《Heroes of The Collective Volume One : Resentment》14. The Astral Sheriff #4 : Working It Out
The meeting had ended a few hours earlier, after the pizza had been eaten and the last of the Enhanceds had left. Brad and Ferris didn’t stay for the pizza, explaining that they had to go to a place called Europe- basically a big land mass of different countries. Brad was going to give Do’Lânqwa his model of the Earth when he returned so that he could start to learn about the geography of this new…. home.
Do’Lânqwa sat in his room, reflecting on the relative success of the meeting, certainly from the view point of him and his new allies. They were welcoming and had allowed them all to ask questions and they were upfront on how the relationship will work going forward. It wasn’t completely one sided against their favour. Kimona would be looked after and reacclimatised.
Do’Lânqwa was able to get the infant he rescued from The 45th medical care and the triplets were going to try to get home. He hoped he got to go home too. There were places a lot worse that he could be instead, but he hoped this wasn’t his deal forever. He missed his wife and infant terribly. That sadness had been kept at bay due to the distractions of what happened in that Brazil place, but it was now beginning to bubble back to the surface.
He certainly felt a lot of pressure from the triplets and Kimona. It wasn’t their fault, but being the eldest member of the five, and having the ability to detect dishonesty, they looked to him and he had to step up and not let them down.
There was a knock at the door. It was Blane. He leaned on the door frame of the open door and just smiled at Do’Lânqwa for a beat.
“How are you doing, Sheriff?” Do’Lânqwa exhaled deeply and stepped back, inviting Blane in. Do’Lânqwa sat in a chair and Blane sat on the bed, crossing his legs.
“You doing ok?” Blane asked again.
“Well, you know. Trying to look at the positives in the situation.”
“Yeah, I get that big guy, but we also know what you’re dealing with. I just wanted to check that you’re doing ok and processing things.”
“That’s very good of you, but you shouldn’t worry about me when you have gone through what you have.”
“But the difference is Sheriff, I have Holt and Mindy to off load on and share with. Just don’t think you have to be alone and go through it, ok?” Do’Lânqwa was touched, and could only nod his acknowledgement and gratitude.
Blane remained and stared around at the room. Do’Lânqwa was for the time being, staying in a room with a bed, two chairs and a screen which humans watched other humans on, he remembered being told. There was another room which was smaller for going to the toilet and washing. They were all soon to be relocated to their more longer term residences elsewhere in The Facility.
“They’re going to be moving us to a bigger place soon,” Blane explained. “I’m going to go back now and find out when. But I’ll see you later, ok?”
“Yes, yes you will.” Do’Lânqwa walked Blane to the door, but before he left he turned back.
“We appreciate you, Do’Lânqwa. Thank you for guiding us through this,” and with that he walked off down the corridor to his siblings.
It was the next day and Do’Lânqwa and the triplets had spent the night in their new residences within The Facility, having been moved not long after the conversation Blane and Do’Lânqwa had had. The four of them were now sharing a big suite with five bedrooms in total, each with their own bathroom and an open plan, large living and cooking space, although much of their meals were going to be provided for them. They were promised a whole range of cuisines, one each day to begin with, showing off what this earth was capable of.
But now, Do’Lânqwa was sat with Ta’Balshén, the infant who was taken by The 45th. The child, who was 10 years old, was asleep on a bed surrounded by many monitors and machines. The high temperature that he had developed in Brazil had continued to get worse and the medical staff had to put him in an induced coma. It was believed that he wasn’t reacting well to the atmosphere on Earthuu as a result of not being developed enough. Without knowing much about Earthgrë where he came from, the medics found it difficult to effectively deal with his condition. Do’Lânqwa was free to sit with Ta’Balshén in the hospital ward as much as he liked. And so he did, just sitting and watching. And protecting.
After a few hours of being by himself, there was a tap at the door and Madam Secretary walked in carrying a sandwich and a Coke. She placed it on the table nearest to Do’Lânqwa and told him they were for him.
“This particular sandwich is tuna. It’s the meat of a fish we get from our oceans. Do your people have fish, or have anything to fish for?”
