《Heroes of The Collective Volume One : Resentment》13. Agwé #2 : Strangers When We Meet
The Astral Sheriff, the three remaining siblings from Quadforce and Kimona herself were led to a large room that was found at the end of a long, bare corridor. Three of the walls in the conference room were decorated in grey and featured dark wood furniture and textiles in a softer grey.
Although Kimona had missed the decade, she would later learn that the décor and furnishings were inspired by the ninety-seventies. There were twenty sleek dark wooden chairs with grey textiles arranged in a large circle looking in at each other. Next to each chair was a sleek three legged wooden table with a miniature screen on top, for individual viewing. On the fourth wall at the far end of the room was a large bank of screens.
The five had spent the best part of the last twenty four hours at what they learned was called The Facility. Everyone they came across in the duration of their stay so far had shown total humility, honesty, warmth and kindness and so they felt more agreeable to being poked, prodded and assessed. It was part of the deal. Do’Lânqwa was still cautious and was keen to tell his four new friends that his co-operation didn’t mean complete trust, but he knew the Government were being honest in their expectations.
DNA, bloods, CTs, MRIs, and X-rays were all taken, although Mindy broke one of the CT scanners with an elevated level of magnetic energy she omitted having felt under threat.
The five then had to spend time separately discussing the events in Rio de Janiro, about The 45th and the threat he posed. They shared what brought them together to this particular Earth, whilst Kimona focussed on her life in 1939. When they were reunited, they shared information about the Earths and the pact that isolated Earthuu from the others.
“And they just let you do all that to them?” Terri had asked the Secretary ahead of the actual meeting.
“Well yes, but so did you once upon a time,” she reminded her.
“True but I knew a little more of the US Government and was a bit more trusting. These guys and even the mermaid are essentially aliens. As a race we are just as unknown to them as they are to us. I’m just impressed by their compliance!”
Kimona looked around the room, noting to herself that she was going to get Raj and Adam to bring her up to scratch on these new technologies. She looked at The Sheriff who was playing it very cool but knew he would be on his guard throughout all of this. She looked at the triplets, seeing them in Earthuu 2029 clothes made them look… normal. Holt’s flame orange hair was slightly tussled, Mindy’s pastel pink hair tied up and Blane with his black curls peeking out from a Kansas State Wildcats baseball cap that a technician at The Facility said looked cooler backwards. She was still undecided.
The lady who was referred to as ‘Madam Secretary’ entered the room alone and came to an empty chair. She perched on the arm of it informally.
“Thank you for waiting. As I mentioned earlier, I wanted you all to meet the other members of the Enhanced Beings Collective that runs out of this facility. I really feel that whilst this might be overwhelming for you all, this is the best time to introduce you all to the team early on. Having more allies will help with your adjustment period here on this earth. They are all clued up on you all as I wanted you to be able to ask the questions and find out what you want to know, rather than having to field lots of questions yourselves.” She smiled warmly at them before getting up to indicate to the waiting Enhanced Beings Collective to enter.
Kimona and the triplets looked at Do’Lânqwa who nodded his approval and confirmation in his assessment that she was being completely honest and upfront. Later, he would express his surprise at a Government official conducting themselves so transparently. Apparently even on his planet the people didn’t trust the Government.
Mindy shuddered with what Kimona assumed to be nerves, because she was feeling the same. They watched as a group of seven eclectic looking individuals came walking into the conference room. Kimona was expecting there to have been more but was relieved that the number of them wasn’t so overbearing. She wondered if one of them was Terri who rescued her from Iron Lung.
The group took up some of the seats near the newbies, but left a few empty chairs between. There was a bit of an awkward silence where smiles were pleasantly exchanged, while they waited for someone to speak. The Secretary took the seat at the top of the circle, nearest the wall of screens, and welcomed everyone.
“I don’t doubt the significance of today for everyone here. This is truly something remarkable and unexpected, but hopefully the start of something beautiful. To the seven of you who have just come in, you will recognise our five new friends; Kimona Jones, Do’Lânqwa Th’Mari and Holt, Blane and Mindy Daltom.” The Secretary paused to allow for the nods and polite waves before continuing. “And you five will recognise Brad Jacobs-Brown and Ferris Deniel from Brazil. Kimona, Terri Turlingston here was who came to your aide in Truumdale. We also have Lucas Ilin, Reuben and Effie Pruneau and Dylan Petersly. We are all very excited to meet you.”
There were shy smiles shared by the ‘alien’ five and no one said anything for what felt like a little too long.
“So ok, can I ask something first please?” Kimona asked, bravely putting her hand up. “Um, well hello everyone, it is nice to meet you all. My other new friends told me before Brazil that there are more enhanceds. People with abilities and strengths. So that is really you guys right? What can you all do? I still don’t fully understand what I can do yet.”
