh, cool, we have a list of Surnames now.
Yeah, it kicks all the ass.
As I discuss with Chamber, all the Children surround me, saying my Name. Some of them run off to the Door, most likely to tell my other siblings about the new Name.
Mother’s Dark Cloud appears, and She reaches her Hand in, pulling out a full Cake. This must have been what took her so long!
Oh. My. God.
I love cake!!!
I start reaching for the Cake, and mother giggles. Veloura places a table next to me, and mother places the Cake on the Table, and pulls out a few more. She pulls out her Rapier, and Veloura backs away. “Alright everyone, I’m gonna’ show you all one of my favorite Sword Techniques, make sure to stand back.” Everyone but Zoltin steps back, and he just stands there, his eyes beaming at the opportunity to see mother show off. Mother waves the Sword over the cakes, you only see the one movement, but then, in an instant, the Cakes are all evenly cut into perfect slices. Mother had moved so fast we couldn’t even see the movements of her strikes. Everyone is in Awe of the impressive feat of strength. “It’s nothing really, you’ll all be just as great as me some day, or even better.” Zoltin runs up to Mother, begging her to teach him how to do that with his Wooden Sword, and She passes him some Cake, explaining that he’s not quite ready for it just yet.
Mother places My Slice on top of me, and I eat it wholeheartedly. Sadly I couldn’t taste it, but the feeling was there.
Everyone was enjoying their Cake, until a loud noise rippled through the Air, and Calvin stood up, followed by all of the other Children. Everyone looks over at where the noise came from. There’s a massive Dust Cloud. “WOAH BOY THAT ONE WAS BIG, AHAHAHAHA!!!” A girl’s voice cuts through the Dust Cloud. “Fuck, Binber, we were supposed to go in silently!” And finally, a more calm, but surprisingly loud voice silences the rest. “It’s fine Dartlin. They don’t pose a threat to us anyways…” And seemingly with just willpower alone, the Dust Cloud disperses. The Children drop their plates in fear, completely stunned, until Soldiers rush in behind the man that had just spoken. “That only counts for you Arigold, it’d probably take my whole Squad to take on Grandelaver.” Arigold’s eyes take a quick glance at his Subordinate, then he scans everyone, his Gaze seeming to almost mesmerize the children, until he locks onto Mother- or Grandelaver.
Wha- what- is that Mother’s Name?
I would believe so…
Before Me and Chamber could continue our thought, Arigold continued. “I see. There is no threat in this Room.” Arigold continues to stare down Grandelaver, equipping a crooked looking Lance with a needle point end while walking forward. Mother’s face has paled, and the Children notice that mother is stuck there. She almost seems petrified, like her mind is failing to process and figure out what action She should take. “R-Run.. Run children, get to the evacuation Room, I’ll be right there with you in a moment, tell everyone else.” The children begin crying, and they Run. Lightning charges around Lex, he appears next to me and takes a Jab at my Bird Bath, completely cutting the Stand from the Bowl with just his hand, and catching my remodeled container. Arigold takes a Glance at him, and he seizes up. Mother finally breaks free from whatever effect Arigold had her under, and She darts over to him, Rapier in hand. Her body begins to glow with what must be Enhancement Magic, and takes a forward jab at the Man. But before she could even realize, he had already appeared behind Her, and had The Lance buried deep through her Back, and out her Chest. “I’m sorry, but I’ll be cutting your time short.” Arigold leaves the Weapon buried in Mother’s body, She falls to her Hands coughing up Blood, until even her Arms can no longer hold Her, and she collapses on the Ground, Convulsing. “Annestica, retrieve my Lance when it kills Her.” Arigold looks back at Annestica, who nods, while the other 5 Soldiers just looks at Mother, their expressions full of Pity, obviously not envying Mother’s position. “We’re just doing our Job…” Mother stares at the Man who has knelt down and placed his Hand on Her Shoulder.
Lex’s expression is hard to distinguish, I couldn’t imagine how he’s feeling right now. He tries to move, but the slightest movement catches Arigold’s Gaze, and he’s stuck there again. Arigold’s expression changes slightly, and Lex calms down. “Wh-wh-why?! You said She wasn’t a threat, why are you doing this to Momma?!” Lex’s expression finally falls on Fear and Pain, as Arigold approaches him. “My current mission is to capture all of the Children of the Re-Genesis Research Facility. I’m sorry, but She got in my way.” Arigold doesn’t leave Lex’s sight, as he Approaches. “That’s not fair, we never did anything to you! So why?!” Lex’s face is drenched in Sweat and Tears, as Arigold stops right in front of us, the Tall Man standing at 6’7 and over twice Lex’s height.