“Thank you, you’re most kind. No, the animals which live in our waters are entirely protected by order to not be removed. We farm and consume land animals only. If they could see me now…”
He curiously bit into the sandwich and gradually nodded his satisfaction. Madam Secretary sat in the chair on the other side of the bed and allowed him the time to eat his sandwich. She showed him how to open the can.
Without looking away from Ta’Balshén she sighed and said, “They’re doing their best for him but he isn’t improving. And really, he can’t stay like this forever.”
“Mmm, I feared that that would be the case,” he admitted, and paused, which the Secretary shared in. What was she proposing? he thought. But she answered that in her next breath.
“We have a few options, the way I see it.” This time she turned to Do’Lânqwa. “We could leave him like this and maybe his little body will adapt and fight. We release him from his sleep and end his suffering- my least desired option, I must add. Or you try and get him home to Earthgrë.” Do’Lânqwa just watched the infant as the options were given. In fairness, he agreed that they were the only options, but he thought about what he would do if it was his own child in this condition. Or what he would want if someone else was to make this decision for his child in his absence.
“We don’t have to decide now of course,” the Secretary stated.
“I too don’t want him to die. That for me isn’t an option,” he said before taking a gulp from his drink. “I would like to try and get him back to Earthgrë if I can.”
“I thought you would. What’s your assessment of that happening?”
Do’Lânqwa knew that the Secretary was the boss around here, but he really appreciated her talking to him like an equal. Maybe it was because she knew he could tell if she was ever lying to him, or if she genuinely ran her office in this way, but he respected her for it. The reality was that the Secretary knew as a leader when to ask for help when she didn’t know about something.
“The Pact has been in place for centuries. But it is archaic and old and has been gospel for all that time. Earthuu has been and continues to be off limits, with generations growing up knowing about The Pact but dying with never being affected by your presence. The legend behind its implementation involved decisions and choices made by people who died so long ago, so maybe it’s time for review?” He shifted in his seat. “No one has ever crossed the boundary outside of The Pact. In one day myself and the triplets do the unthinkable. Surely this is the test for going back. No one has gone and tried to get back before. And besides, Ta’Balshén was bought here against his will. He deserves to be allowed back. I feel it’s worth trying.”
“Your mission, or tasking; will that have an effect on you? You know what your Government are doing. They said you that you weren’t able to return because of it.”
“But I also had to make sure The 45th was dealt with and Blane dropped a meteor on him, so mission accomplished in my eyes,” countered Do’Lânqwa. The Secretary thought it all through.
After a moment she sat back in her chair and asked, “When do you want to start work on your jet?”
The triplets joined Do’Lânqwa a few days later on The Facility’s airstrip where he was now ready to head back for Earthgrë. Kimona was already in Miami and so had tearfully wished him luck on a video call, but Brad had joined them for the farewell party. He’d said that he really wanted to go as well but Do’Lânqwa warned that if he was permitted back, that he wouldn’t be returning.
Ta’Balshén had been loaded into the rear of the jet and made comfortable. In the days since Do’Lânqwa’s chat with The Secretary, the infant had woken up and was talking, but this was still the best option for him.
The triplets had begun to heal their hearts from the loss of their brother and decided that Quadforce wasn’t something they should be called anymore. Rebranding themselves as The Power of Three, they too were really keen on going back themselves, but agreed that Do’Lânqwa’s need was a little bit more important than theirs for now, if just to get the infant home. If Do’Lânqwa was successful and didn’t return then that could give them grounds to try themselves, but if he was unsuccessful and came back, then they would have a rethink. Besides, The Power of Three were adjusting to life on Earthuu better than Do’Lânqwa was. They could wait.
There was of course a third outcome where Do’Lânqwa didn’t return due to his death, but they breezed over that one in the want for positivity.
“I do wish you luck, Sheriff,” Brad said while they stood around the jet in the blistering Kansas sunshine. “But I also hope we get to see you again someday. It’s been a pleasure and I kind of liked the idea of having you on our side.”
