《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 24-The Negotiations


Chapter 24-The Negotiations

My ears hear an explosion where Captain Rowena run into, I look to it and there is some sort of ice fireworks in the sky. Still, I`m searching for the princess and can`t find any of her traces. I need to go back to tell my uncle that this area is clear. While flying to them, I see the princess far away tied up while Captain Rowena holding the back of her head.

After a few minutes, I arrived to their position. "You`re really strong Captain Rowena.. and looks like you captured her without breaking a sweat." I praised her while the princess looks afraid of her.

"My King, This is because of the General know the location of the princess, and.. Of course, I`m the strongest and the most beautiful women in the bow kingdom, the princess here is a small matter to me." She said proudly in a military manner as she lifts her chest up.


'..I shouldn`t praise her..' After a moment of silence, Using my void prison skill, I cast it to the princess. My uncle sighed and signaled me to teleport in an area near the Main Army Headquarter.

"Uncle, How did you know where the princess is hiding?" I asked him curiously after we arrived at the Main Army Headquarter.

"Well, When you reach S-rank your element will be more integrate to your body, it`s like you're any other senses. I can feel the disturbance in the wind earlier in one of those tents." He explained to me while I thought he is a genius and uses his mind to track the princess location.

My uncle also told me that they don`t have now any prison and it will take a time to repair the damaged prison. He asked me to give personally the food to the princess, all of them can`t enter and I should assist the princess even when the princess takes shit. When he said that, he laughed out loud. '..I think it`s ok to guard a princess, but here I don`t know if this macho girl is counted as a princess..'

The princess and I go to the one of the small room in the main army headquarter. Before we enter, I put the princess inside and cast my void prison skill in the small room.

"Hey, princess what is your name?" I asked her nicely and she still just ignoring me. "hmm.. Should I call Captain Rowena.." I said while turning around and she cut.

"Wait! Wait! don`t call her, I am Cassandra Olive the only princess of the Baruka Kingdom" She responded immediately.

"Thank you for your cooperation, princess Cassandra, I will visit you from time to time.." I said to her '..I wonder what captain Rowena did to her..'

In the next few days, I do light training exercises around the field and see some soldiers do my flexibility training, I see my uncle nearby in the field and approach him.

"Uncle, Do you think the princess is beautiful?" I asked him in a serious tone.

"Haha, What? Do you like the princess? Well, good luck but for me, no, but every kingdom has their own standard of beauty, In the baruka kingdom, the more muscle has the women, the more beautiful she is. While here in our kingdom as long as the women are tall and has a white skin she is counted as a beauty.." He said and laughed again. After he laughed, we do some sparring and I can`t win on him in a close range fight even using my Quick Reflex skill.



In the Royal Castle, I visit little Anna to pinch her cheeks and ask Ms. Dana Evergreen about the details of my scar. While eating breakfast with little Anna, I ask Ms. Dana Evergreen. "Ms. Dana, Do you know what causes of this scar?" I lift my handkerchief on the top of my head and show the scar, she didn`t laugh at me and she looks serious on thinking what causes my scar.

"My King, Your scar on the head is quite strange.. When your mother gave birth to you, I always on your side.. I don`t remember any accident that causes your scar.. I should have seen it, but it looks like an old scar.. Why I can`t remember the cause of it.." She goes near at me and said while still looking at the scar on the top of my head and mumbling things.

"It`s alright, if you don`t know.. I thought at first the cause of this might the recently battles but.. yeah.. Looks like this is an old scar.. Don`t think about it anymore if you don`t know.." I said to her while she goes the side and still pondering things.

"My king, I forgot to tell you because you look busy these last few weeks.. little Anna is 8 years old now and she awakens her element last week.." She said on the side while little Anna still chewing in my front and look at me innocently.

"What!" I said in a loud voice and got choked. "Hey, little Anna what is your element?" I said to her softly while she`s back in eating.

"Sister..Dana..to..told..me..that..I`m..a..wa..water..use..user.." She said while still chewing the food and didn`t even bother to look at me.

"As expected from our genius king, you know that little Anna is special that`s the reason you adopted her.." Ms. Dana Evergreen praised me and smiling while standing on the side.

'Another misunderstanding.. little Anna is just too adorable and it`s quite lonely in the castle..' I look to Ms. Dana Evergreen with forced smile and look again to little Anna. "Hey, Anna Do you know why you can use the water?" I asked her curiously.

"Uhmm..I remember my mother can play water..that`s all I can remember.." She said and continue eating.

'..Poor kid.. She`s too young and doesn't have many memories of her parents.. and why she always ignoring me when there`s a food..'

After little Anna awoken her element, Ms. Dana Evergreen told me that when Anna reach 13 years of age that will be the safe start to train her element.