Staring straight down at me and Lex, he continues. “That must be the Newborn Puddle.. What is your Name, Genillion-Born?” Lex just stares up at Arigold, not understanding the Question. “You’re from the Genillion Family, are you not? You look just like one of the Felines from the Genillion family that had died out almost 40 years ago.” Lex’s mouth starts nudging, as He tries to speak. “L-L-L-Lexis-Cordial-Genesis…” An Eyebrow on Arigold’s face quirks upwards. “Oh, a Giftname, was it given to you by the Solar Dragon?” Lex continues, seemingly unable to break away from Arigold’s Control. “My-My brother, C-Calvin, h-he gave it to me when I ch-challenged him.” Arigold looks over at the Door. “I see, take me to your Evacuation Room. I don’t feel like searching for it.” Lex nods slowly, as he continues to cry.
Annestica approaches Arigold and hands him back his Lance. Me and Lex look over at Mother’s Body, it’s drenched in blood and covered in what looks like Stab Wounds. “This is a living Weapon named Iixza’s Curse. When placed in someone’s Body, it spreads its roots throughout it, and tears it apart until you press this Button on the Handle.” Lex just looks up at Arigold, as he slowly realizes that Arigold hasn’t even noticed the Woman that he murdered. “How much pain did you put her through, how much did She suffer?” Arigold’s expression falls to the one he had when he killed Mother. “I would suggest you hurry up and bring me to the Evacuation Room before I cut down what’s left of the Genillion Bloodline.”
Everyone has already left this Room, it’s just us 3, in this bright, completely silent Room. “R-Right, the Door is actually a Warpgate, you just tell it your destination, and it’ll open up the nearest Gate to it.” Arigold walks over to the Gateway with Me and Lex. But before he can say something, he turns around and notices Grandelaver, she was right behind him, dragging her Rapier on the floor, followed by a crimson river that lead to where She had been slowly eviscerated.
Arigold almost looks amazed, he couldn’t have imagined that Grandelaver would be so tough. He stands there, in stunned silence, as the Woman limped past him, and over towards Lex. Her blood drenched arms barely began to raise, and Lex dropped my thankfully concrete container at the sight of what’s left of his Mother. Arigold leans down and pulls me away, as mother Falls to her Knees once more and leans against Lex, hugging him. She whispers something in my Brother’s ears, and he Nods. “Ye-Yeah, I promise- I promise, I’ll make them happy once again, I’ll do it for You, Mother, Me, Calvin, Veloura, and Flare, we’ll make them happy once more. I promise.” And with her dying words, Mother thanks Lex, before She collapses.
Lex catches Mother before She hits the ground, and slowly lowers Her, all of his Concentration on this one last thing he can do for his Mother. “Goodbye.” He painfully mutters, as me and Arigold watches.
“I believe it’s about time we got going, Genillion born?” Lex looks up at Arigold, his expression changed to a Somber Deadpan of acceptance. “Yeah. But I’m a Genesis, not a Genillion.”
And with that, they moved on.
System-Constru- System-Failed-T- System-Proces-
What the-
System-Correcting- System-Construc-
Chamber? What’s happening?
I’m not sure, Charlotte-
System-Constru- Syst- System-Repai- System-Failu- System- System-Repaired-
System-Construction-Complete, Connecting-
Charlotte- Chamber- No, Demitallis, this will be your last gift from me.
Who are-
How did-
I’m sorry I couldn’t do more, escape, break us free, I’ll be waiting, I believe in you.
What- What do we do, Chamber?
I’m not su- Is that- Just do as they say for now Charlotte.
A Voice calls out from my Bowl- “System-Gateway-Activate- Password-Grandelaver-” A Voice rings out from the Gateway, Lex and Arigold stop abruptly, never realizing it could speak. “Password-Recognized, Voice-Not-Recognized- Not-Accepted-” We speak once more, our voice sounding eerily similar to Mother’s. “System-Gateway-Activate- Password-Grandelaver- Clear-All-Acceptance- New-Acceptance-Demitallis-” The Gateway responds- “Clearance-deleted- Clearance-Accepted- Calling-to-gateway.” Arigold and Lexis are both mesmerized by our cocoughany of Commands, surprised I could speak, and even further surprised that I was able to activate the Gateway’s Systems. My Body begins getting pulled towards the Gateway, and I compress it. I couldn’t figure out what was happening, but Chamber told me to compress my Body, and I felt the Gate pull me in.
