《MHA: The Wolf of the End》Chapter 12


“So tell me Izuku… How do you imagine your quirk?” I ask. A quirk is half ability and half imagination after all!

“W-well…” He looks around, checking to see if anyone was paying attention. His cheeks red from what I can only assume is embarrassment as he leans in and whispers,

“I imagine an egg in a microwave… I’ve been told it’s a pretty boring image…” He says, not making eye contact. By the Gods, this child needs more confidence! Did the Norns forget to add that to the gifts that he received!

“Well, I don’t know if its boring or not, but at least its something!”

“Y-yeah!” His head rising just a little higher than usual.

“So, Let’s start there then… tell me what happens when you use your quirk? Like what it does to your body and how you use it!”

He grabs his chin and contemplates my words. After a few minutes of silence and line movement to the first test, he finally answers me.

“Well, when I use my quirk… It augments my body to the utmost extremes! If I had to describe it… it gives me strength to crush any obstacle… but at the cost of my body.” He pauses while looking at his right hand in thought.

“I use it by filling the limb I’m using with my quirks power… my body just can’t contain it yet so…” he clenches his fist tightly.

“It shatters.”

He looks back at my face, hopeful for a solution.

Man, his quirk is quite similar to mine.

“I can see the problem already…” I state, getting a rise of hope from him.

“You use your quirk weirdly Izuku! Only filling a limb? No wonder you destroy your body so readily! Do you think the quirk is separate from you? Based on your comments that seems the case. You use it as a tool and not like a function of the body?! Remember Izuku, a quirk is not magic but a physical ability!” I say while putting on my best lecture face.

“My quirk for example, If I tried using it the same way you have been my arms and legs would have disappeared from this plain years ago!” I lift my hand as I clench it into a fist.

“The proper way… or just the way that I find helps me the most… is to not condense your power to a single point, but cover your whole existence in it…” I concentrate as my power flows, covering my body in bloody flames.

I then think back to his imagery of his quirk.

“Let’s take your egg example for instance! Tell me Izuku, how does a microwave work exactly?”

His brain went into overdrive as he mumbled what felt like a curse, after a second his eyes lit up. His smile grew till it was shining in Sol’s wonder.


“I know exactly what to do!” He says with joy, understanding my lesson… Honestly, I don’t know how he has survived to his teens and not have figured this out by now…

I did when I was only 5!

Well, I am older than this body so I can’t really put that on him…

“Felir! It’s your turn!” I hear my Mother call for me, my time to dominate is at hand!

“Yes, Mrs Wulfric.”

I look down to see him thinking over the idea I planted, hopefully he succeeds!

“Izuku, I’m up! Good luck my friend!”

He smiles back, determination flowing off his body.

“Thanks Felir! I won’t disappoint!”

I nod to his vow, then I run over to where the test takes place. My mother standing to the side with one of those magic rectangles they call a tablet. Mortal technology still baffles me.

“This is the fifty meter dash! So, line up and get ready to run!”

I do as I’m told and walk to the line to get ready. The person next to me was a dwarf it seems. He had three weird purple balls on his head and had big eyes. He stared at a group of females over to the side, drooling like a dog staring at a fine bone to chew.

I smirk at the tiny man, he must be strong to make it this far at least… so I should not judge just yet… but if he is this easily distracted by the opposite sex then I don’t see him being much use as a Hero.

“On your marks!” My Mother yells, pulling me and the small boy from our thoughts.

I lean down, my clawed hands gripping the ground. I start to focus as she continues.

“Get set!”

I unleash my power! Dense chaotic energy covered my body, turning my fur and flesh into crimson steel. My tail spiked out as blood -colored energy oozed out like fire, covering my entire being in deep red dominance! My power slowly inching its way into my brain, wanting to let loose and destroy all that exists around me!

My will steels me, crushing those thoughts under my might. No one will bind me!


After a second, my power started to stabilize. Turning into a cloak that hungered for blood.

Time to crush this test!

A savage grin eats my face as I stare up at my target, the finish line! I will crush this test like I crush all obstacles in my way!


“GO!” She yells while a gun shot rings out, signaling for us to start.

Chaos rampages through my body, my muscles drinking it in like Ymir drank Auoumbla’s milk. They grew heavy but their power became unequalled!

Smashing my foot into the earth, I shot forward! Air screamed as I tore my way through, my body becoming a red blur. I ran on all fours until I reached my destination.


