《Descent of the Arcane》Chapter 9: Undead


After going over his status page one last time caleb headed down the hill to the door in the cliff face. On his way he checked all the skeletons for any loot the might have. Unfortunately their only loot was their weapons which were to big for Caleb to go through the hassle to tote around. So without further ado he tried to open the iron door. As soon as his hand touched the door he received a prompt from the system.


Dungeons are found throughout the multiverse, they offer both danger and rewards to those brave enough to enter. Dungeons allow challengers to increase their Records and strengthen their foundations. May your Path never end!

Requirements to enter: Under Level 20

Requirements to enter: Party size under 5

Requirements to enter met




Caleb smiled with anticipation. It was time to test a few more spells in live combat. Mentally he clicked the yes symbol before disappearing in a blue light with silver streaks. Less than a second later his eyes open to him sitting on a cot in a what looked like a medieval prison cell. This was very disconcerting as there was no movement between standing outside to sitting know and his mind had trouble coming to terms. After collecting his mind he stood up to peak outside his cell. Seeing no one there he decided to pick the lock to get out quickly before someone came, He new how to pick locks thanks to Maddy, as she had insisted on him needing to know certain "basic life skills" like picking locks, and hot wiring a car. He still remembered telling her that he would never need to now crap like that, she would be rolling on the ground right now if she could seem him as he pulled the lockpick set out of his pocket. He just hoped once all the Tutorial stuff was over he would be able to tell her. Quickly squashing down the worry he got back to work, managing to pick the lock in 6 seconds. He was slightly upset with how long it took knowing he had gotten rusty. As soon as the door opened he got another system notification.

Undead Dungeon Entered!

OBJECTIVE: Survive and find the Dungeon Exit Portal


1.) Slay all skeleton warriors 0/50

2.) Slay all four Skeleton Captains 0/4

3.) Slay Undead Lich Draidnoir 0/1

4.) Find Draidnoir's phylactery 0/1

Slipping out of the cell as quietly as he could caleb drew his sword. No need to wait till an undead was trying to kiss him before he tried drawing it right? Caleb saw 3 more cells just like his except empty save for there own rotten cot. At the far end of the room was a wooden door with iron banding on it. Seeing as it was the only door he could see he assumed it was the only way to leave. Going forward he listened at the door to see if he could hear anything after a moment he could hear the sound of groaning and it came from two seperate directions. While there may have been more he could only hope for the best while preparing for the worst. So first he prepped Lightning Vines, once the spell was formed he kicked open the door before throwing the spell into the room without even looking. Once he looked into the room though he noticed 2 pieces of good news a 2 pieces of really, really bad news. The two pieces of good news was that he was right about there only being 2 enemies, the second being that the Lightning Vines spell worked like a charm fully immobilizing the skeletons, The bad news was....


Level 15 Skeleton Swordsman

HP: 5,685

MP: 4,125

Level 15 Skeleton Rogue

HP: 3,045

MP: 5,010

Caleb immediately began casting Inferior Blood Amplification, backing out of the door way so that only one of the captains could fight him at a time. In his mind he cursed the information the city had on undead dungeons and liches. Caleb sheathed his sword closed the door and jammed his dagger into the crack to buy himself the time he needed to cast his spell. he could already hear the swordsman hacking at the door when the spell finally took effect. He only set it to 10% but that should be good enough and he could increase it whenever he needed. Drawing his sword he cursed himself for not creating a barrier spell or shield spell, hell even an ice spell to slow them down would be great. But he is here now so he would have to do like his brother said football was "the best defense is a good offense". He quickly began forming the runes for StarCleansing Firebolt, managing to finish it right before the skeleton warrior broke through the door immediately blasting it in the face with the firebolt.

Knowing He didn't have enough time he settle for sending 2 Thunderbolts into the fuckers chest before saving the rest of his mana. He needed mana to keep Inferior Blood Amplification, active plus Caleb was hoping to leave enough in the tank to use another firebolt on the rouge. Besides while the skeleton was obviously stronger and faster than him Caleb had trained in martial arts with his grandpa since he was 5 years old. That training plus Caleb's own natural instincts should guarantee him a win. With the added boost from Inferior Blood Amplification, it was all the more easy. He just needed to remember that the undead didn't have or need stamina as they never tired.

The skeleton swordsman once more came through the door, swinging its sword in a downward slash from its right side. Caleb sidestepped the swing hitting the back of the skeleton's sword which threw it further of balance. Caleb capitalized on this ramming his knee up into the skeletons ribcage and bashing the pommel of his sword into the top of the skeleton's skull, which knocked the swordsman to his knees. While he wanted to once again capitalize on this, Caleb's instincts screamed at him causing him to drop down as well.


A knife flew were Caleb's head was only a split second before. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT! How do you forget an entire second enemy? Grandpa would beat your stupid ass!" Caleb cursed in his mind. Thinking of his grandpa's lessons made him more determined and focused. By this point the swordsman was already standing up, clearly ready for round two. It was more cautious this time so while it still over reached a small amount it didn't put all of its power into the the strike. Unfortunately for it that opening was still more than enough. Caleb once more sidestepped the swing, crossing the swordsman's blade followed by a strong circular movement with his wrist, while never separating his blade from his opponent he slapped the tip of his own sword against the crossguard of the skeletons sword thereby disarming him.


Caleb then proceed to bash his pommel into the forehead of the skeleton while his other hand snaked forward hand wrapping around one of the skeleton's ribs in order to hold it still so it would receive the full force of the impacts. this also gave Caleb the added benefit of using the swordsman's body as a shield against the rogue. after the tenth hit the skeleton head caved in and the body fell apart. Caleb quickly dived behind the wall as he saw the rogue throw something


Another knife sailed past the spot Caleb had just vacated. Soon after the rogue came through the door with two long daggers held in it hand. Each dagger glowed the a greyish light that Caleb felt instinctively was death man from the undead rather than something from the daggers themselves. Not that it mattered all that but which one it came from as Caleb knew that the lightest cut could cause him to be poisoned. Seeing the two daggers Caleb transferred his sword to his left hand while kicking the swordsman's sword up and catching it in his right hand. The swordsman's sword was a little long for dual wielding but caleb didn't have much choice. Activating Quick-step Caleb kicked a femur at the rogues head and charged. The skeleton instinctively brought both its daggers up to block the projectile even though there would have been minimal damage even if it had connected with the creep's skull. Caleb took this huge opening to swing both sword in a sidewaise slash into the rogues spine directly above the rogues hips. The reason Caleb did this was that during his fight with the swordsman Caleb had discovered a somewhat unexpected weakness of the skeleton:weight. While these skeletons weighed significantly more than the would on earth they only weighed 90-100 lbs. With his stats it was far to easy to bash these lightweights around.

The rogue smashed into the wall but used the rebounding force to quicken its charge towards Caleb. Caleb responded by blocking both daggers which made his back feel like he just pulled something. Ignoring the pain for a moment Caleb sent his left foot crashing into the skeleton causing it to fall to the ground. Caleb followed it to the ground, but do to his training and because he was aware it was going to happen his fall was controlled. This control allowed him to fall on top off the rogue. Now that he was on top he had complete leverage on the rogue. Therefore he continued with the tried-and-true method of smashing in its skull with the pommel of his sword. 9 quick blows later the skull shattered and the skeleton fell apart under him. Finally it was time to check his messages.

**DING** HUMAN(G) has reached level 10. +1 to all stats +10 free points




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