Brad answered first, standing up so everyone could see him. He wasn’t in a floral shirt this time, instead opting for jeans, a black roll neck and a grey blazar which was unbuttoned.
“So we have already met,” he reminded, “I go by ‘Proten’ which is Latin for stretch. My entire body is highly elasticated and malleable,” and to demonstrate, from where he stood he stretched his arm, reaching for Blane’s cap and flicked it off, and then allowed his arm to retract, reducing in length back to normal. The five were amazed- Kimona was slightly disturbed but mostly amazed.
A woman stood up next. “I’m Terri. Good job in Truumdale, by the way. You made my job easier,” she smiled warmly. “I can transform my physiology into a state of rock, essentially, so I get called ‘Sediment Terri’.”
A young seventeen year old lad who Kimona thought may have had the same heritage as her, stood up next. She decided she would strike up conversation with him later. He had short black hair and also freckles like Adam did across his nose. He wore a black tracksuit like he had just come from the gym. He looked very sure of himself as he spoke.
“Yeah so my name is Dylan, you can call me Dyl though. Dylan’s for when my Pa is mad. I’m blessed with next level athleticism and heightened flexibility and agility. Like, I can’t fly, but this eight pack is real!” and with that, he pulled his top up to show it off, causing his friends to roll their eyes. Kimona gasped, not knowing where to look.
“Dude, you’re still in diapers. Put it away,” Terri quipped.
“I’ll keep this quick-,” came another voice.
“Yeah because there’s not much to say,” muttered Brad just loud enough. An uncomfortable hush descended for the briefest of moments and Kimona noticed Do’Lânqwa had registered it with interest.
The voice continued, ignoring the put down. “I’m Lucas. Ilin. I can essentially interact and become one with any form of digital and electronic device- interfacing, manipulating and controlling a whole host of systems. I work the tech here and assist on jobs remotely.” Lucas sat back after he had finished, clearly wanting his turn to be over, and stared at the ground.
“He can also get you access to all the good adult sites you would normally have to pay for, so don’t kid yourself thinking that that’s not what he is actually doing with his strengths,” Brad bit back unnecessarily.
“Screw yourself, jerk!” Lucas sniped back.
“ENOUGH! For one night. Or leave!” Madam Secretary sternly intervened, clearly having enough of their antics.
Lucas turned red. He was handsome looking- blonde hair in a crew cut, brown round rimmed glasses and he wore a preppy blue Oxford shirt with grey trousers. Kimona had no idea what a computer whizz would look like, but if she did, she’d know he wasn’t your typical looking one.
Next to speak was the reluctant looking pair towards the back. They hadn’t interacted or reacted to much of what had gone on and they even looked keen to leave.
The pair of them looked like they got their clothes from the same place. He had black skinny jeans and a dark blue shirt with a black trim that made him look a lot like someone out of a wild west movie. He had taken his black Stetson hat off at the start of the meeting, revealing shaggy, dark brown hair and a stubby, harsh weathered looking face.
She had a similar aesthetic going on. She was a petite woman, with tied up blonde hair. She had light blue jeans on with a pristine white shirt embroidered with two red flowers, one either side under her collar bones. Her matching black Cattleman hat was also laid out on the table beside her chair.
In a heavy Texan drawl and a slight harassed attitude, the man said, “I’m Reuben, she’s Effie. We’re known as The Rodeos. We have our lil’ membership card to these here meetings but we play by ourselves most of the time. It’s just us and our animals. But welcome anyway. These fools could sure use the help.” Kimona wasn’t sure if he was joking or not. What sort of team was this?
Ferris was last and had kept himself separate. He remained seated, “I’m your Canadian neighbour. We obviously met before and um… yeah. I go by the alias of ‘Two Tone’ but you might not see me much. Don’t take it personally, but if I can avoid getting involved in America’s messes, then I will!”
“Thank you Ferris. And um, thanks everyone for your introductions,” the Secretary said. She was an impressive woman. Authoritative yet warm. Approachable but efficient. She wore her black hair in a bob and was wearing a white shirt and black pencil skirt. “Don’t worry if you don’t remember names right away, there’s plenty of time for all of that.”
“So is it just you lot who have these strengths?” Holt asked.
“Nope,” answered Lucas, activating a map of the United States on the mini screens everyone had. “There are enhanced beings all over this world. There are more here in America, where we are now. Some choose to use their strengths in ways that go against our laws, some operate on the fringe of legality and serve vigilante justice on the streets. Some prefer not to use their strengths at all and live a normal life.” The screen changed to a world map, and he continued. “Other countries, these land masses, have enhanced beings working for their Governments too. For example, we have the Zodiac in China, Matador in Spain. England have The Constable and The English Rose.”
“England?!” she repeated, sitting up.