I slid, caving the ground in around me as cracks web out from the impact of my finish. I hear a beep as a female robotic voice rings out, “4.0 seconds!”.

I turn to see a destroyed path leading to me, my galavanting atomizing swaths of terra firma forming holes where I ran.

Man… I need to get better control so I don’t ruin every road or building I fight in.

“Great job Felir!” My mother says, smiling with what seems like pride.

“No favoritism in my class Frey… or you’ll be the home room teacher for class B.” Aizawa threatens, not really seeming to care but saying it so he can report that he tried… What a lazy man.

“Ara Ara Shoto-chan! I would never have favorites in my class!” She says while smiling at the unenthused man.

I ignored their antics as I focus on Izuku’s Test. I see the spiky blonde glare at him again… then he stares at me with his hateful stare… what is his deal?

Anyway, Izuku gets ready, his eyes closed. I can see his eyebrow furrow in concentration. His breath deepening as he goes into a trance, trying to find what he seeks from within himself… then a cloak of emerald energy slowly forms around him!

Its takes shape, covering his body in green splendor. Emerald lighting rains from his body as his eyes shoot open! Confidence leaking out for all to see.

The blonde boy’s eyes go wide, surprise… then rage fills his face. But before he could roar into action the gun shot fires!

Their test begins!

Midoriya launches from the start, his feet carry him with the blessing of Njord himself! The earth seeming to hold little weight on his movements, he darts as a green blur… finishing in 4.1 seconds!

I knew his quirk must be powerful for him not to be able to control it easily… But his learning capacity is insane! In less than 5 minutes he already has picked up something that took me more than a day to achieve!!

He really is blessed by the Norns!

Red eyes came in at 4.2 seconds, him being distracted did little to mess with his score it seems… But why is he not stopping?

Then I heard him scream, and knew right then why he didn’t…

“TELL ME WHATS GOING ON! DEKU YOU BASTARD!” He roars out, exploding forth to Izuku’s surprise.

But before anyone could act, purple sickly energy rush’s him, covering him from head to paw. It wrapped around him like my brother did his prey. The boy struggled to free himself from those goopy shackles…

“WHAT’S THIS!?” He yells, not understanding why he can’t move or use his quirk to escape. Unfortunately for him…

You can’t escape DEATH…

The earth shakes as the ground screams in fear! The weather darkens as the sky glows an eerie purple hue. Buildings twist into geometric nightmares as we all fall prey to my mother’s domain…

Her ‘Nightmare’ realm as she calls it.

“Now now young man…” My Mother slowly walks towards the kid, black miasma leaking from her, fracturing the reality we find ourselves trapped in.

Her mask cracks, her eyes glow a haunting amber as her lips extend to an inhuman smile. Her voice darkens with every syllable uttered.

“That’s not very sportsman like… NOW IS IT!” Her yell shakes the foundations of the field as all the students shake from terror.

Now they understand my fear! I bet they’re all thinking…

‘How did this monster become our teacher!’

I’ll give the kid credit, he didn’t act afraid like everyone else did. He is either really brave…

Or really stupid!

Aizawa rushes to intercept, keeping his calm as he ignores my Mother and instead addresses him.

“Stand down Bakugo.” He coolly says, not seeming to care that we’re all trapped in my Mothers Helscape.

“It’d be wise to not make Frey angry… you wouldn’t like her when shes angry.”

Every student, except me, shakes there head with utmost haste. Now they understand the danger they’re in… I hope at least some make it to graduation in one peace…

“Good. Now Frey, if you would.” He looks at my mother as she once more puts the mask over the monster.

Everything slowly reverted back, as we left her realm and re-emerged in Midgard. The coils of purple energy slowly disappeared back into nothingness. Mother slowly cupped one side of her face and smiled, her eyes closed.

“Oh dear Shoto-chan! I’m sorry if I scared the poor kids! It just irks me to see such a scene take place! We’re all a family now! So please…” Her eyes finally open, showing a little madness behind the widows of her soul as her globes of orange fire stare into all who stare at them.

“No rough housing is that clear!” Her tone was once more cheery as she grins her normal fake smile.

“YES!” The class shouts in unison, to afraid to be the last to answer.

“Man… Your moms really scary man!” I hear someone say from beside me. I look down to see the weird dwarf again. I grin as I start heading over to the next test. The only answer I have for him is left in the wind…

“If you think this is scary… wait till she really is enraged!”

My confession left all that could catch it speechless.

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