《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 5-Royal Treasury


Chapter 5-Royal Treasury

A few minutes later, I arrived on the front of the Royal Treasury Room. Besides, from the Royal Guards, I didn`t see anyone. '..I guess they are all sleeping..'

In my front, there is an Ancient looking dark brown colored double door with a 12 ft. height and 9 ft. wide. On the middle of the door, there is a red orb that almost the same size as a soccer ball. From my other memories, I just need to put my palm in the red orb and the door should be open. I lift my right hand and touch the red orb, After a few seconds, I hear a rumbling sound and see the door is slowly opening.

After a few seconds, I enter inside and I`m fascinated by what I seeing. The treasures here should be the reason of the neighbor kingdoms that want to conquer this kingdom. My ears hear the rumbling sounds again, I look back and see the door is slowly closing, there's a similar red orb appears in the middle of it. My other memories don`t have any information inside of the Royal Treasury Room.

While sizing up the area, the royal treasury room is an almost size of a full soccer field or even bigger. I see a small road in the middle of it and start walking on it.

On my right side, it`s full of sack that has gold coins inside of it. On my left side, it`s full of different bows. The design is not the same that I used in the Olympics but it`s not primitive either, I see a medium size black matte finished longbow, my hands trying to lift up the bow and face some difficulty, the weight should be around 100-120 lbs. '..What the fuck! This is quite heavy.. do I need to use swords?..' After a while, I check out the other bows, the lightest is 70 lbs. bow, most of the bow designs here are Recurve bows and Longbows.

When I was in the Olympics, I used a Recurve Bow that weighing around 44 to 45 lbs.. In the earth the heaviest bows weigh around 50-60 lbs., here the lightest bow that I lifted is 70 lbs. Medium size Recurve bow. While walking on the road again, I see some spears, daggers and different kind of strange swords on my left side. On my right side, I see some necklace, potions and different kind of jewelry. At the end of the road, I see a different kind of Recurve bows and all of them are over 100 lbs.. and something caught my attention, I check the left side and there are two simple rings that have blue stone embedded on the top of it.


I wear one of the rings and put my mana onto it. "Woah!.. This is.. the legendary storage ring! .. Why there`s only two of them?" I said in an excited manner. The size is like a small room but in a spherical shape. According to this boy`s memories, the art of crafting a storage ring is a long lost after the Gods War and now every storage ring is exotic. '..I think, I don`t need them for now so let`s just leave them..' I continue walking through the exit and get the lightest 70 lbs. Curve bow. When I look closely in it and there is a word carved on the upper limb of it, [WISP]. '..Wisp is your name huh.. I`m gonna call you Wisp Bow from now on..' I put my palm again in the red orb in the middle of the door and exit.

After a while, Inside my bedroom, I put the Wisp Bow on the small table nearby. '..Good Night Alicia.. I really miss you.. ' I thought to myself and sleep.


In the next morning, After I eat my breakfast, I go to the Training field to test my WISP Bow. The Training field in the castle is quite large too, but not the same as the treasury room. I see the archery field area and there is some sort of dummy people size standing on it to test your accuracy.

My hands slowly lifting up the Wisp Bow because it`s quite heavy. I aim and try to hit the 50m dummy. In the Olympics, I usually hit the 70m target. '..This should be a piece of cake!..' I thought to myself to gain some confidence.

The blue mana arrow appeared on my Wisp bow and shoot it to the 50m target. When I shoot the mana arrow, it landed fast in an almost split second. My target doesn't have a scratch on it, My mana arrow landed to the forehead of the 180m mark dummy. What impressed me is, the mana arrow is almost the same speed as the bullet back in the earth. I felt that the wind here is quite strong that`s the reason I adjusted my aim. I really think that the arrow will be affected greatly by the wind, But the mana arrow has high wind resistance. I shot again and aim at the 50m dummy but again I didn`t scratch it. My mana arrow hit the 180m mark target again, but this time in the chest area.


After that two shots, my hand quite feels numb and my arms stiffened a bit. '..I should stop for now. I need some strengthening exercise but my muscle is not in a good condition, I`m going to start it tomorrow and I need some more information about how to use this void and lightning element..' I thought to myself and start walking to the Royal Library.

Inside the Royal Library, I get the [Introduction to the Lightning Element] book and started reading it. I try to imagine the thunder in the clouds on my hands and succeeded easily. My hands have silver sparks on it and didn`t feel any shock from the silver sparks. It`s the same as the void element, I need to cast the lightning on my body and will be more efficient in using it over time. My mana core will increase naturally while using the lightning on my body. I need to focus on the void element, this lightning element will be my trump card in the future. I get the blink skill book on the bookshelves and start reading it.

After reading the skill book [ Blink ]. Based on what I read, I need to cast the void element not inside of my body but outside of the body. I can appear on the void element that I cast outside but at the same time, I also need to cover my body in the void element. This boy`s father is master of blink and even apply it on the arrow. The arrow is just teleported to the enemy without even feeling it. '..Arrow blinking is quite a cheat, I think, I also need to learn it. I don`t want to kill a person but I think I need to do it, especially in the upcoming war..' I thought to myself and resolving my will.

After I read the other books, actually I read all the elements and tried to cast it. I`m hoping that I have more than two elements but no luck. Inside the Royal Training room, I can blink a maximum of 10-12 meters. As long as I cast it fast, it will only consume 30% of my mana. The longer the casting time the higher the mana will be consumed and I need to concentrate all the time when blinking. You can cast your element as long as you can see the area and the rest will depend on how large your mana core is.

My body is now cover with silver sparks while trying to feel the lightning element and what amazed me is, I don`t feel any electric shock. A few hours later, I go to the dining room, I am hungry after casting of different elements.


Royal City, The Great Bow Kingdom.

Inside the Royal Castle in a Maid Chancery. (P.O.V Dana Evergreen)

'..Something is really wrong with the King, I saw personally on how he aimed earlier. He hit the 180m mark twice, to the head and the body accurately. He practiced archery when he was 8 years old and he can only hit the 50m mark. After he knows that he don`t have any affinity for the void element, he stopped his training but now he suddenly appeared on the Training field in the Archery section and hit the 180m mark target..' I pondering to myself on what is happening while sitting on the chair near my desk.

"Go to the house of Minister Ren and ask that, I need to talk to him tomorrow in private at the afternoon, it will be regarding the King`s odd behavior." I command the nearby maid, she nodded immediately and leave.

A few hours later the maid comes back. "Madam Dana Evergreen, Minister Ren said that he knows the reason the king is in odd behavior. You should not worry and don`t investigate further." She said.

'.As expected from the old minister but why doesn`t even me want to know? Should I really stop my investigation?..' Pondering to myself. "Alright, you may leave now. " I said to the maid and she leaves immediately.


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