Do’Lânqwa gave Mindy a hug and reminded everyone to stand way clear as the jet lifted off vertically. The Astral Sheriff looked down on the airstrip at his friends, and also took in the view of the massive scale of The Facility he had been staying at. It was huge.
At ten thousand feet, Do’Lânqwa engaged the Astral Boosters and started his journey into the unknown.
Within minutes he was out of the solar system Earthuu belonged to and was now navigating his way back to Earthgrë. Systems seemed to be working ok, just as it was when he first left his mother earth. He checked on Ta’Balshén in the back. He was asleep- all he ever seemed to do was sleep- and his vitals looked good.
Do’Lânqwa turned to face back around and stiffened at what he saw. He decreased the boosters to a near stop. So this looks like the end of the road for now, he thought.
In front of him were four identical jets, much larger than his and arranged in a defensive formation. His comms screen started flashing and he activated the talk through.
the voice announced sternly,
Do’Lânqwa held his nerve and ground, despite the gravity of the situation.
<”You are also in violation of the terms set out in your exile from Earthgrë and are not permitted to return. We are to escort you back to Earthuu and report your status back to the Council and of your origin planet,”> explained the voice.
Do’Lânqwa stared at the four jets and weighed up his chances against them. He didn’t fancy them much. “Please, if I may reason with you. My mission was to rescue a grëhman infant who was abducted and taken against his will to Earthuu and I have him here on board. Will you not allow me to do that? The infant is unwell and needs treatment on Earthgrë.”
The voice instantly came back,
“He is just an infant!!” yelled Do’Lânqwa, his frustration boiling over and subsequently waking his passenger. “He is not well, at least let me drop him off?”
the response came back. Do’Lânqwa swore in his native and hammered down the arm rests of his seat.
“RIGHT! RIGHT! I’m going. I’m going I’m going I’m going. Watch me!”
Do’Lânqwa aimed back for the spot where he had earlier flown off from back at The Facility airstrip. As he landed vertically, the triplets came flying out with a running Brad trying to catch up. The jet doors opened upon touch down and Do’Lânqwa went back to pick up Ta’Balshén.
“I’m so sorry Do’Lânqwa,” Holt sympathetically said first.
“How far did you get?” asked Mindy.
“Just outside of Earthnek. They knew. They knew it was me and they didn’t care about Ta’Balshén!” Do’Lânqwa was now pacing back into The Facility with his welcome party striding behind him.
“You tried though Do’Lânqwa, that’s all you can do. It had to be tried,” Brad reasoned.
“I didn’t try enough. My family are out there. I actually will never get to see them again!” He continued down the corridor to their shared suite, still carrying Ta’Balshén in his arms.
Brad got ahead of the triplets and motioned for them all to stop following and leave him for a while to work it all out.
Next week, in the #1 issue of Network, ‘Troubleshooting’...
Lucas can’t catch a break as feuding continues, but can a pep talk from an unlikely source make him see things differently?
A Smidge of Magic
What happens to a man when he is torn from everything he knows? Ian McClintoc, a detective from D.C., must find the answer to that very question when a routine investigation takes a horrible turn. Lost, battered, and broken Ian must do the impossible: survive and find a way to return home. And Ian is so very far from home. But he is not without hope. When he awakens in a strange world help arrives in the nick of time. Though is a very unexpected form: an elven ranger. Valethalassa Therrae, and her shadow-wolf companion Mal. She guides Ian to the fantastical city of Landorei and to a seer. There Ian's quest begins; retrieve a magical scroll that will send him home. But all is not as it seems. The mysterious Harlequin Court seeks to use Ian for their own ends. Fighting, friendship, magic, monsters, mystery, laughter, tears, revenge, war. Let the adventure begin. I hope you all enjoyed the novel and the adventure it took you on. I have a second one in the works, but progress has been slow on that front considering all that is going on in the world today and the nature of my work. I'll be posting chapters from that one in the coming months (with any luck). If you enjoyed this novel please leave a review as I'm always eager to read a critique of my work to improve my writing. - Best regards in these trying times, M.I. O'Flaherty
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