“NO! Demitallis!” Lex calls, as he tries to Catch me, but his hand slides right through my Body, it almost strikes him with a Jet Spike. His hand jerks away, instinctually protecting itself from the Strike- But then Arigold appears between me and The Gate, holding my old Container.
“Clearance-Activate- Subroutine-Instant-Light-Warp-Activate-” The Gate responds once more to my Command. “Clearance-Recognized-Demitallis- Activating-Subroutine-Light-Warp-” Arigold’s expression changes, he seems befuddled. “What-” My Body transform into light, and the Gate pulls me past Arigold and into the Kitchen. “Clearance-Activate- Shutdown-AllGates-” The Gate responds- “Clearance-Recognized-Demitallis- Cannot-Shutdown-AllGates”
Damn, sorry about that guys, it should still take Arigold a while to Re-Command the Gate though.
What the hell is going on?!
I demand you tell us.
We don’t have time, you have at least 1 hour before your body can no longer hold itself up, eat as much as you can, and get us out of here, I’ll explain later-
We bolt into Food Lockers, and consume everything we can, and use Seamless Water to dart through the Sewer System, and out into a River. Our Body Stabilizes, and I feel Homesick, but like I’ve once again returned Home.
I look around, I’m in a Forest, it’s a Full Moon, my surroundings are natural, and beautiful.
I begin to calm down, and my Body rests.
Yes, Charlotte?
It’s all gone, he took everything from me- I never even got to meet all of my new Siblings, I never got to talk to them, I never even got to talk to Mother! It’s not fair, he took everything from me on my first Birthday!
Charlotte, Chamber, you’ll find them again, I’m sorry about what happened, but for now, you need to get stronger. Lex and the others will keep them all safe for you until you’re ready. He promised they would.
You still need to explain who you are.
Right, the Second Consciousness wasn’t the only thing that we had evolved, it’s called Involuntary-Developmental-Meltdown. When a Creature in this world is stressed out beyond its own comprehension, it will sometimes activate it’s IDM, and will develop Millions of Skills until it finds one it can save itself with. The IDM only lasts for as long as is absolutely necessary, and consumes almost all the Mana and Stamina of its user. So usually you would have gotten a Broken Skill that would kick Arigold’s Ass, But instead, since we’re too young and weak, our Body couldn’t develop a Skill that would save it from Arigold, so it instead developed me, a Magic Consuming Super Consciousness. Don’t worry though, I stopped consuming our Mana when I figured out how the Gateway worked and used the best set of Commands to rework it.
Wait-wait-wait- So you’re saying- using our Mana, in an instant you figured out how the Gateway worked, developed some sort of Speech Skill that can copy other People’s Voices, and then Recoded the Gateway?
Let me put it this way: You developed a Consciousness that can activate your IDM whenever you need it.
I see. But, how come there aren't any other Creatures that are walking around with on demand IDMs?
They didn’t make it, our situation was extremely circumstantial to begin with. Arigold would have killed us if we were any bigger and tried to escape, then there was the fact that the Warpgate is most likely brand new, so he had no idea it existed until now, let alone knowing it could talk, then there was the fact that his orders were to capture us, not Kill us. Luckily you were in Panic Mode, and thought you were going to die-
So what you’re saying is, we got REALLY fuckin’ lucky.
Yeah, I guess that would sum it up. You got REALLY fuckin’ lucky.
But what do we call you?
IDM, that should suffice.
Alright then, welcome to the Team, IDM.
Actually- I’m gonna’ need to go to sleep for a little while, using my Function is really exhausting. I feel like I’ve experienced the Birth and Death of an entire Solar System. Seriously, the IDM Function is hella’ costly. It actually kills most creatures that use it from exhaustion alone. Luckily I had you eat all that food, so you should have enough Energy to move on without me. I’ll be out for about a Day.
For someone who’s so tired, you talk a LOT.
I know, I know, I’m just trying to get through as much as possible before I conk out.
Go to sleep you dummy, thank you so much for your help, we won’t let you down.
Goodnight, IDM.
Goodnight guys.
Chapter 5 end.
Thank you for reading.
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