《MHA: The Wolf of the End》Chapter 13


Izuku ran up to me, exhausted but thrilled.

“I did it Felir! I was able to use my quirk without shattering my body!”

He jumped up and down in excitement. But just as quickly winced in pain. I softly take his arm in my hands, gently rolling up his sleeve. What I see covering his arm is big purple and blue bruises running the lengths of his arm.

“That looks painful..” I scan on, softly touch the marred flesh. “It looks like you have torn your muscles pretty badly.. Its not bad enough to garner worry, but you’ll need to let them heal.. They will get stronger and be less likely to snap under the weight of your power.”

I let go of his arm and look back at him.

“Just promise me you wont over do it till then, you could have permanent damage if you should do so.” I warn, hoping my friend can feel the seriousness I voice.

His smile never falters as he responds in kind.

“I will Felir! I just hope I’m able to pass the rest of the 7 tests left.. I’m a little nervous..” He rolls down his sleeves, anxiety releasing from his body.

“Don’t worry Izuku! I feel it in my bones, you will pass this trial! Now come, lets be off to the next obstacle to smash through!”

I throw my arm around his shoulders and herd him towards the test. Nothing good ever comes from second guessing or fearing the results!

[After the 7 test..]

“Everyone line up! Its time for your results.” Aizawa states, still as unamused as ever..

But he looks less hostile.. Maybe something good has happened? By Gefion and her virgin soils do I hope everyone I know makes it.

As I stand praying to a Goddess that I never really knew, Aizawa clicks a button on the remote as a blue light screen pops up with a list for all to bear witness.

I scan the list of names. Not surprised by the fact that I received first place, but shocked to see Momo having gained second!


What in the nine realms!?..

I look over to see Momo smiling at me, seeing how shocked I was, and giggled at my stupidity.

I must admit.. that did blow me away..

But then again, she did posses the power of the first! Of Ymir himself! Which in hindsight, of course it makes since!

I nod, hiding my embarrassment, as I turn to read the rest.

Glasses came in fifth as the angry blonde named Bokugo got fourth..

I keep scanning, coming across Mina in tenth.. Not bad at all..

But my heart kept pounding like a Bodhran drum before the coming of war. My fear that Izuku didn’t pass welling within me..

Why did I care so much?

My eyes finally landed on the end of the list..

He did it! He made it in!

At the end of the list was Izuku.. Nineteenth place!

He barely made it, but made it he did!

I look down to my friend, his eyes scrunched as he still has not seen his results. I nudge him with the back of my paw, shocking him into action.

He looks up at me with confusion, to see me smiling and nodding towards the list. He looks over slowly, finally seeing his success.

His lips quiver as his eyes start to water. The raging waters of relief demolishing the dam know as fear.

I grave his attention once more.

“Izuku, you did it! You made it in!” I pat him on the back, wincing as I see him do the same.. I forget his muscles are strained beyond his limit. He needs to see a healer asap!

“And I was lying. No one is going home..” Aizawa interrupts, his message hanging in silence..

What did he just say..


“That was just a rational deception children! It motivated you to do wonders in the exam now didn't it!” My mother swooped in, as bubbly and evil as always..

I should of known!

Everyone stared at Aizawa and my Mother in befuddlement… Only Momo and a guy that was half red and half white didn't seem surprised.. He kinda reminds me of my sister for some reason.. I wonder why?


Momo was the first to answer.

“I’m surprised the rest of you hadn’t figured it out?..” She looked to see me in just as much confusion as the rest. Her cheeks reddened a bit before she continued, “Im sorry.. I guess I should of said something..” she looks away from me, my shame building within me..

Im a God Wolf who has lived for longer than this world has been inhabited.. how am I so easily deceived!

I answer Momo, not wanting her to think she did something wrong.

“No Momo, we should have all known that a school like UA wouldn’t do something so underhanded, especially on the very first day.. Honestly I’m a little ashamed I never figured it out till it was spelled out for us..” I lower my head..

I can’t be complacent, even if the Mortals are not as powerful as Gods does not mean they are any less cleaver!

Ill have to remember that.

Everyone seem to finally understand that no one is going home, relief washes over my classmates.

“Alright everyone, class is over..” Aizawa says, walking back towards the main school building.

“Everyone can pick up a syllabus in the classroom..” Mother says as she walks towards me.

“I want everyone to read it thoroughly before class tomorrow!”

She reaches me, graving my shoulders with both her hands as she congratulates me.

“That was a great job Felir..” She leans up to whisper,”I am happy you where able to help young Midoriya pass. Also, please escort him to Recovery Girl if you would dear!” She pats my chest and walks away…

What a mysterious Mother I have..

She makes it sound like..

I shake my head, No way is she implying that…

Could she?

“Felir-kun” I hear, already knowing who it is.. Only one person ever calls my name with -kun.

I turn to see Momo, Mina and a few others I haven’t been introduced to yet walk up to me.

“Hello Momo, What’s up?”

“Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come with us to Karaoke?”

Mina jumps in with her usual enthusiasm.

“Yeah! I heard you could sing pretty well from Momo! And I thought what’s better for bonding then some good old fashioned Karaoke!” She yells, her fist pumping in the air.

This sounds pretty fun actually..

But first..

“I would love to. But I have to help Izuku to the healer real quick. So can you wait for me after that?”

“Heck yeah we can!” Mina reply’s first.

“Of course Felir-kun. We will wait at the gates.”

I thank them all as I look for Izuku, He seems to be walking with the enchantress and glasses. I better help him before his life is takin by that wolf in sheep’s clothing..

Wait.. are I not also a wolf in sheep’s clothing…

I shove the thought back as I run to catch up.

“Izuku!” I say, jogging up.

“Oh Felir!” Izuku turns to greet me.

“What’s up!” The girl I’m wary of asks.. IM ONTO YOU WITCH!

“I was informed by my Mother to escort Izuku to Recovery Girl”

Glasses, Iida, was the first to respond, “Of course! We were also just helping Midoriya to Recovery Girl as well! We would be honored to have you along as well!” He says while chopping away with his right hand..

Is everyone here weird?

“Yes, well lets be off then!”

But at least everyone is fun to be around! Even with there bizarre quirks!

I think as we all walk towards our future, one step at a time.

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