《Descent of the Arcane》Chapter 11: Mystic SoulWeaver


As soon as Caleb came through the large doors he saw a hunched figure sitting on a throne made of the same green metal as the doors. He quickly threw the firebolt he had made, only to watch it splash over an invisible barrier. Charging forward he smashed his Quarterstaff into the barrier while making his staff hit with a weight of 1.5 tons which was the current max he could force it to.

A crack formed on the barrier that looked a little like cracked glass. This gave Caleb more hope so he once more swung his staff down with all his might. Yet his body locked up unable to move. Moving his eyes he saw runes covering his body yet they seemed somehow "more" than any of the runes he had mastered before, showing they were of a higher Tier.

At this point the hunched over figure on the throne lifted his head, two green flames burning where it's eyes should be and a third eye opened in its forehead this eye burned with a pale pink fire. "Ah so you are the one challenging my rule. You are obviously talented but extremly foolish. Only a true fool would challenge a mystic in their own abode."

Caleb didn't understand what it was saying other than that he was totally fucked. He took this chance to try and identify him.

Undead Lich Draidnoir


Class: Mystic SoulWeaver

HP: 645

MP: 1,042,865

The health was even lower than Caleb had been led to believe, though the mana pool was about what he had expected. The thing that shocked him was the class. Undead summoner was the class that over 90% of liches had according to the information he had read. SoulWeaver was something else entirely and that only further informed Caleb how badly he had fucked up.

"Haha, I guess you now know my class" the lich said with a chuckle obviously feeling when Caleb cast Identify on him. "But don't worry being caught by me is so much better than being caught by a summoner. See I will be letting you keep your soul while an undead summoner would, fashion a new lesser soul to inhabit your body. Also thanks to me your stats will experience an explosive growth before I enslave you body and soul. "

The entire time the lich was talking it was carving formations on the ground and placing a black and silver powder into the lines of the carving. There was weird shapes and animal images inside the formations. Every inch also carried Tier 2 runes drawn with the lich's own black blood.

After hours of work it had finished drawing the last few runes before standing up and walking over to Caleb. Before he was able to even think the lich stabbed his hand into Caleb's chest before ripping his heart out. Caleb believed that he was going to die as the agony and horror of the ordeal washed over him. Yet before he lost more than 60 HP the lich placed his heart in a jar with many runes on it. This made Caleb feel like his heart was in someway still connected to him. The lich then performed a few hand seals casting a mystic formation on Caleb that started healing him. " I need to use your heart as a fulcrum for the ritual, unfortunately if its not returned to your chest cavity before long you will still die. If you were a D-rank you would just regrow a new heart. Then again I wouldn't be able to beat you then haha."


Caleb was then brought to the center of the formation by the lich. Pulling out a 1 foot long black shard of metal with red runes the Lich continued to explain, "This is called a soul screw. I will place one at each of you major joints and through you throat." Without further ado that is exactly what he did. Coating the soul screw in a green colored mana the lich made the screw spin very fast before drilling it slowly into Caleb's right wrist, followed by bringing out another and proceeding to the elbow then the shoulder.

Caleb tried to scream to escape to do anything but the runes on his body prevented him from moving. By this point the lich had finished placing the screws into both his legs and arms. Pulling out one more that was somewhat different as it was made of a dark purple metal and had light pink runes. This was then drilled through Caleb's adam's apple. Caleb felt an energy wash through him that allowed him to focus more, yet it didn't lower the pain.

The lich took out a syringe filled with a reddish blue solution. "This is a strengthening serum. Now normally these can't be used on G-ranks as they will explode from the amount of energy in even the weakest. That is why I had to go through so much effort creating this formation. You really should thank me by the way. The materials for this formation has cost me over 20 billion credits. Oh well, you will be a powerful slave. " After saying so the lich injected the solution into Caleb's heart before placing the heart back into Caleb's chest cavity.

Stepping back out of the formation Draidnoir grinned before he began to chant in a language never meant to be spoken by mortal man. The serum inside of Caleb's heart spread to every corner of his being even his soul. It began to rip every fiber of his being apart before repairing it. It would go through this cycle 10 times per second causing more agony to Caleb then he had ever thought possible. But by the point all the worry and fear had turned to unbridled rage and anger. Caleb vowed that he would have his vengeance no matter what it took.

