《The Not Supposedly King》Chapter 4-Royal Training Room


Chapter 4-Royal Training Room

A few minutes later, In the front of the Royal training room, It looks like a house than a room. Inside, while checking out the area, I see that the walls and ceiling are different, all of them are colored black that similar to the walls that surround the kingdom. Also, I feel the mana concentration inside is much thicker than the outside.

After I locked the door, I position myself in the middle of the room while trying to imagine that my body will be cover in a void barrier. A few minutes later, I succeeded my body is covered with the void element and it vanishes after three seconds. My breathing feels heavy and I check my mana core, my mana is almost depleted. '..Damn!, this is quite harder than I thought, I'm an athlete and a hard-working one but this is new to me..’

‘..In the earth, My profession might be an athlete but it`s all balance training. The reason is the archer doesn't need to run, it`s more on control breathing and steady arm control. My training back in the earth is not that heavy, but here they are called bow kingdom because of the top notch Archer soldiers. This boy`s father is an Archer too and they are more on a hit and run tactics. These are one of the reasons this kingdom survive for more than two thousand years and even became one of the top 10 kingdoms for more than 400 years.. Sigh’

Inside the Royal Training Room, My whole body exposed in the void element, a second and stop then repeatedly doing. After an hour, I conclude that this training is one those slow and steady.

Before heading back to this boy`s or my bedroom, all the maids that I saw are giving me confused look. From my other memories, he is always doing sex every night and most of them are maids or slaves. '..I think they are giving me that look because there are no women walking beside me..'



In the Next morning, After I wake up, I`m walking in the dining place area and feel really hungry. '..Now that I think about it, this is the first time that I will eat.' Yesterday, after my training, I felt exhausted and sleepy, I quickly went to my room or rather this boy`s room and rest. ‘..Yesterday, I learned that practicing magic thing is not that easy..’

When I arrived, I see one long table that made from gray wood and a total of 16 elegant wooden chairs. When I sit, the three maids enter the room and put the dishes, there are meats, vegetables, some brown rice and three maids that standing nearby but not looking at me.

My first dish that I taste is meat, it tastes like a cow meat. I try the vegetables and it's quite hard to chew. I just eat the meat and rice and comparing to the earth foods, earth foods are definitely the best. After I feel that I'm full, I asked curiously the maid nearby. "What meat is this?"

"My king, That is the meat of a rank C Beast, Moonlight Crocodile." She said in a professional manner. She's about 40 years old based on the earth human, brown hair, has slight wrinkles could be seen on her face and she's almost 6 ft. tall and I think she is more beautiful in her younger days, she is the head of the Royal Maid, Dana Evergreen.

A few minutes later, I stand up and plan to go back to the Royal training room. Before arriving in the Royal training room, I met some maids and knights that still look confused in my behavior.

Inside the Royal Training Room, I`m trying to cover my body again with the void element. I can maintain it for 10 seconds without my mana being depleted. My mana core is bigger than yesterday and looks like I just reach C-rank. According to this boy information, becoming B-ranker is quite a challenge because the size should be 10x bigger than a C-ranker mana core.


Allocating all my 5 hours on my training inside the Royal Training Room, this is definitely the longest hours of training that I had ever been. ‘..When I trained back in the earth, It`s just 1-2 hours, overtraining might cause injuries but I don`t think that`s the case here. The training here should push you to your limits and try to overcome it. All their training regimens are pushing themselves to their limits and miraculously, no injuries have been ever recorded..’

After my training, I plan to go towards the Royal Treasury Room, I will check some bows and other weapons. I also want to test, if the archery skills of the earth gold medalist athlete can compete here. While walking through the Royal Treasury Room, I look up to the sky. It`s now nighttime and I think it`s around 7-8 pm, there is no watch here or clock, It`s just Morning, Afternoon and Night, that`s how the people living here in this world measure their time.

While still looking up in the sky, the night sky here is quite different comparing to the earth, it`s much brighter than the earth night sky, I see three moons in the sky and they form a triangle. From my other memories, the moon on the right side is called Moon, in the upper middle called luna while the lower left side is called Raja. '..Looks like I'm really far away from earth..' I thought to myself and continue walking to my destination.

After a while, I see some knights and maids, all of them just bowed to me and return to their duties. ‘..I want to have a casual talk with them, but they are all stiff when talking to me, being a king is not that fun.. Sigh..’


Royal City, The Great Bow Kingdom.

Inside the Royal Castle in a Maid Chancery.

"Madam Dana!, The maids.. reported to me that the King is in the Royal Private Room for.. 5 hours! and most likely the king.. will go in the.. Royal Treasury Room!" She said while panting. She looks around 5`7 ft. height, black hair in ponytail and age is about 30 years old.

"Alright, you don`t need to run next time. Catch your breath first and resume to your duties." I said coldly to her. Right After she nodded, the girl leave immediately.

'..The King behavior since yesterday is quite strange, he went to the throne chamber. All the maids that encountered him are saying the same scenario that the king is in different behavior. Even earlier, his usual behavior should order the food to his room but earlier, he went to the dining room and even asked what the meat is. He should know what that meat is because that is his favorite. Is he losing his memories?..' I thought while slowly standing up and going to my bedroom.

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