The Secretary interjected, knowing why her interest was piqued, suggesting, “Once you have adjusted better we can facilitate an opportunity for you to reach out to them, but all in good time.”
Kimona nodded in gratitude. There wasn’t anyone or anything left for her in England, and it would probably be just as foreign to her as America is to her, but England was home. Where she belonged maybe?
“Speaking of which, Madam Secretary,” Kimona asked. “You know, of adjusting. But what’s going to happen to us? What is next?”
“A good question-”
“Can we go Ma’am?” Reuben asked, cutting her off but also getting up to leave anyway. “Effie and I don’t need to be here,” and he turned to the new five arrivals. “Nice to meet y’all. Maybe see you around if you’re sticking about.” Again, Effie didn’t say a word and they both left, replacing their hats as they left the room.
When they were out of the room, Brad spoke up. “Don’t worry, they really are just that weird,” he assured. “But they are the kind of people you definitely want on your side in a fight.”
“And their animals are jacked!” added Dylan.
Madam Secretary looked over at the boys, suggesting with her stare that they let her continue. “As I was saying. Kimona, we will need to initially support you all quite intensely as you adjust. We have a house in Miami, Florida for yourself where we can do that with a small team by your side.”
“Wow, Miami?! Is that far from Truudale?” she asked.
“Umm perhaps fifty miles away. Miami as a destination will be more appropriate for you. We can assure your safety there and it’s right by the water,” explained the boss.
Kimona couldn’t help but think about Adam and Raj and how she wanted them with her. She could trust them. She also couldn’t quite stop feeling lost without Do’Lânqwa and the triplets. What was going to happen to them? She didn’t want to be too far away from them either.
“Can I ask then what about us?” Holt asked, regaining a bit of control over the situation and trying to sort his siblings out with a similar good deal.
This time it was Terri who spoke. “We’re hoping you’ll be happy here in our residential wing of The Facility for a while. I’m sure you can appreciate that you are from other planets. Planets that no one here on this one knew about, or could begin to imagine. We feel that for both us and yourselves, that staying here in our secure facility will enable us to safeguard you and the people on this earth.”
The Secretary had something to add. “We do not know who else from beyond our own universe knows that you are here. Maybe they plan to come and rescue you? Maybe they’ll expect you to stay. We’re not sure what threat this planet could become under for the time being.”
So far, Do’Lânqwa had remained quiet, silently observing and making judgements on the strangers and what they had to say.
“I have an infant I need to try and return to his.. our planet,” he said, beginning to test the waters of how much they would agree to his agenda.
“Of course, and this is one of the things we will need to explore. He is still with our medical team here, so once we know his condition, we can see what we can do about you making that journey.” Kimona watched as Do’Lânqwa nodded to show his understanding.
“Are we prisoners- being kept here?” Blane asked this time, not beating around the bush. His directedness caught a few of the people around the circle by surprise. “Just because like, we’re clearly the ‘aliens’ and she’s not,” he pointed at Kimona, “so is that why she gets to be out of The Facility?”
“Not at all-,” the Secretary started, but Kimona felt like she was being blamed for the offer she was given.
“Blane, I didn’t know about Miami. I’d rather you guys were coming with me too,” she responded defensively. “You’re the closest to a family I have right now.”
“He didn’t mean it like that,” reassured Mindy, digging her brother out of any hole he may have dug himself. “I think what he’s saying is it’s just we are a bit concerned over our freedoms and whether they are being reduced because of where we come from. We didn’t come here to settle. We came to avenge, and then to help. But our plan is to try and get back.”
Holt chipped in next, “We appreciate the love… and the medical tests, I think, but me and my brother and sister need to find our parents and have a… rebrand now we’re down to three.”
“Absolutely, and we appreciate all of that and we will do what we can to enable all of that for you. Likewise, there’s a place and a way for you to settle here for as long as you need should you desire,” the Secretary said.
“Besides,” added Brad, “we know what you lot are capable of. No one here will stop you and get in your way. But trust us for a bit and let’s do all of this together?”
The new five guests looked at each other and began utilising Mindy’s telepathy again.
What do you think guys? Mindy asked.
So far, my assessment of this is a positive one. Do’Lânqwa answered. I have sensed no pretence, trickery or deceit in anything they had said and told us so far.
So you think that is genuine? Holt asked, just to confirm in his own mind.
I really do. The best thing we can do is embrace this but remain true to our own personal goals.
If it’s good enough for Do’Lânqwa then I think it’s what we should do. Kimona stated.
“We’re in,” she announced out loud to the room.
“Excellent,” clapped the Secretary in joy. “We’ll get the balls rolling. Who’s for pizza?”
In our next issue, The Astral Sheriff #4, ‘Working it Out’...
Do’Lânqwa settles into his new surroundings and his new responsibilities, but will itchy feet get too much for him?
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