This vow, given his circumstances and the ritual being performed drew the attention of a specific being in a battle of his own against a lesser Horror. This being slaughtered his opponent before peering through the void at the mortal who resonated with him. He was about to kill both the human and the lich as an act of mercy for the honorable and brave human. There would be a price to pay for interfering in the Tutorial but as a god Tyr had the right and he always did as he wished even before becoming a god. But at the last moment he felt a power within this child that caused him to hesitate. Finally he mumbled "I will wait, if you are actually enslaved I will kill you to set you free. But if you manage to somehow survive I will reward you as your Will resonated with MY Own."


After 10 hours Caleb finally felt the serum leave his body. He cracked his eyes open. Glaring at his tormentor, straining every fiber of his being, wanting nothing more than to draw his sword and cut this fiend down to rip the lich apart on an atomic level using arcane magic. Yet he layed immobile on the cold stone floor .

"Whoa that ritual took a lot more out of me than I thought it would. Well at least it's time for the main part, time to weave your soul into a slave" the lich chickened with glee. It had researched this ritual for nearly 50,000 years. And had even chosen to demolish his power so he could enter a Tutorial to take advantage of a talented person who had yet to gain a powerful backing. By doing this he could craft the perfect Soul Kiln. A Soul Kiln that had such potential could all Draidnoir to advance to A-rank at last and maybe even S-rank.

The lich sent out threads of mana imbued with his soul power deep into Caleb's soul. Caleb tried to fight back but his soul was unused to combat and so was easily defeated. The tendrils reached to his very core wrapping up his entire soul before they began to pull his soul from his body sending a blinding pain worse than all the others Caleb had suffered causing him to lose consciousness.

At this point a rune made of constantly moving purple flames appeared on Caleb's forehead and his eyes happened showing gold eyes shaped like a cats. The tendrils that reached into his soul were abolished, same with the runes that had bound him. Standing he drew his sword and dump all his free stats into VIT. before instant casting Sacrificial Blood Slash. Four StarCleansing Firebolts formed simultaneously and rushed at the lich who was hunched over in pain do to the agony of the backlash of having his Soul Threads destroyed. Calrbs body sacrificed all but 1 point of health to the spell Sacrificial Blood Slash before charging and slicing down on the lich's bare neck. Immediately after landing the attack Caleb's body collapsed and his eyes reverted to normal while the rune on his forehead sunk inside disappearing.

Caleb only woke up a day later feeling sore and tired. He could barely move. It took him a while to remember where he was and what had been going on when he lost consciousness. As soon as he recalled what had happened he frantically searched for the lich soon seeing that what he had initially thought was a weird pillow was actually said lich's body minus the head. Standing and kicking the corpse Caleb was finally able to relax. After a moment he decided to check his messages to see if any of them could shed some light on what exactly had happened after he lost consciousness.

**DING** ELDRITCH RITUAL OF EMPOWERMENT PERFORMED: permanent increases of: +10 VIT, +20 TOUGH, +15 STR, +15 AGI, +30 END, +10 INR, +10 WIS, +50 WIL, +10 PER.

**DING** BLOODLINE AWAKENED, Abyssal Sovereign: Above the multiverse are myriad planes. The most feared planes are the Planes of the Abyss. For even the Devil Kings and Demon Emperors of Hell fear to tread into the Abyssal Planes as the abyss always hungers for new prey. As a Sovereign you shall never bow your head to another's might as your WILL reigns supreme. All creatures of the abyss excel at martial combat yet as a Sovereign you are even more skilled in the arcane and ritualist arts. +10% to will +5% to all other stats. +5% power to runes and rituals.

**DING** LOCKED ELEMENT AWAKENED, Abyssal Flames: purple flames of the abyss one of the best flames for refining when under control yet one of the most destructive flames when set free.

**DING** Level 13 undead lich SoulWeaver killed: exp lost. 857,938 credits and TB earned.

Taking a deep breath Caleb thought over what this all meant. First he was ecstatic about being the one to kill the undead fucked, though he wished he could remember doing the deed. The second thing he wondered about was his bloodline. He had known that his bloodline had to be opposed to the Holy element as that's why as a human he had an elemental weakness. He didn't figure he'd have something like this though. How was he going to explain this to his mom. "Hey, umm mom I kinda sorta awakened a bloodline that makes a sovereign of the Abyss. I promise not to start any mass sacrifices though so don't worry." Not to mention the bloodline said that Caleb was gifted at rituals and so far he had an extremely negative opinion of rituals in general do to his recent experience. The only really good news he saw was that he finally unlocked that stupid question mark. Also from the description abyssal flames just sounded badass. At this moment another notification popped up.

Tyr God of War, Valour, Honor, & Oaths:

Invites you to His Realm



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