My plan is to check the adventurer guild to post a mission to a light user, I need to heal my hair. While going back to the Lower Limb City, I check the guild house, when I arrived, I see the adventurer guild house door is closed. '..I thought the adventurer guild house will never close..' Then I see a short description on the door, ‘temporary closed until the war is over.’

After a few minutes, I arrived in the Lower Limb City, I see a different group of soldiers that moving to the Arrow Merchant City. When I arrived in the army headquarter, I see Vice-General Lucas Drend walking to the meeting room and follow him. When they saw me enter the meeting room, all of them bow their head while I just signal them to lift her head and sigh.


"My king, good timing, We are successful in the negotiation.. They will not bother us in three years.." He said as he welcomes me to sit and looks like he didn`t encounter some problems in his mission. '..I think.. he is the real smart type.. while my uncle is not..'

"Good Job! My uncle said that you will do a good job, if you can at least exchange their princess in a year of temporary truce.." I praised him while he just smiled.

"My king, If General Leon assigned me to that mission.. I will do a better job.. At least ten years of temporary truce.." Captain Rowena said and smirked to Vice-General Lucas Drend.

'..Looks like these two have some bad history..' Lucas Drend just ignored her and tell us the details of his mission.

After princess Cassandra Olive signed the blood contract, they leave immediately and escort the princess to the Gratula Circle.

While seeing them leaving,'..I wonder who is the person behind..'

I return to my training and plan to do some sparring match later with my uncle and captain Rowena.


Gratula Circle (P.O.V Lucas Drend)

The Rendezvous Point of the three Big Kingdoms.

General Leon Port assigned me to do the negotiation in the Baruka Kingdom Army, he said that we need at least a year of a temporary truce. There are only two soldiers from the strongest unit that come along with me.

When we arrived in the Gratula Circle, We see the huge army of the baruka kingdom. We walk in the front of their camp.

"Your Princess is in the hand of the Bow Kingdom! We are here to talk to your General!" I shouted while all of their soldiers holding a heavy sword alerted and encircle us.

After a few moments, the soldiers that encircling us, go back to their camp and a middle-aged man that wearing silver armor that has a red cape on his back walk in my front.

"I am General Garry Brown the General of the Great kingdom of Baruka Army. What did you do to our princess!" He said in a loud voice and intimidated us.

"Good to see you, General Garry, I am Lucas Drend, One of the two Vice-General of the bow kingdom. Your princess is safe and she is in our kingdom, I`m here to do a negotia.." I said in a well-mannered tone and he cut.

"I can capture you right now and use you to exchange to our princess.." He said as his hands are blazing and the surroundings became hot.

"General Garry, One of the standing soldiers on my back is our king, We can leave this area without any troubles and I will personally deliver the head of your princess here right away." I said again in a well-mannered tone and threatened him while beads of sweats appearing on my head.

"No, I`m just kidding earlier.. We will not participate in the war in the next 3 months." He said and look at the soldiers on my back.

"General Garry, If you will say nonsense again, we will leave right away, We have only one request, it`s not that big deal.." I said and his blazing hands disappeared.

"Sorry about earlier, What is your request?" He said as his intimidation earlier disappeared.

'..Their princess is more important than I thought..'

"General, We want your army to help us to eliminate the Carrio Desert army!" I said in a loud voice.

"What! We can`t do that the Carrio Desert Kingdom will retaliate for sure.. How about we will not participate in this war.." He said in an angry tone as he stomped his foot on the ground.

"General Garry, Your army may not participate in this war but you will.. How about your army will not bother the bow kingdom in the next 100 years." I said to him and looks like my trap earlier is effective.

"What! What kind of condition is that? You know that your kingdom will be doom sooner or later.." He said again in an angry tone.

"General Garry, What are you saying? Our kingdom has a void user and an S-rank user, We have a chance to survive and win this war.." I said to him in a relaxed tone.

"You really know nothing? You think that the three big kingdoms of this region will form an alliance just to get your treasures and that small kingdom?.. That is not my concern and don`t ask me, I will not tell anything to you, but I can only give you a year of temporary truce in exchange to our princess.." He said and look determined.

"General Garry, we will leave now and deliver your princess head." I said and turn my back to him.

"Wait! Three years! Three years! If more than that our king might kill me.." He said and beads of sweat appeared on his face.

'..Three years.. that will be the time our king will marry the 9th princess of the Scarlet Sun Empire, and there is someone who behind all of this? I need to inform our general and the king as soon as possible..'

"General Garry, I agree on 3 years that you will not bother our kingdom. You and the princess will do the blood contract." I turned around to look at him and said to him.

"What! Why even the princess needs to do a blood contract, I, alone is enough" He shouted on us.

"General Garry, I just want to be sure. If your kingdom follows the contract, there will be no harm to you and the princess.. " I said in relax tone.

After we agree to the terms, the general and I signed the blood contract. The blood contract also includes that I need to escort their princess to their camp alive and healthy.


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