《Descent of the Arcane》Chapter 10: More Undead


Caleb sat down while deactivating Inferior Blood Amplification. He was exhausted, His health pool was only down ny 67 points do to a combination of the fall and when the swordsman kept punching his sides trying to break free, But his mana was at a measly 68 point, while stamina was only slightly better standing at 93 points. Both were abysmally low though causing his mind to barely operate. So he chose to immediately start meditating trying to regen everything as quickly as possible.

About an hour later he opened his eyes as he felt his mana finally regen. He had 3 potion bottles, one for each resource, but would rather wait on his passive regen. While the resource potions aren't super expensive most of his money had been used on a training room, leaving him unable to buy many potions. This also made him consider getting a profession that allowed him to create potions. As a mage type class running out of mana was likely to be a very common occurrence so having mana potions on hand just seemed smart.

Oh well time to get back to grinding. To bad Caleb could no longer earn exp which was a waste but hopefully he would still earn Records. The thing about Records didn't really surprise Caleb all that much as he had heard such terms numerous times through his study of the occult in his past life. Specifically the Akashic Records, which was a religion based around the belief that all actions thoughts and events were recorded, throughout time. Caleb however was curious about whether his Records contained things from prior to the System. Standing Caleb began to search his to foes bodies or more specifically their weapons.

Velturn Steel Lange Messer

Quality: Uncommon

Durability: 987/1,000

Enchantments: Extreme Sharpness, Self-repair

Level: 10+

Long Steel Dagger

Quality: Common

Durability: 494/500

Enchantments: Self-repair

Level: 5+

Orichalcum Long Dagger

Quality: Rare

Durability: 1,500/1,500

Enchantments: Amplify, Self-repair

Level: 9+

Mother & Son Throwing Knife Set

Quality: Uncommon

Durability: 600/600

Enchantments: Mother & Son, Self-repair

Level: 11+

Knives: 5/5

The rogue gave far more loot.Caleb was especially happy that he finally had some equipment upgrades Caleb looked at the description before mentally clicking on the enchantments amplify and mother & son. While he had a rough idea what the second might be from games he had played in the past he was truly confused on what amplify did.


AMPLIFY: increases the inherent traits of any mana pushed inside

MOTHER & SON: knives will return to bandolier 1 second after hitting target or 3 seconds

Caleb could use all of the weapons except the throwing knife set, he tried using it without actually equipping it but the knife cut him whenever he tried to throw it. After the second time he decided to give up, He discarded both his old weapons before equipping both the Velturn sword and the orichalcum dagger by pushing his mana inside them. He also strapped the throwing knife set to his chest as even if he couldnt use it yet he would be able to do so later. After considering for a bit he also took the steel dagger placing equipping it to his left foot. This way he would be able to it in case he needed to jam another door without giving up his backup weapon. Looking down at himself he had to admit that he was starting to look a lot more like a fantasy assassin than a mage/wizard. With a shrug he thought, "well maybe that will lower their guards against magical attacks lol".

Walking to the room his 2 foes had previously occupied Caleb once more started his search for the undead. There was a table and two chairs inside the room on the table was a bag with a few small gems spilling out of it. Caleb placed it in the pouch on his belt were he kept his three potions, hoping that gems would still have value in a world with credits, maybe as an enchanting resource. Either way it was pretty pretty light and should not get in the way. After looking over the room once more and finding nothing he went down the hallway connecting to the guardroom. The hallway was lit from torches every five or so feet burning with a sickly green flame. After around 50 feet the hallway turned to the right, Caleb chose to peak around the corner in case there was enemies waiting. He saw six skeleton warriors standing in what appeared to be a mess hall but most of the tables and chairs had turned to dust. Moving back to cover he sheathed his sword and began forming the runes for two StarCleansing Firebolts, one for each hand.


Stepping around the corner he yelled "Say hello my little friend" while blasting the closest skeleton warrior with both firebolts killing it quickly. Quickly drawing his sword he couldn't help but chuckle that he finally had the chance to use one of his favorite movie lines. He tried to kick one of the chairs into the path of a couple of the skeletons but it disintegrated into dust as soon as his foot connected. seeing that he sent a quick Thunderbolt to slow them before drawing his orichalcum dagger so he could use it for defense. By this point two of the skeletons had reached Caleb, he dodged the first sword blow while parrying the second followed by kicking the first skeleton away. Swinging his sword he aimed for the crack between the C2 and C3 vertebra. This knocked the second skeleton backwards but Caleb quickly followed knocking the enemy sword away before chopping his blade down on the skull of his foe killing it.

This meant that two of the skeletons were now down while the other four all began to charge him together. Caleb smiled before charging as well. With four of the skeletons attacking at once Caleb was unable to land as precise strikes as before. Instead he would dodge or parry blows while occasionally landing a cut here or there on the enemies bones. By the time the fight finally ended Caleb was exhausted, even earning himself a fatigue debuff lowering his stamina regen. After a moment of hesitation he decided to go back to his cell and sleep for a few hours before returning to his dungeon dive.

Caleb stood before two grand doors made of some light green metal. It had been a long and tiring fight to get here. He had managed to get an improved chest armour and a lot more small gems. His favorite gain though was the quarterstaff resting on his shoulder. Caleb once more looked over his new gear while also checking his dungeon completion rate.

Altverian Steel Quarterstaff

Quality: Rare

Durability: 10,000/10,000

Enchantments: Weight increase, Self-repair, Siphon-energy

Kipor's Leather Armour

Quality: Uncommon

Durability: 6,500/6,500

Enchantments: +5 VIT +1 TOUGH, Self-repair




Slay all 50 Skeleton warrioriors: 50/50

Slay all 4 Skeleton Captains: 4/4

Kill the undead lich Draidnoir: 0/1

Find Draidnoir's phylactery: 0/1

Caleb took a deep breath to steady his nerves. His instincts were screaming at him that something had to be wrong. First was the huge level jumps which according to the city magistrate only changed by a max of 3 levels, and usually only by 1 or 2, inside an undead dungeon ruled by a lich. Yet in this dungeon he had seen skeletons from level 7 to level 15. The second issue was that according to reason a much would keep at least the captain's with it as lich's had very small health pools and week defense, meaning they needed their summons to act as meat(bone?) shields. Yet this lich had stupidly sent all four of its captains out into the castle.

Caleb refused to believe that a magic user who had studied enough about death magic to turn itself into a lich and likely been alive for centuries at a minimum was stupid. Yet he was unable to figure out why else would the lich leave itself unguarded. This unknown reason made Caleb worry about a trap that he couldn't see.

After taking another deep breath Caleb got ready to open the door. "The best way to find out what the trap is is to spring it" Caleb thought with a chuckle at the gallows humor. Forming a StarCleansing Firebolt he pushed in an extra 10 MP to overcharge it which made it more unstable but it would cause more damage as long as he threw it fast enough. Shoving the door open with his shoulder, he charged into the unknown....

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